path: root/src/local/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/local/')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/local/ b/src/local/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c22d2f27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/local/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+use std::convert::TryInto;
+use chrono::prelude::*;
+use eyre::Result;
+use crate::local::api_client;
+use crate::local::database::Database;
+use crate::local::encryption::{encrypt, load_key};
+use crate::settings::{Local, Settings, HISTORY_PAGE_SIZE};
+use crate::{api::AddHistoryRequest, utils::hash_str};
+// Currently sync is kinda naive, and basically just pages backwards through
+// history. This means newly added stuff shows up properly! We also just use
+// the total count in each database to indicate whether a sync is needed.
+// I think this could be massively improved! If we had a way of easily
+// indicating count per time period (hour, day, week, year, etc) then we can
+// easily pinpoint where we are missing data and what needs downloading. Start
+// with year, then find the week, then the day, then the hour, then download it
+// all! The current naive approach will do for now.
+// Check if remote has things we don't, and if so, download them.
+// Returns (num downloaded, total local)
+fn sync_download(
+ force: bool,
+ client: &api_client::Client,
+ db: &mut impl Database,
+) -> Result<(i64, i64)> {
+ let remote_count = client.count()?;
+ let initial_local = db.history_count()?;
+ let mut local_count = initial_local;
+ let mut last_sync = if force {
+ Utc.timestamp_millis(0)
+ } else {
+ Local::last_sync()?
+ };
+ let mut last_timestamp = Utc.timestamp_millis(0);
+ let host = if force { Some(String::from("")) } else { None };
+ while remote_count > local_count {
+ let page = client.get_history(last_sync, last_timestamp, host.clone())?;
+ if page.len() < HISTORY_PAGE_SIZE.try_into().unwrap() {
+ break;
+ }
+ db.save_bulk(&page)?;
+ local_count = db.history_count()?;
+ let page_last = page
+ .last()
+ .expect("could not get last element of page")
+ .timestamp;
+ // in the case of a small sync frequency, it's possible for history to
+ // be "lost" between syncs. In this case we need to rewind the sync
+ // timestamps
+ if page_last == last_timestamp {
+ last_timestamp = Utc.timestamp_millis(0);
+ last_sync = last_sync - chrono::Duration::hours(1);
+ } else {
+ last_timestamp = page_last;
+ }
+ }
+ Ok((local_count - initial_local, local_count))
+// Check if we have things remote doesn't, and if so, upload them
+fn sync_upload(
+ settings: &Settings,
+ _force: bool,
+ client: &api_client::Client,
+ db: &mut impl Database,
+) -> Result<()> {
+ let initial_remote_count = client.count()?;
+ let mut remote_count = initial_remote_count;
+ let local_count = db.history_count()?;
+ let key = load_key(settings)?; // encryption key
+ // first just try the most recent set
+ let mut cursor = Utc::now();
+ while local_count > remote_count {
+ let last = db.before(cursor, HISTORY_PAGE_SIZE)?;
+ let mut buffer = Vec::<AddHistoryRequest>::new();
+ if last.is_empty() {
+ break;
+ }
+ for i in last {
+ let data = encrypt(&i, &key)?;
+ let data = serde_json::to_string(&data)?;
+ let add_hist = AddHistoryRequest {
+ id:,
+ timestamp: i.timestamp,
+ data,
+ hostname: hash_str(i.hostname.as_str()),
+ };
+ buffer.push(add_hist);
+ }
+ // anything left over outside of the 100 block size
+ client.post_history(&buffer)?;
+ cursor = buffer.last().unwrap().timestamp;
+ remote_count = client.count()?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+pub fn sync(settings: &Settings, force: bool, db: &mut impl Database) -> Result<()> {
+ let client = api_client::Client::new(settings);
+ sync_upload(settings, force, &client, db)?;
+ let download = sync_download(force, &client, db)?;
+ debug!("sync downloaded {}", download.0);
+ Local::save_sync_time()?;
+ Ok(())