path: root/src/display
diff options
authorAram Drevekenin <>2019-10-13 19:01:23 +0200
committerAram Drevekenin <>2019-10-13 19:01:23 +0200
commitf23d5b9bb709024dff4634220a2271a23ea38970 (patch)
tree7349d60533ea15f3f97a44a69d829053894fcfc7 /src/display
parent3e1b6d18bcc0a678c1da1be4a8bf53c19fbb98bd (diff)
feat(ui): components, new details and responsive layout
Diffstat (limited to 'src/display')
8 files changed, 328 insertions, 155 deletions
diff --git a/src/display/components/ b/src/display/components/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31653e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/display/components/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+use ::std::fmt;
+pub struct DisplayBandwidth(pub f64);
+impl fmt::Display for DisplayBandwidth {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ if self.0 > 999_999_999.0 {
+ write!(f, "{:.2}GBps", self.0 / 1_000_000_000.0)
+ } else if self.0 > 999_999.0 {
+ write!(f, "{:.2}MBps", self.0 / 1_000_000.0)
+ } else if self.0 > 999.0 {
+ write!(f, "{:.2}KBps", self.0 / 1000.0)
+ } else {
+ write!(f, "{}Bps", self.0)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/display/components/ b/src/display/components/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27f565a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/display/components/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+use ::tui::backend::Backend;
+use ::tui::layout::{Constraint, Direction, Rect};
+use ::tui::terminal::Frame;
+use super::Table;
+use super::TotalBandwidth;
+const FIRST_WIDTH_BREAKPOINT: u16 = 120;
+const SECOND_WIDTH_BREAKPOINT: u16 = 150;
+fn leave_gap_on_top_of_rect(rect: Rect) -> Rect {
+ let app = ::tui::layout::Layout::default()
+ .direction(Direction::Vertical)
+ .margin(0)
+ .constraints([Constraint::Length(1), Constraint::Length(rect.height - 1)].as_ref())
+ .split(rect);
+ return app[1];
+pub struct Layout<'a> {
+ pub header: TotalBandwidth<'a>,
+ pub children: Vec<Table<'a>>,
+impl<'a> Layout<'a> {
+ fn split_rect(&self, rect: Rect, splits: Vec<Direction>) -> Vec<Rect> {
+ let mut ret = vec![rect]; // TODO: use fold
+ for direction in splits {
+ let last_split = ret.pop().unwrap();
+ let mut halves = ::tui::layout::Layout::default()
+ .direction(direction)
+ .margin(0)
+ .constraints([Constraint::Percentage(50), Constraint::Percentage(50)].as_ref())
+ .split(last_split);
+ ret.append(&mut halves);
+ }
+ ret
+ }
+ fn get_render_order(&self, rect: &Rect) -> Vec<Rect> {
+ if rect.height < FIRST_HEIGHT_BREAKPOINT && rect.width < FIRST_WIDTH_BREAKPOINT {
+ self.split_rect(*rect, vec![])
+ } else if rect.height < FIRST_HEIGHT_BREAKPOINT {
+ self.split_rect(*rect, vec![Direction::Horizontal])
+ } else if rect.width < FIRST_WIDTH_BREAKPOINT {
+ self.split_rect(*rect, vec![Direction::Vertical])
+ } else if rect.width < SECOND_WIDTH_BREAKPOINT {
+ self.split_rect(*rect, vec![Direction::Vertical, Direction::Horizontal])
+ } else {
+ self.split_rect(*rect, vec![Direction::Horizontal, Direction::Vertical])
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn render(&self, mut frame: &mut Frame<impl Backend>, rect: Rect) {
+ let app = leave_gap_on_top_of_rect(rect);
+ let render_order = self.get_render_order(&app);
+ for i in 0..render_order.len() {
+ if let Some(rect) = render_order.get(i) {
+ if let Some(child) = self.children.get(i) {
+ child.render(&mut frame, *rect);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ self.header.render(&mut frame, rect);
+ }
diff --git a/src/display/components/ b/src/display/components/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1be5a33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/display/components/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+mod table;
+mod layout;
+mod total_bandwidth;
+mod display_bandwidth;
+pub use table::*;
+pub use layout::*;
+pub use total_bandwidth::*;
+pub use display_bandwidth::*;
diff --git a/src/display/components/ b/src/display/components/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cfc2d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/display/components/
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+use ::std::collections::HashMap;
+use ::tui::backend::Backend;
+use ::tui::layout::Rect;
+use ::tui::style::{Color, Style};
+use ::tui::terminal::Frame;
+use ::tui::widgets::{Block, Borders, Row, Widget};
+use crate::display::{DisplayBandwidth, Bandwidth, UIState};
+use crate::network::Connection;
+use ::std::net::Ipv4Addr;
+use std::iter::FromIterator;
+const FIRST_WIDTH_BREAKPOINT: u16 = 50;
+const THIRD_WIDTH_BREAKPOINT: u16 = 95;
+const FIRST_COLUMN_WIDTHS: [u16; 4] = [20, 30, 40, 50];
+const SECOND_COLUMN_WIDTHS: [u16; 1] = [20];
+const THIRD_COLUMN_WIDTHS: [u16; 4] = [10, 20, 20, 20];
+fn display_upload_and_download(bandwidth: &impl Bandwidth) -> String {
+ format!(
+ "{}/{}",
+ DisplayBandwidth(bandwidth.get_total_bytes_uploaded() as f64),
+ DisplayBandwidth(bandwidth.get_total_bytes_downloaded() as f64)
+ )
+fn display_ip_or_host(ip: Ipv4Addr, ip_to_host: &HashMap<Ipv4Addr, String>) -> String {
+ match ip_to_host.get(&ip) {
+ Some(host) => host.clone(),
+ None => ip.to_string(),
+ }
+fn sort_by_bandwidth<'a, T>(
+ list: &'a mut Vec<(T, &impl Bandwidth)>,
+) -> &'a Vec<(T, &'a impl Bandwidth)> {
+ list.sort_by(|(_, a), (_, b)| {
+ let a_highest = if a.get_total_bytes_downloaded() > a.get_total_bytes_uploaded() {
+ a.get_total_bytes_downloaded()
+ } else {
+ a.get_total_bytes_uploaded()
+ };
+ let b_highest = if b.get_total_bytes_downloaded() > b.get_total_bytes_uploaded() {
+ b.get_total_bytes_downloaded()
+ } else {
+ b.get_total_bytes_uploaded()
+ };
+ b_highest.cmp(&a_highest)
+ });
+ list
+fn display_connection_string(
+ connection: &Connection,
+ ip_to_host: &HashMap<Ipv4Addr, String>,
+) -> String {
+ format!(
+ ":{} => {}:{} ({})",
+ connection.local_port,
+ display_ip_or_host(connection.remote_socket.ip, ip_to_host),
+ connection.remote_socket.port,
+ connection.protocol,
+ )
+pub struct Table<'a> {
+ title: &'a str,
+ column_names: &'a [&'a str],
+ rows: Vec<Vec<String>>,
+impl <'a>Table<'a> {
+ pub fn create_connections_table(state: &UIState, ip_to_host: &HashMap<Ipv4Addr, String>) -> Self {
+ let mut connections_list = Vec::from_iter(&state.connections);
+ sort_by_bandwidth(&mut connections_list);
+ let connections_rows = connections_list
+ .iter()
+ .map(|(connection, connection_data)| {
+ vec![
+ display_connection_string(&connection, &ip_to_host),
+ connection_data.process_name.to_string(),
+ display_upload_and_download(*connection_data),
+ ]
+ })
+ .collect();
+ let connections_title = "Utilization by connection";
+ let connections_column_names = &["Connection", "Process", "Rate Up/Down"];
+ Table {
+ title: connections_title,
+ column_names: connections_column_names,
+ rows: connections_rows,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn create_processes_table(state: &UIState) -> Self {
+ let mut processes_list = Vec::from_iter(&state.processes);
+ sort_by_bandwidth(&mut processes_list);
+ let processes_rows = processes_list
+ .iter()
+ .map(|(process_name, data_for_process)| {
+ vec![
+ process_name.to_string(),
+ data_for_process.connection_count.to_string(),
+ display_upload_and_download(*data_for_process),
+ ]
+ })
+ .collect();
+ let processes_title = "Utilization by process name";
+ let processes_column_names = &["Process", "Connection count", "Rate Up/Down"];
+ Table {
+ title: processes_title,
+ column_names: processes_column_names,
+ rows: processes_rows,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn create_remote_ips_table(state: &UIState, ip_to_host: &HashMap<Ipv4Addr, String>) -> Self {
+ let mut remote_ips_list = Vec::from_iter(&state.remote_ips);
+ sort_by_bandwidth(&mut remote_ips_list);
+ let remote_ips_rows = remote_ips_list
+ .iter()
+ .map(|(remote_ip, data_for_remote_ip)| {
+ let remote_ip = display_ip_or_host(**remote_ip, &ip_to_host);
+ vec![
+ remote_ip,
+ data_for_remote_ip.connection_count.to_string(),
+ display_upload_and_download(*data_for_remote_ip),
+ ]
+ })
+ .collect();
+ let remote_ips_title = "Utilization by remote ip";
+ let remote_ips_column_names =
+ &["Remote Address", "Connection Count", "Rate Up/Down"];
+ Table {
+ title: remote_ips_title,
+ column_names: remote_ips_column_names,
+ rows: remote_ips_rows,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn render(&self, frame: &mut Frame<impl Backend>, rect: Rect) {
+ // the second column is only rendered if there is enough room for it
+ // (over third breakpoint)
+ let widths = if rect.width < FIRST_WIDTH_BREAKPOINT {
+ } else if rect.width < SECOND_WIDTH_BREAKPOINT {
+ } else if rect.width < THIRD_WIDTH_BREAKPOINT {
+ } else {
+ };
+ let column_names = if rect.width < THIRD_WIDTH_BREAKPOINT {
+ vec![self.column_names[0], self.column_names[2]]
+ } else {
+ vec![
+ self.column_names[0],
+ self.column_names[1],
+ self.column_names[2],
+ ]
+ };
+ let rows = self.rows.iter().map(|row| {
+ if rect.width < THIRD_WIDTH_BREAKPOINT {
+ vec![&row[0], &row[2]]
+ } else {
+ vec![&row[0], &row[1], &row[2]]
+ }
+ });
+ let table_rows =
+|row| Row::StyledData(row.into_iter(), Style::default().fg(Color::White)));
+ ::tui::widgets::Table::new(column_names.into_iter(), table_rows)
+ .block(Block::default().title(self.title).borders(Borders::ALL))
+ .header_style(Style::default().fg(Color::Yellow))
+ .widths(&widths[..])
+ .style(Style::default().fg(Color::White))
+ .column_spacing(2)
+ .render(frame, rect);
+ }
diff --git a/src/display/components/ b/src/display/components/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..823b972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/display/components/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+use ::tui::backend::Backend;
+use ::tui::layout::{Alignment, Rect};
+use ::tui::style::{Color, Modifier, Style};
+use ::tui::terminal::Frame;
+use ::tui::widgets::{Block, Borders, Paragraph, Text, Widget};
+use crate::display::{DisplayBandwidth, UIState};
+pub struct TotalBandwidth<'a> {
+ pub state: &'a UIState,
+impl<'a>TotalBandwidth<'a> {
+ pub fn render(&self, frame: &mut Frame<impl Backend>, rect: Rect) {
+ let title_text = [Text::styled(
+ format!(
+ " Total Rate Up/Down: {}/{}",
+ DisplayBandwidth(self.state.total_bytes_uploaded as f64),
+ DisplayBandwidth(self.state.total_bytes_downloaded as f64)
+ ),
+ Style::default().fg(Color::Green).modifier(Modifier::BOLD),
+ )];
+ Paragraph::new(title_text.iter())
+ .block(Block::default().borders(Borders::NONE))
+ .alignment(Alignment::Left)
+ .render(frame, rect);
+ }
diff --git a/src/display/ b/src/display/
index c586665..73b3a9c 100644
--- a/src/display/
+++ b/src/display/
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
mod ui;
mod ui_state;
+mod components;
pub use ui::*;
pub use ui_state::*;
+pub use components::*;
diff --git a/src/display/ b/src/display/
index a3f9b58..e603601 100644
--- a/src/display/
+++ b/src/display/
@@ -1,159 +1,14 @@
use ::std::collections::HashMap;
-use ::std::fmt;
use ::tui::backend::Backend;
-use ::tui::layout::{Constraint, Direction, Layout, Rect};
-use ::tui::style::{Color, Style};
-use ::tui::terminal::Frame;
-use ::tui::widgets::{Block, Borders, Row, Table, Widget};
use ::tui::Terminal;
-use crate::display::{Bandwidth, UIState};
+use crate::display::UIState;
use crate::network::{Connection, Utilization};
+use crate::display::components::{Table, Layout, TotalBandwidth};
use ::std::net::Ipv4Addr;
-struct DisplayBandwidth(f64);
-impl fmt::Display for DisplayBandwidth {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
- if self.0 > 999_999_999.0 {
- write!(f, "{:.2}GBps", self.0 / 1_000_000_000.0)
- } else if self.0 > 999_999.0 {
- write!(f, "{:.2}MBps", self.0 / 1_000_000.0)
- } else if self.0 > 999.0 {
- write!(f, "{:.2}KBps", self.0 / 1000.0)
- } else {
- write!(f, "{}Bps", self.0)
- }
- }
-fn display_ip_or_host(ip: Ipv4Addr, ip_to_host: &HashMap<Ipv4Addr, String>) -> String {
- match ip_to_host.get(&ip) {
- Some(host) => host.clone(),
- None => ip.to_string(),
- }
-fn create_table<'a>(
- title: &'a str,
- column_names: &'a [&'a str],
- rows: impl Iterator<Item = Vec<String>> + 'a,
- widths: &'a [u16],
-) -> impl Widget + 'a {
- let table_rows =
-|row| Row::StyledData(row.into_iter(), Style::default().fg(Color::White)));
- Table::new(column_names.iter(), table_rows)
- .block(Block::default().title(title).borders(Borders::ALL))
- .header_style(Style::default().fg(Color::Yellow))
- .widths(widths)
- .style(Style::default().fg(Color::White))
- .column_spacing(1)
-fn format_row_data(
- first_cell: String,
- second_cell: String,
- bandwidth: &impl Bandwidth,
-) -> Vec<String> {
- vec![
- first_cell,
- second_cell,
- format!(
- "{}/{}",
- DisplayBandwidth(bandwidth.get_total_bytes_uploaded() as f64),
- DisplayBandwidth(bandwidth.get_total_bytes_downloaded() as f64)
- ),
- ]
-fn split(direction: Direction, rect: Rect) -> Vec<Rect> {
- Layout::default()
- .direction(direction)
- .margin(0)
- .constraints([Constraint::Percentage(50), Constraint::Percentage(50)].as_ref())
- .split(rect)
-fn render_process_table(state: &UIState, frame: &mut Frame<impl Backend>, rect: Rect) {
- let rows = state
- .processes
- .iter()
- .map(|(process_name, data_for_process)| {
- format_row_data(
- process_name.to_string(),
- data_for_process.connection_count.to_string(),
- data_for_process,
- )
- });
- let mut table = create_table(
- "Utilization by process name",
- &["Process", "Connection Count", "Total Bytes"],
- rows,
- &[30, 30, 30],
- );
- table.render(frame, rect);
-fn render_connections_table(
- state: &UIState,
- frame: &mut Frame<impl Backend>,
- rect: Rect,
- ip_to_host: &HashMap<Ipv4Addr, String>,
-) {
- let rows = state
- .connections
- .iter()
- .map(|(connection, connection_data)| {
- let connection_string = format!(
- "{}:{} => {}:{} ({})",
- display_ip_or_host(connection.local_socket.ip, ip_to_host),
- connection.local_socket.port,
- display_ip_or_host(connection.remote_socket.ip, ip_to_host),
- connection.remote_socket.port,
- connection.protocol,
- );
- format_row_data(
- connection_string,
- connection_data.process_name.to_string(),
- connection_data,
- )
- });
- let mut table = create_table(
- "Utilization by connection",
- &["Connection", "Processes", "Total Bytes Up/Down"],
- rows,
- &[50, 20, 20],
- );
- table.render(frame, rect);
-fn render_remote_ip_table(
- state: &UIState,
- frame: &mut Frame<impl Backend>,
- rect: Rect,
- ip_to_host: &HashMap<Ipv4Addr, String>,
-) {
- let rows = state
- .remote_ips
- .iter()
- .map(|(remote_ip, data_for_remote_ip)| {
- let remote_ip = display_ip_or_host(*remote_ip, &ip_to_host);
- format_row_data(
- remote_ip,
- data_for_remote_ip.connection_count.to_string(),
- data_for_remote_ip,
- )
- });
- let mut table = create_table(
- "Utilization by remote ip",
- &["Remote Address", "Connection Count", "Total Bytes"],
- rows,
- &[50, 20, 20],
- );
- table.render(frame, rect);
pub struct Ui<B>
B: Backend,
@@ -181,13 +36,17 @@ where
let state = &self.state;
let ip_to_host = &self.ip_to_host;
- .draw(|mut f| {
- let screen_horizontal_halves = split(Direction::Horizontal, f.size());
- let right_side_vertical_halves =
- split(Direction::Vertical, screen_horizontal_halves[1]);
- render_connections_table(state, &mut f, screen_horizontal_halves[0], ip_to_host);
- render_process_table(state, &mut f, right_side_vertical_halves[0]);
- render_remote_ip_table(state, &mut f, right_side_vertical_halves[1], ip_to_host);
+ .draw(|mut frame| {
+ let size = frame.size();
+ let connections = Table::create_connections_table(&state, &ip_to_host);
+ let processes = Table::create_processes_table(&state);
+ let remote_ips = Table::create_remote_ips_table(&state, &ip_to_host);
+ let total_bandwidth = TotalBandwidth { state: &state };
+ let layout = Layout {
+ header: total_bandwidth,
+ children: vec![connections, processes, remote_ips],
+ };
+ layout.render(&mut frame, size);
diff --git a/src/display/ b/src/display/
index 440260d..ac60933 100644
--- a/src/display/
+++ b/src/display/
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ pub struct UIState {
pub processes: BTreeMap<String, NetworkData>,
pub remote_ips: BTreeMap<Ipv4Addr, NetworkData>,
pub connections: BTreeMap<Connection, ConnectionData>,
+ pub total_bytes_downloaded: u128,
+ pub total_bytes_uploaded: u128,
impl UIState {
@@ -55,6 +57,8 @@ impl UIState {
let mut processes: BTreeMap<String, NetworkData> = BTreeMap::new();
let mut remote_ips: BTreeMap<Ipv4Addr, NetworkData> = BTreeMap::new();
let mut connections: BTreeMap<Connection, ConnectionData> = BTreeMap::new();
+ let mut total_bytes_downloaded: u128 = 0;
+ let mut total_bytes_uploaded: u128 = 0;
for (connection, process_name) in connections_to_procs {
if let Some(connection_bandwidth_utilization) =
@@ -78,12 +82,16 @@ impl UIState {
data_for_remote_ip.total_bytes_uploaded +=
data_for_remote_ip.connection_count += 1;
+ total_bytes_downloaded += connection_bandwidth_utilization.total_bytes_downloaded;
+ total_bytes_uploaded += connection_bandwidth_utilization.total_bytes_uploaded;
UIState {
+ total_bytes_downloaded,
+ total_bytes_uploaded,