use std::env; use std::path::PathBuf; use async_trait::async_trait; use directories::BaseDirs; use eyre::{eyre, Result}; use futures::TryStreamExt; use sqlx::{sqlite::SqlitePool, FromRow, Row}; use time::OffsetDateTime; use uuid::timestamp::{context::NoContext, Timestamp}; use uuid::Uuid; use super::{get_histpath, Importer, Loader}; use crate::history::History; #[derive(Debug, FromRow)] struct HistDbEntry { inp: String, rtn: Option, tsb: f64, tse: f64, cwd: String, session_start: f64, } impl HistDbEntry { fn into_hist_with_hostname(self, hostname: String) -> History { let ts_nanos = (self.tsb * 1_000_000_000_f64) as i128; let timestamp = OffsetDateTime::from_unix_timestamp_nanos(ts_nanos).unwrap(); let session_ts_seconds = self.session_start.trunc() as u64; let session_ts_nanos = (self.session_start.fract() * 1_000_000_000_f64) as u32; let session_ts = Timestamp::from_unix(NoContext, session_ts_seconds, session_ts_nanos); let session_id = Uuid::new_v7(session_ts).to_string(); let duration = (self.tse - self.tsb) * 1_000_000_000_f64; if let Some(exit) = self.rtn { let imported = History::import() .timestamp(timestamp) .duration(duration.trunc() as i64) .exit(exit) .command(self.inp) .cwd(self.cwd) .session(session_id) .hostname(hostname); } else { let imported = History::import() .timestamp(timestamp) .duration(duration.trunc() as i64) .command(self.inp) .cwd(self.cwd) .session(session_id) .hostname(hostname); } } } fn xonsh_db_path(xonsh_data_dir: Option) -> Result { // if running within xonsh, this will be available if let Some(d) = xonsh_data_dir { let mut path = PathBuf::from(d); path.push("xonsh-history.sqlite"); return Ok(path); } // otherwise, fall back to default let base = BaseDirs::new().ok_or_else(|| eyre!("Could not determine home directory"))?; let hist_file = base.data_dir().join("xonsh/xonsh-history.sqlite"); if hist_file.exists() || cfg!(test) { Ok(hist_file) } else { Err(eyre!( "Could not find xonsh history db at: {}", hist_file.to_string_lossy() )) } } fn get_hostname() -> String { format!( "{}:{}", env::var("ATUIN_HOST_NAME").unwrap_or_else(|_| whoami::hostname()), env::var("ATUIN_HOST_USER").unwrap_or_else(|_| whoami::username()), ) } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct XonshSqlite { pool: SqlitePool, hostname: String, } #[async_trait] impl Importer for XonshSqlite { const NAME: &'static str = "xonsh_sqlite"; async fn new() -> Result { // wrap xonsh-specific path resolver in general one so that it respects $HISTPATH let xonsh_data_dir = env::var("XONSH_DATA_DIR").ok(); let db_path = get_histpath(|| xonsh_db_path(xonsh_data_dir))?; let connection_str = db_path.to_str().ok_or_else(|| { eyre!( "Invalid path for SQLite database: {}", db_path.to_string_lossy() ) })?; let pool = SqlitePool::connect(connection_str).await?; let hostname = get_hostname(); Ok(XonshSqlite { pool, hostname }) } async fn entries(&mut self) -> Result { let query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xonsh_history"; let row = sqlx::query(query).fetch_one(&self.pool).await?; let count: u32 = row.get(0); Ok(count as usize) } async fn load(self, loader: &mut impl Loader) -> Result<()> { let query = r#" SELECT inp, rtn, tsb, tse, cwd, MIN(tsb) OVER (PARTITION BY sessionid) AS session_start FROM xonsh_history ORDER BY rowid "#; let mut entries = sqlx::query_as::<_, HistDbEntry>(query).fetch(&self.pool); let mut count = 0; while let Some(entry) = entries.try_next().await? { let hist = entry.into_hist_with_hostname(self.hostname.clone()); loader.push(hist).await?; count += 1; } println!("Loaded: {count}"); Ok(()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use time::macros::datetime; use super::*; use crate::history::History; use crate::import::tests::TestLoader; #[test] fn test_db_path_xonsh() { let db_path = xonsh_db_path(Some("/home/user/xonsh_data".to_string())).unwrap(); assert_eq!( db_path, PathBuf::from("/home/user/xonsh_data/xonsh-history.sqlite") ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_import() { let connection_str = "tests/data/xonsh-history.sqlite"; let xonsh_sqlite = XonshSqlite { pool: SqlitePool::connect(connection_str).await.unwrap(), hostname: "box:user".to_string(), }; let mut loader = TestLoader::default(); xonsh_sqlite.load(&mut loader).await.unwrap(); for (actual, expected) in loader.buf.iter().zip(expected_hist_entries().iter()) { assert_eq!(actual.timestamp, expected.timestamp); assert_eq!(actual.command, expected.command); assert_eq!(actual.cwd, expected.cwd); assert_eq!(actual.exit, expected.exit); assert_eq!(actual.duration, expected.duration); assert_eq!(actual.hostname, expected.hostname); } } fn expected_hist_entries() -> [History; 4] { [ History::import() .timestamp(datetime!(2024-02-6 17:56:21.130956288 +00:00:00)) .command("echo hello world!".to_string()) .cwd("/home/user/Documents/code/atuin".to_string()) .exit(0) .duration(2628564) .hostname("box:user".to_string()) .build() .into(), History::import() .timestamp(datetime!(2024-02-06 17:56:28.190406144 +00:00:00)) .command("ls -l".to_string()) .cwd("/home/user/Documents/code/atuin".to_string()) .exit(0) .duration(9371519) .hostname("box:user".to_string()) .build() .into(), History::import() .timestamp(datetime!(2024-02-06 17:56:46.989020928 +00:00:00)) .command("false".to_string()) .cwd("/home/user/Documents/code/atuin".to_string()) .exit(1) .duration(17337560) .hostname("box:user".to_string()) .build() .into(), History::import() .timestamp(datetime!(2024-02-06 17:56:48.218384128 +00:00:00)) .command("exit".to_string()) .cwd("/home/user/Documents/code/atuin".to_string()) .exit(0) .duration(4599094) .hostname("box:user".to_string()) .build() .into(), ] } }