AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-02-14zsh bin is sometimes /usr/bin/zsh or might be elsewhere too (#8)Conrad Ludgate
2021-02-14Specify nightlyEllie Huxtable
2021-02-14Correct clippy usageEllie Huxtable
2021-02-14Do not allow warningsEllie Huxtable
2021-02-14Add test for extended parsingEllie Huxtable
2021-02-14a few more tiny touch ups (#7)Conrad Ludgate
2021-02-14tidy some stuff (#6)Conrad Ludgate
2021-02-14Neaten the history listing code (#5)Ellie Huxtable
2021-02-14Update README.mdEllie Huxtable
2021-02-14Create LICENSEEllie Huxtable
2021-02-14Update rust.ymlEllie Huxtable
2021-02-14Update rust.ymlEllie Huxtable
2021-02-14Update rust.ymlEllie Huxtable
2021-02-14Create rust.ymlEllie Huxtable
2021-02-14Make pedantic clippy happyEllie Huxtable
2021-02-14Make clippy annoying asf + add serverEllie Huxtable
2021-02-13Update readmeEllie Huxtable
2021-02-13Fix clippy issuesEllie Huxtable
2021-02-13Update README.mdEllie Huxtable
2021-02-13AmendEllie Huxtable
2021-02-13Remove panicEllie Huxtable
2021-02-13Update widgetEllie Huxtable
2021-02-13Add fuzzy history search and distinct argEllie Huxtable
2021-02-13Update readmeEllie Huxtable
2021-02-13Rename zsh hookEllie Huxtable
2021-02-13Minor fixesEllie Huxtable
2021-02-13Add session to hookEllie Huxtable
2021-02-13Add sessionsEllie Huxtable
2021-02-13Implement history importEllie Huxtable
2021-02-13Record command exit code and durationEllie Huxtable
2021-02-13Begin importEllie Huxtable
2021-02-13RenameEllie Huxtable
2021-02-13Update README.mdEllie Huxtable
2020-10-05Fix mergeEllie Huxtable
2020-10-05Merge pull request #2 from conradludgate/mainEllie Huxtable
2020-10-05fix: help textConrad Ludgate
2020-10-05feat: use directories project data dirConrad Ludgate
2020-10-05Merge pull request #1 from conradludgate/mainEllie Huxtable
2020-10-05chore: use structopt wrapper instead of building clap by handConrad Ludgate
2020-10-05Use bundled sqliteEllie Huxtable
2020-10-05Update Cargo.tomlEllie Huxtable
2020-10-05add readmeEllie Huxtable
2020-10-05Add zsh hookEllie Huxtable
2020-10-05Initial commitEllie Huxtable