use std::collections::HashMap; use axum::{ extract::{Path, Query, State}, Json, }; use http::StatusCode; use tracing::{debug, error, instrument}; use super::{ErrorResponse, ErrorResponseStatus, RespExt}; use crate::{ calendar::{TimePeriod, TimePeriodInfo}, database::Database, models::{NewHistory, User}, router::AppState, }; use atuin_common::api::*; #[instrument(skip_all, fields( =] pub async fn count( user: User, state: State>, ) -> Result, ErrorResponseStatus<'static>> { let db = &state.0.database; match db.count_history_cached(&user).await { // By default read out the cached value Ok(count) => Ok(Json(CountResponse { count })), // If that fails, fallback on a full COUNT. Cache is built on a POST // only Err(_) => match db.count_history(&user).await { Ok(count) => Ok(Json(CountResponse { count })), Err(_) => Err(ErrorResponse::reply("failed to query history count") .with_status(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)), }, } } #[instrument(skip_all, fields( =] pub async fn list( req: Query, user: User, state: State>, ) -> Result, ErrorResponseStatus<'static>> { let db = &state.0.database; let history = db .list_history( &user, req.sync_ts.naive_utc(), req.history_ts.naive_utc(), &, ) .await; if let Err(e) = history { error!("failed to load history: {}", e); return Err(ErrorResponse::reply("failed to load history") .with_status(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)); } let history: Vec = history .unwrap() .iter() .map(|i| .collect(); debug!( "loaded {} items of history for user {}", history.len(), ); Ok(Json(SyncHistoryResponse { history })) } #[instrument(skip_all, fields( =] pub async fn delete( user: User, state: State>, Json(req): Json, ) -> Result, ErrorResponseStatus<'static>> { let db = &state.0.database; // user_id is the ID of the history, as set by the user (the server has its own ID) let deleted = db.delete_history(&user, req.client_id).await; if let Err(e) = deleted { error!("failed to delete history: {}", e); return Err(ErrorResponse::reply("failed to delete history") .with_status(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)); } Ok(Json(MessageResponse { message: String::from("deleted OK"), })) } #[instrument(skip_all, fields( =] pub async fn add( user: User, state: State>, Json(req): Json>, ) -> Result<(), ErrorResponseStatus<'static>> { debug!("request to add {} history items", req.len()); let history: Vec = req .into_iter() .map(|h| NewHistory { client_id:, user_id:, hostname: h.hostname, timestamp: h.timestamp.naive_utc(), data:, }) .collect(); let db = &state.0.database; if let Err(e) = db.add_history(&history).await { error!("failed to add history: {}", e); return Err(ErrorResponse::reply("failed to add history") .with_status(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)); }; Ok(()) } #[instrument(skip_all, fields( =] pub async fn calendar( Path(focus): Path, Query(params): Query>, user: User, state: State>, ) -> Result>, ErrorResponseStatus<'static>> { let focus = focus.as_str(); let year = params.get("year").unwrap_or(&0); let month = params.get("month").unwrap_or(&1); let db = &state.0.database; let focus = match focus { "year" => db .calendar(&user, TimePeriod::YEAR, *year, *month) .await .map_err(|_| { ErrorResponse::reply("failed to query calendar") .with_status(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) }), "month" => db .calendar(&user, TimePeriod::MONTH, *year, *month) .await .map_err(|_| { ErrorResponse::reply("failed to query calendar") .with_status(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) }), "day" => db .calendar(&user, TimePeriod::DAY, *year, *month) .await .map_err(|_| { ErrorResponse::reply("failed to query calendar") .with_status(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) }), _ => Err(ErrorResponse::reply("invalid focus: use year/month/day") .with_status(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST)), }?; Ok(Json(focus)) }