-- the old version of this function used NEW in the delete part when it should -- use OLD create or replace function user_history_count() returns trigger as $func$ begin if (TG_OP='INSERT') then update total_history_count_user set total = total + 1 where user_id = new.user_id; if not found then insert into total_history_count_user(user_id, total) values ( new.user_id, (select count(1) from history where user_id = new.user_id) ); end if; elsif (TG_OP='DELETE') then update total_history_count_user set total = total - 1 where user_id = old.user_id; if not found then insert into total_history_count_user(user_id, total) values ( old.user_id, (select count(1) from history where user_id = old.user_id) ); end if; end if; return NEW; -- this is actually ignored for an after trigger, but oh well end; $func$ language plpgsql volatile -- pldfplplpflh cost 100; -- default value