use chrono::Utc; use eyre::Result; use std::time::Duration; use std::{io::stdout, ops::Sub}; use termion::{event::Key, input::MouseTerminal, raw::IntoRawMode, screen::AlternateScreen}; use tui::{ backend::{Backend, TermionBackend}, layout::{Alignment, Constraint, Corner, Direction, Layout}, style::{Color, Modifier, Style}, text::{Span, Spans, Text}, widgets::{Block, Borders, List, ListItem, ListState, Paragraph}, Frame, Terminal, }; use unicode_width::UnicodeWidthStr; use atuin_client::database::Database; use atuin_client::history::History; use atuin_client::settings::{SearchMode, Settings}; use crate::command::event::{Event, Events}; const VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); struct State { input: String, results: Vec, results_state: ListState, } impl State { #[allow(clippy::clippy::cast_sign_loss)] fn durations(&self) -> Vec<(String, String)> { self.results .iter() .map(|h| { let duration = Duration::from_millis(std::cmp::max(h.duration, 0) as u64 / 1_000_000); let duration = humantime::format_duration(duration).to_string(); let duration: Vec<&str> = duration.split(' ').collect(); let ago = chrono::Utc::now().sub(h.timestamp); let ago = humantime::format_duration(ago.to_std().unwrap()).to_string(); let ago: Vec<&str> = ago.split(' ').collect(); ( duration[0] .to_string() .replace("days", "d") .replace("day", "d") .replace("weeks", "w") .replace("week", "w") .replace("months", "mo") .replace("month", "mo") .replace("years", "y") .replace("year", "y"), ago[0] .to_string() .replace("days", "d") .replace("day", "d") .replace("weeks", "w") .replace("week", "w") .replace("months", "mo") .replace("month", "mo") .replace("years", "y") .replace("year", "y") + " ago", ) }) .collect() } fn render_results( &mut self, f: &mut tui::Frame, r: tui::layout::Rect, ) { let durations = self.durations(); let max_length = durations.iter().fold(0, |largest, i| { std::cmp::max(largest, i.0.len() + i.1.len()) }); let results: Vec = self .results .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, m)| { let command = m.command.to_string().replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " "); let mut command = Span::raw(command); let (duration, mut ago) = durations[i].clone(); while (duration.len() + ago.len()) < max_length { ago = format!(" {}", ago); } let selected_index = match self.results_state.selected() { None => Span::raw(" "), Some(selected) => match i.checked_sub(selected) { None => Span::raw(" "), Some(diff) => { if 0 < diff && diff < 10 { Span::raw(format!(" {} ", diff)) } else { Span::raw(" ") } } }, }; let duration = Span::styled( duration, Style::default().fg(if m.exit == 0 || m.duration == -1 { Color::Green } else { Color::Red }), ); let ago = Span::styled(ago, Style::default().fg(Color::Blue)); if let Some(selected) = self.results_state.selected() { if selected == i { = Style::default().fg(Color::Red).add_modifier(Modifier::BOLD); } } let spans = Spans::from(vec![ selected_index, duration, Span::raw(" "), ago, Span::raw(" "), command, ]); ListItem::new(spans) }) .collect(); let results = List::new(results) .block(Block::default().borders(Borders::ALL).title("History")) .start_corner(Corner::BottomLeft) .highlight_symbol(">> "); f.render_stateful_widget(results, r, &mut self.results_state); } } async fn query_results( app: &mut State, search_mode: SearchMode, db: &mut (impl Database + Send + Sync), ) -> Result<()> { let results = match app.input.as_str() { "" => db.list(Some(200), true).await?, i =>, search_mode, i).await?, }; app.results = results; if app.results.is_empty() {; } else {; } Ok(()) } async fn key_handler( input: Key, search_mode: SearchMode, db: &mut (impl Database + Send + Sync), app: &mut State, ) -> Option { match input { Key::Esc | Key::Ctrl('c') | Key::Ctrl('d') | Key::Ctrl('g') => { return Some(String::from("")) } Key::Char('\n') => { let i = app.results_state.selected().unwrap_or(0); return Some( app.results .get(i) .map_or(app.input.clone(), |h| h.command.clone()), ); } Key::Alt(c) if ('1'..='9').contains(&c) => { let c = c.to_digit(10)? as usize; let i = app.results_state.selected()? + c; return Some( app.results .get(i) .map_or(app.input.clone(), |h| h.command.clone()), ); } Key::Char(c) => { app.input.push(c); query_results(app, search_mode, db).await.unwrap(); } Key::Backspace => { app.input.pop(); query_results(app, search_mode, db).await.unwrap(); } Key::Down | Key::Ctrl('n') => { let i = match app.results_state.selected() { Some(i) => { if i == 0 { 0 } else { i - 1 } } None => 0, };; } Key::Up | Key::Ctrl('p') => { let i = match app.results_state.selected() { Some(i) => { if i >= app.results.len() - 1 { app.results.len() - 1 } else { i + 1 } } None => 0, };; } _ => {} }; None } #[allow(clippy::clippy::cast_possible_truncation)] fn draw(f: &mut Frame<'_, T>, history_count: i64, app: &mut State) { let chunks = Layout::default() .direction(Direction::Vertical) .margin(1) .constraints( [ Constraint::Length(2), Constraint::Min(1), Constraint::Length(3), ] .as_ref(), ) .split(f.size()); let top_chunks = Layout::default() .direction(Direction::Horizontal) .constraints([Constraint::Percentage(50), Constraint::Percentage(50)].as_ref()) .split(chunks[0]); let top_left_chunks = Layout::default() .direction(Direction::Vertical) .constraints([Constraint::Length(1), Constraint::Length(1)].as_ref()) .split(top_chunks[0]); let top_right_chunks = Layout::default() .direction(Direction::Vertical) .constraints([Constraint::Length(1), Constraint::Length(1)].as_ref()) .split(top_chunks[1]); let title = Paragraph::new(Text::from(Span::styled( format!("Atuin v{}", VERSION), Style::default().add_modifier(Modifier::BOLD), ))); let help = vec![ Span::raw("Press "), Span::styled("Esc", Style::default().add_modifier(Modifier::BOLD)), Span::raw(" to exit."), ]; let help = Text::from(Spans::from(help)); let help = Paragraph::new(help); let input = Paragraph::new(app.input.clone()) .block(Block::default().borders(Borders::ALL).title("Query")); let stats = Paragraph::new(Text::from(Span::raw(format!( "history count: {}", history_count, )))) .alignment(Alignment::Right); f.render_widget(title, top_left_chunks[0]); f.render_widget(help, top_left_chunks[1]); app.render_results(f, chunks[1]); f.render_widget(stats, top_right_chunks[0]); f.render_widget(input, chunks[2]); f.set_cursor( // Put cursor past the end of the input text chunks[2].x + app.input.width() as u16 + 1, // Move one line down, from the border to the input line chunks[2].y + 1, ); } // this is a big blob of horrible! clean it up! // for now, it works. But it'd be great if it were more easily readable, and // modular. I'd like to add some more stats and stuff at some point #[allow(clippy::clippy::cast_possible_truncation)] async fn select_history( query: &[String], search_mode: SearchMode, db: &mut (impl Database + Send + Sync), ) -> Result { let stdout = stdout().into_raw_mode()?; let stdout = MouseTerminal::from(stdout); let stdout = AlternateScreen::from(stdout); let backend = TermionBackend::new(stdout); let mut terminal = Terminal::new(backend)?; // Setup event handlers let events = Events::new(); let mut app = State { input: query.join(" "), results: Vec::new(), results_state: ListState::default(), }; query_results(&mut app, search_mode, db).await?; loop { let history_count = db.history_count().await?; // Handle input if let Event::Input(input) = { if let Some(output) = key_handler(input, search_mode, db, &mut app).await { return Ok(output); } } terminal.draw(|f| draw(f, history_count, &mut app))?; } } // This is supposed to more-or-less mirror the command line version, so ofc // it is going to have a lot of args #[allow(clippy::clippy::clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub async fn run( settings: &Settings, cwd: Option, exit: Option, interactive: bool, human: bool, exclude_exit: Option, exclude_cwd: Option, before: Option, after: Option, cmd_only: bool, query: &[String], db: &mut (impl Database + Send + Sync), ) -> Result<()> { let dir = if let Some(cwd) = cwd { if cwd == "." { let current = std::env::current_dir()?; let current = current.as_os_str(); let current = current.to_str().unwrap(); Some(current.to_owned()) } else { Some(cwd) } } else { None }; if interactive { let item = select_history(query, settings.search_mode, db).await?; eprintln!("{}", item); } else { let results = db .search(None, settings.search_mode, query.join(" ").as_str()) .await?; // TODO: This filtering would be better done in the SQL query, I just // need a nice way of building queries. let results: Vec = results .iter() .filter(|h| { if let Some(exit) = exit { if h.exit != exit { return false; } } if let Some(exit) = exclude_exit { if h.exit == exit { return false; } } if let Some(cwd) = &exclude_cwd { if h.cwd.as_str() == cwd.as_str() { return false; } } if let Some(cwd) = &dir { if h.cwd.as_str() != cwd.as_str() { return false; } } if let Some(before) = &before { let before = chrono_english::parse_date_string( before.as_str(), Utc::now(), chrono_english::Dialect::Uk, ); if before.is_err() || { return false; } } if let Some(after) = &after { let after = chrono_english::parse_date_string( after.as_str(), Utc::now(), chrono_english::Dialect::Uk, ); if after.is_err() || { return false; } } true }) .map(std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned) .collect(); super::history::print_list(&results, human, cmd_only); } Ok(()) }