AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-10-17fix(linux): better error when not enough permissionsAram Drevekenin
2019-10-17chore(packages): proper versionsAram Drevekenin
2019-10-17refactor(style): remove unused traitsAram Drevekenin
2019-10-17refactor(styling): betterifyAram Drevekenin
2019-10-16feat(ui): change table orderAram Drevekenin
2019-10-16fix(sigwinch): block when waiting for signalAram Drevekenin
2019-10-14style(code): clippyAram Drevekenin
2019-10-14style(formatting): rustfmtAram Drevekenin
2019-10-14feat(main): error handlingAram Drevekenin
2019-10-14fix(dns): handle premature returning of cvarAram Drevekenin
2019-10-14fix(winch): subscribe to SIGWINCH rather than checking an atomic boolean cons...Aram Drevekenin
2019-10-14fix(linux): proper timeout so we don't kill the cpuAram Drevekenin
2019-10-14fix(ui): atomic drawingAram Drevekenin
2019-10-13feat(ui): components, new details and responsive layoutAram Drevekenin
2019-10-09test(ui): new details and responsive layoutAram Drevekenin
2019-10-06fix(styling): clippyAram Drevekenin
2019-10-06style(rustfmt): fmtAram Drevekenin
2019-10-06test(ui): SIGWINCHAram Drevekenin
2019-10-06feat(ui): react to SIGWINCHAram Drevekenin
2019-10-05refactor(linux): use ok methodAram Drevekenin
2019-10-05refactor(dns): handle ip to host conversion in the display layerAram Drevekenin
2019-10-02refactor(dns): do not rely on external behaviourAram Drevekenin
2019-09-30refactor(dns): pass reference directlyAram Drevekenin
2019-09-30refactor(structure): run tests as unit tests and remove lib functionalityAram Drevekenin
2019-09-29feat(dns): lazily lookup hostnames for ipsAram Drevekenin
2019-09-22fix(network): more accurate bandwidth calculationAram Drevekenin
2019-09-19style(code): remove empty lineAram Drevekenin
2019-09-19refactor(connection): remote stale netstat crate and reorder everythingAram Drevekenin
2019-09-18style(tests): rustfmtAram Drevekenin
2019-09-18fix(tests): human readable snapshotsAram Drevekenin
2019-09-17refactor(linux): read proc os directlyAram Drevekenin
2019-09-17refactor(traffic): use own socket struct so it sortsAram Drevekenin
2019-09-16refactor(ui): remove unneeded drainsAram Drevekenin
2019-09-16style(code): clippyAram Drevekenin
2019-09-16style(all): rustfmtAram Drevekenin
2019-09-16refactor(traffic): reduce code duplication and get rid of macroAram Drevekenin
2019-09-16refactor(ui): less allocationsAram Drevekenin
2019-09-16refactor(ui): use or_defaultAram Drevekenin
2019-09-16refactor(ui): use BTreeMaps instead of HashMaps for sortingAram Drevekenin
2019-09-15refactor(linux): simplify KeyboardEvents iteratorAram Drevekenin
2019-09-15refactor(os): simplify function and compile_errorAram Drevekenin
2019-09-15chore(cli): introduce structopt for reading cli optsAram Drevekenin
2019-09-15refactor(ui): do not allocate twice for every bandwidth displayAram Drevekenin
2019-09-15refactor(os): simplify functionsAram Drevekenin
2019-09-15refactor(traffic): simplify function and replace one macroAram Drevekenin
2019-09-15refactor(store): macros to functionsAram Drevekenin
2019-09-15refactor(linux): style and less cloningAram Drevekenin
2019-09-15refactor(linux): remove extraneous {}Aram Drevekenin
2019-09-15refactor(match): remove None => () in favor of if letAram Drevekenin
2019-09-15refactor(connection): sort with OrdAram Drevekenin