# annotate-rust A work in progress Rust annotator for [git.sr.ht](https://git.sr.ht)'s [code annotations](https://man.sr.ht/git.sr.ht/annotations.md) feature. Build ----- To build annotate-rust you will need a [Rust installation][rustup]. Build as follows: git clone https://git.sr.ht/~wezm/annotate-rust && cd annotate-rust cargo build --release The built binary will be in `target/release/annotaterust`. Contributing ------------ If you have code or patches you wish to contribute, the preferred mechanism is a git pull request. Push your changes to a git repository somewhere (Sourcehut, GitHub, GitLab, whatever). Assuming you have followed the [build steps](#build) above you would do the following to push to your own fork on Sourcehut or your preferred git host: Change the git URL to match wherever your forked repo is: git remote rename origin upstream git remote add origin git@git.sr.ht:~yourname/annotate-rust git push -u origin master Then generate the pull request: git fetch upstream master git request-pull -p upstream/master origin And copy-paste the result into a plain-text [email to me](mailto:wes@wezm.net). You may alternately use a patch-based approach as described on . [rustup]: https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install