// Copyright 2019 Joe Wilm, The Alacritty Project Contributors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //! Rasterization powered by DirectWrite extern crate dwrote; use self::dwrote::{ FontCollection, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, GlyphOffset, GlyphRunAnalysis, }; use super::{FontDesc, FontKey, GlyphKey, Metrics, RasterizedGlyph, Size, Slant, Style, Weight}; pub struct DirectWriteRasterizer { fonts: Vec, device_pixel_ratio: f32, } impl crate::Rasterize for DirectWriteRasterizer { type Err = Error; fn new(device_pixel_ratio: f32, _: bool) -> Result { Ok(DirectWriteRasterizer { fonts: Vec::new(), device_pixel_ratio }) } fn metrics(&self, key: FontKey, size: Size) -> Result { let font = self.fonts.get(key.token as usize).ok_or(Error::FontNotLoaded)?; let vmetrics = font.metrics(); let scale = (size.as_f32_pts() * self.device_pixel_ratio * (96.0 / 72.0)) / f32::from(vmetrics.designUnitsPerEm); let underline_position = f32::from(vmetrics.underlinePosition) * scale; let underline_thickness = f32::from(vmetrics.underlineThickness) * scale; let strikeout_position = f32::from(vmetrics.strikethroughPosition) * scale; let strikeout_thickness = f32::from(vmetrics.strikethroughThickness) * scale; let ascent = f32::from(vmetrics.ascent) * scale; let descent = -f32::from(vmetrics.descent) * scale; let line_gap = f32::from(vmetrics.lineGap) * scale; let line_height = f64::from(ascent - descent + line_gap); // We assume that all monospace characters have the same width // Because of this we take '!', the first drawable character, for measurements let glyph_metrics = font.get_design_glyph_metrics(&[33], false); let hmetrics = glyph_metrics.first().ok_or(Error::MissingGlyph('!'))?; let average_advance = f64::from(hmetrics.advanceWidth) * f64::from(scale); Ok(Metrics { descent, average_advance, line_height, underline_position, underline_thickness, strikeout_position, strikeout_thickness, }) } fn load_font(&mut self, desc: &FontDesc, _size: Size) -> Result { let system_fc = FontCollection::system(); let family = system_fc .get_font_family_by_name(&desc.name) .ok_or_else(|| Error::MissingFont(desc.clone()))?; let font = match desc.style { Style::Description { weight, slant } => { let weight = if weight == Weight::Bold { FontWeight::Bold } else { FontWeight::Regular }; let style = match slant { Slant::Normal => FontStyle::Normal, Slant::Oblique => FontStyle::Oblique, Slant::Italic => FontStyle::Italic, }; // This searches for the "best" font - should mean we don't have to worry about // fallbacks if our exact desired weight/style isn't available Ok(family.get_first_matching_font(weight, FontStretch::Normal, style)) }, Style::Specific(ref style) => { let mut idx = 0; let count = family.get_font_count(); loop { if idx == count { break Err(Error::MissingFont(desc.clone())); } let font = family.get_font(idx); if font.face_name() == *style { break Ok(font); } idx += 1; } }, }?; let face = font.create_font_face(); self.fonts.push(face); Ok(FontKey { token: (self.fonts.len() - 1) as u16 }) } fn get_glyph(&mut self, glyph: GlyphKey) -> Result { let font = self.fonts.get(glyph.font_key.token as usize).ok_or(Error::FontNotLoaded)?; let offset = GlyphOffset { advanceOffset: 0.0, ascenderOffset: 0.0 }; let glyph_index = *font .get_glyph_indices(&[glyph.c as u32]) .first() .ok_or_else(|| Error::MissingGlyph(glyph.c))?; if glyph_index == 0 { // The DirectWrite documentation states that we should get 0 returned if the glyph // does not exist in the font return Err(Error::MissingGlyph(glyph.c)); } let glyph_run = dwrote::DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN { fontFace: unsafe { font.as_ptr() }, fontEmSize: glyph.size.as_f32_pts(), glyphCount: 1, glyphIndices: &(glyph_index), glyphAdvances: &(0.0), glyphOffsets: &(offset), isSideways: 0, bidiLevel: 0, }; let rendering_mode = font.get_recommended_rendering_mode_default_params( glyph.size.as_f32_pts(), self.device_pixel_ratio * (96.0 / 72.0), dwrote::DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE_NATURAL, ); let glyph_analysis = GlyphRunAnalysis::create( &glyph_run, self.device_pixel_ratio * (96.0 / 72.0), None, rendering_mode, dwrote::DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE_NATURAL, 0.0, 0.0, ) .or_else(|_| Err(Error::MissingGlyph(glyph.c)))?; let bounds = glyph_analysis .get_alpha_texture_bounds(dwrote::DWRITE_TEXTURE_CLEARTYPE_3x1) .or_else(|_| Err(Error::MissingGlyph(glyph.c)))?; let buf = glyph_analysis .create_alpha_texture(dwrote::DWRITE_TEXTURE_CLEARTYPE_3x1, bounds) .or_else(|_| Err(Error::MissingGlyph(glyph.c)))?; Ok(RasterizedGlyph { c: glyph.c, width: (bounds.right - bounds.left) as i32, height: (bounds.bottom - bounds.top) as i32, top: -bounds.top, left: bounds.left, buf, }) } fn update_dpr(&mut self, device_pixel_ratio: f32) { self.device_pixel_ratio = device_pixel_ratio; } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Error { MissingFont(FontDesc), MissingGlyph(char), FontNotLoaded, } impl ::std::error::Error for Error { fn description(&self) -> &str { match *self { Error::MissingFont(ref _desc) => "Couldn't find the requested font", Error::MissingGlyph(ref _c) => "Couldn't find the requested glyph", Error::FontNotLoaded => "Tried to operate on font that hasn't been loaded", } } } impl ::std::fmt::Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result { match *self { Error::MissingGlyph(ref c) => write!(f, "Glyph not found for char {:?}", c), Error::MissingFont(ref desc) => write!( f, "Couldn't find a font with {}\n\tPlease check the font config in your \ alacritty.yml.", desc ), Error::FontNotLoaded => f.write_str("Tried to use a font that hasn't been loaded"), } } }