# Installation - [Installation](#installation) - [Arch Linux](#arch-linux) - [Exherbo Linux](#exherbo-linux) - [Nix/NixOS](#nixnixos) - [Void Linux](#void-linux) - [Fedora](#fedora) - [macOS/Linux (using Homebrew)](#macoslinux-using-homebrew) - [macOS (using MacPorts)](#macos-using-macports) - [FreeBSD](#freebsd) - [Cargo](#cargo) ## Arch Linux ``` pacman -S bandwhich ``` ## Exherbo Linux `bandwhich` is available in [rust repository](https://gitlab.exherbo.org/exherbo/rust/-/tree/master/packages/sys-apps/bandwhich), and can be installed via `cave`: ``` cave resolve -x repository/rust cave resolve -x bandwhich ``` ## Nix/NixOS `bandwhich` is available in [`nixpkgs`](https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/tools/networking/bandwhich/default.nix), and can be installed, for example, with `nix-env`: ``` nix-env -iA nixpkgs.bandwhich ``` ## Void Linux ``` xbps-install -S bandwhich ``` ## Fedora `bandwhich` is available in [COPR](https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/atim/bandwhich/), and can be installed via DNF: ``` sudo dnf copr enable atim/bandwhich -y && sudo dnf install bandwhich ``` ## macOS/Linux (using Homebrew) ``` brew install bandwhich ``` ## macOS (using MacPorts) ``` sudo port selfupdate sudo port install bandwhich ``` ## FreeBSD ``` pkg install bandwhich ``` or ``` cd /usr/ports/net-mgmt/bandwhich && make install clean ``` ## Cargo Regardless of OS, you can always fallback to the Rust package manager, `cargo`. For installation instructions of the Rust toolchain, see [here](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install). ``` cargo install bandwhich ```