diff options
authorAram Drevekenin <>2019-10-17 22:00:51 +0200
committerGitHub <>2019-10-17 22:00:51 +0200
commiteb470af8ea441c5381ea8ff4d971005008008b02 (patch)
parentad1fab3c3631d6876a3a4b2977b0e65cea2bd6bd (diff)
docs(readme): add demo and more details
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index c5e0168..ae20d5b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,11 +1,23 @@
-### what
-Display current network utilization by process and connection.
+## what taking up my bandwidth?!
-This is my first attempt at Rust and is still very much a WIP. :)
+(display current network utilization by process, connection and remote IP/hostname)
+This is my first attempt at Rust. :)
### How does it work?
-`what` sniffs a given network interface (provided as the second cli argument, eg. `what eth0`) and records packet size, cross referencing it with the `/proc` filesystem.
+`what` sniffs a given network interface and records IP packet size, cross referencing it with the `/proc` filesystem.
+`what` is responsive to the terminal window size, displaying less info if there is no room for it.
+`what` will attempt to resolve ips to their host name in the background using reverse DNS on a best effort basis.
+### Installation
+At the moment, `what` is available through Cargo as a binary package.
-Currently, it relies on the display loop to reset its state every second and thus always display the bandwidth per second.
+### Usage
+`what -i <interface-name>` eg. `what -i eth0`
-At the moment there is only a linux implementation but the tests should (hopefully!) run on all platforms.
+Note that since `what` sniffs network packets, it requires root privileges - so you might want to use it with (for example) `sudo`.