# Source this in your ~/.zshrc autoload -U add-zsh-hook export ATUIN_SESSION=$(atuin uuid) export ATUIN_HISTORY="atuin history list" _atuin_preexec(){ id=$(atuin history start "$1") export ATUIN_HISTORY_ID="$id" } _atuin_precmd(){ local EXIT="$?" [[ -z "${ATUIN_HISTORY_ID}" ]] && return (RUST_LOG=error atuin history end $ATUIN_HISTORY_ID --exit $EXIT &) > /dev/null 2>&1 } _atuin_search(){ emulate -L zsh zle -I # Switch to cursor mode, then back to application echoti rmkx # swap stderr and stdout, so that the tui stuff works # TODO: not this output=$(RUST_LOG=error atuin search -i $BUFFER 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) echoti smkx if [[ -n $output ]] ; then LBUFFER=$output fi zle reset-prompt } add-zsh-hook preexec _atuin_preexec add-zsh-hook precmd _atuin_precmd zle -N _atuin_search_widget _atuin_search if [[ -z $ATUIN_NOBIND ]]; then bindkey '^r' _atuin_search_widget # depends on terminal mode bindkey '^[[A' _atuin_search_widget bindkey '^[OA' _atuin_search_widget fi