use std::path::PathBuf; use crypto::digest::Digest; use crypto::sha2::Sha256; use sodiumoxide::crypto::pwhash::argon2id13; use uuid::Uuid; pub fn hash_secret(secret: &str) -> String { sodiumoxide::init().unwrap(); let hash = argon2id13::pwhash( secret.as_bytes(), argon2id13::OPSLIMIT_INTERACTIVE, argon2id13::MEMLIMIT_INTERACTIVE, ) .unwrap(); let texthash = std::str::from_utf8(&hash.0).unwrap().to_string(); // postgres hates null chars. don't do that to postgres texthash.trim_end_matches('\u{0}').to_string() } pub fn hash_str(string: &str) -> String { let mut hasher = Sha256::new(); hasher.input_str(string); hasher.result_str() } pub fn uuid_v4() -> String { Uuid::new_v4().to_simple().to_string() } pub fn config_dir() -> PathBuf { // TODO: more reliable, more tested // I don't want to use ProjectDirs, it puts config in awkward places on // mac. Data too. Seems to be more intended for GUI apps. let home = std::env::var("HOME").expect("$HOME not found"); let home = PathBuf::from(home); std::env::var("XDG_CONFIG_HOME").map_or_else( |_| { let mut config = home.clone(); config.push(".config"); config.push("atuin"); config }, PathBuf::from, ) } pub fn data_dir() -> PathBuf { // TODO: more reliable, more tested // I don't want to use ProjectDirs, it puts config in awkward places on // mac. Data too. Seems to be more intended for GUI apps. let home = std::env::var("HOME").expect("$HOME not found"); let home = PathBuf::from(home); std::env::var("XDG_DATA_HOME").map_or_else( |_| { let mut data = home.clone(); data.push(".local"); data.push("share"); data.push("atuin"); data }, PathBuf::from, ) }