path: root/atuin-client/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'atuin-client/src/')
1 files changed, 272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/atuin-client/src/ b/atuin-client/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..abc22bb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atuin-client/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+use chrono::prelude::*;
+use chrono::Utc;
+use std::path::Path;
+use eyre::Result;
+use rusqlite::{params, Connection};
+use rusqlite::{Params, Transaction};
+use super::history::History;
+pub trait Database {
+ fn save(&mut self, h: &History) -> Result<()>;
+ fn save_bulk(&mut self, h: &[History]) -> Result<()>;
+ fn load(&self, id: &str) -> Result<History>;
+ fn list(&self) -> Result<Vec<History>>;
+ fn range(&self, from: chrono::DateTime<Utc>, to: chrono::DateTime<Utc>)
+ -> Result<Vec<History>>;
+ fn query(&self, query: &str, params: impl Params) -> Result<Vec<History>>;
+ fn update(&self, h: &History) -> Result<()>;
+ fn history_count(&self) -> Result<i64>;
+ fn first(&self) -> Result<History>;
+ fn last(&self) -> Result<History>;
+ fn before(&self, timestamp: chrono::DateTime<Utc>, count: i64) -> Result<Vec<History>>;
+ fn prefix_search(&self, query: &str) -> Result<Vec<History>>;
+// Intended for use on a developer machine and not a sync server.
+// TODO: implement IntoIterator
+pub struct Sqlite {
+ conn: Connection,
+impl Sqlite {
+ pub fn new(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Self> {
+ let path = path.as_ref();
+ debug!("opening sqlite database at {:?}", path);
+ let create = !path.exists();
+ if create {
+ if let Some(dir) = path.parent() {
+ std::fs::create_dir_all(dir)?;
+ }
+ }
+ let conn = Connection::open(path)?;
+ Self::setup_db(&conn)?;
+ Ok(Self { conn })
+ }
+ fn setup_db(conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> {
+ debug!("running sqlite database setup");
+ conn.execute(
+ "create table if not exists history (
+ id text primary key,
+ timestamp integer not null,
+ duration integer not null,
+ exit integer not null,
+ command text not null,
+ cwd text not null,
+ session text not null,
+ hostname text not null,
+ unique(timestamp, cwd, command)
+ )",
+ [],
+ )?;
+ conn.execute(
+ "create table if not exists history_encrypted (
+ id text primary key,
+ data blob not null
+ )",
+ [],
+ )?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn save_raw(tx: &Transaction, h: &History) -> Result<()> {
+ tx.execute(
+ "insert or ignore into history (
+ id,
+ timestamp,
+ duration,
+ exit,
+ command,
+ cwd,
+ session,
+ hostname
+ ) values (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6, ?7, ?8)",
+ params![
+ h.timestamp.timestamp_nanos(),
+ h.duration,
+ h.exit,
+ h.command,
+ h.cwd,
+ h.session,
+ h.hostname
+ ],
+ )?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl Database for Sqlite {
+ fn save(&mut self, h: &History) -> Result<()> {
+ debug!("saving history to sqlite");
+ let tx = self.conn.transaction()?;
+ Self::save_raw(&tx, h)?;
+ tx.commit()?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn save_bulk(&mut self, h: &[History]) -> Result<()> {
+ debug!("saving history to sqlite");
+ let tx = self.conn.transaction()?;
+ for i in h {
+ Self::save_raw(&tx, i)?
+ }
+ tx.commit()?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn load(&self, id: &str) -> Result<History> {
+ debug!("loading history item");
+ let mut stmt = self.conn.prepare(
+ "select id, timestamp, duration, exit, command, cwd, session, hostname from history
+ where id = ?1",
+ )?;
+ let history = stmt.query_row(params![id], |row| {
+ history_from_sqlite_row(Some(id.to_string()), row)
+ })?;
+ Ok(history)
+ }
+ fn update(&self, h: &History) -> Result<()> {
+ debug!("updating sqlite history");
+ self.conn.execute(
+ "update history
+ set timestamp = ?2, duration = ?3, exit = ?4, command = ?5, cwd = ?6, session = ?7, hostname = ?8
+ where id = ?1",
+ params![, h.timestamp.timestamp_nanos(), h.duration, h.exit, h.command, h.cwd, h.session, h.hostname],
+ )?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn list(&self) -> Result<Vec<History>> {
+ debug!("listing history");
+ let mut stmt = self
+ .conn
+ .prepare("SELECT * FROM history order by timestamp asc")?;
+ let history_iter = stmt.query_map(params![], |row| history_from_sqlite_row(None, row))?;
+ Ok(history_iter.filter_map(Result::ok).collect())
+ }
+ fn range(
+ &self,
+ from: chrono::DateTime<Utc>,
+ to: chrono::DateTime<Utc>,
+ ) -> Result<Vec<History>> {
+ debug!("listing history from {:?} to {:?}", from, to);
+ let mut stmt = self.conn.prepare(
+ "SELECT * FROM history where timestamp >= ?1 and timestamp <= ?2 order by timestamp asc",
+ )?;
+ let history_iter = stmt.query_map(
+ params![from.timestamp_nanos(), to.timestamp_nanos()],
+ |row| history_from_sqlite_row(None, row),
+ )?;
+ Ok(history_iter.filter_map(Result::ok).collect())
+ }
+ fn first(&self) -> Result<History> {
+ let mut stmt = self
+ .conn
+ .prepare("SELECT * FROM history order by timestamp asc limit 1")?;
+ let history = stmt.query_row(params![], |row| history_from_sqlite_row(None, row))?;
+ Ok(history)
+ }
+ fn last(&self) -> Result<History> {
+ let mut stmt = self
+ .conn
+ .prepare("SELECT * FROM history order by timestamp desc limit 1")?;
+ let history = stmt.query_row(params![], |row| history_from_sqlite_row(None, row))?;
+ Ok(history)
+ }
+ fn before(&self, timestamp: chrono::DateTime<Utc>, count: i64) -> Result<Vec<History>> {
+ let mut stmt = self
+ .conn
+ .prepare("SELECT * FROM history where timestamp < ? order by timestamp desc limit ?")?;
+ let history_iter = stmt.query_map(params![timestamp.timestamp_nanos(), count], |row| {
+ history_from_sqlite_row(None, row)
+ })?;
+ Ok(history_iter.filter_map(Result::ok).collect())
+ }
+ fn query(&self, query: &str, params: impl Params) -> Result<Vec<History>> {
+ let mut stmt = self.conn.prepare(query)?;
+ let history_iter = stmt.query_map(params, |row| history_from_sqlite_row(None, row))?;
+ Ok(history_iter.filter_map(Result::ok).collect())
+ }
+ fn prefix_search(&self, query: &str) -> Result<Vec<History>> {
+ self.query(
+ "select * from history where command like ?1 || '%' order by timestamp asc limit 1000",
+ &[query],
+ )
+ }
+ fn history_count(&self) -> Result<i64> {
+ let res: i64 =
+ self.conn
+ .query_row_and_then("select count(1) from history;", params![], |row| row.get(0))?;
+ Ok(res)
+ }
+fn history_from_sqlite_row(
+ id: Option<String>,
+ row: &rusqlite::Row,
+) -> Result<History, rusqlite::Error> {
+ let id = match id {
+ Some(id) => id,
+ None => row.get(0)?,
+ };
+ Ok(History {
+ id,
+ timestamp: Utc.timestamp_nanos(row.get(1)?),
+ duration: row.get(2)?,
+ exit: row.get(3)?,
+ command: row.get(4)?,
+ cwd: row.get(5)?,
+ session: row.get(6)?,
+ hostname: row.get(7)?,
+ })