use clap::CommandFactory; use clap::Subcommand; use clap_complete::Shell; use clap_complete::{generate, generate_to}; use eyre::{Result, WrapErr}; use atuin_client::database::Sqlite; use atuin_client::settings::Settings; use atuin_common::utils::uuid_v4; #[cfg(feature = "sync")] mod sync; mod event; mod history; mod import; mod init; mod search; mod stats; use std::path::PathBuf; #[derive(Subcommand)] #[clap(infer_subcommands = true)] pub enum Cmd { /// Manipulate shell history #[clap(subcommand)] History(history::Cmd), /// Import shell history from file #[clap(subcommand)] Import(import::Cmd), /// Calculate statistics for your history #[clap(subcommand)] Stats(stats::Cmd), /// Output shell setup #[clap(subcommand)] Init(init::Cmd), /// Generate a UUID Uuid, /// Interactive history search Search(search::Cmd), /// Generate shell completions GenCompletions { /// Set the shell for generating completions #[clap(long, short)] shell: Shell, /// Set the output directory #[clap(long, short)] out_dir: Option, }, #[cfg(feature = "sync")] #[clap(flatten)] Sync(sync::Cmd), } impl Cmd { pub async fn run(self) -> Result<()> { pretty_env_logger::init(); let settings = Settings::new().wrap_err("could not load client settings")?; let db_path = PathBuf::from(settings.db_path.as_str()); let mut db = Sqlite::new(db_path).await?; match self { Self::History(history) =>, &mut db).await, Self::Import(import) => db).await, Self::Stats(stats) => db, &settings).await, Self::Init(init) => {; Ok(()) } Self::Search(search) => db, &settings).await, Self::Uuid => { println!("{}", uuid_v4()); Ok(()) } Self::GenCompletions { shell, out_dir } => { let mut cli = crate::Atuin::command(); match out_dir { Some(out_dir) => { generate_to(shell, &mut cli, env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), &out_dir)?; } None => { generate( shell, &mut cli, env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), &mut std::io::stdout(), ); } } Ok(()) } #[cfg(feature = "sync")] Self::Sync(sync) =>, &mut db).await, } } }