#[cfg(windows)] use crate::tty::windows::win32_string; // Use the default behavior of the other platforms. #[cfg(not(windows))] pub fn attach_handler() {} // Install a panic handler that renders the panic in a classical Windows error // dialog box as well as writes the panic to STDERR. #[cfg(windows)] pub fn attach_handler() { use std::{io, io::Write, panic, ptr}; use winapi::um::winuser; panic::set_hook(Box::new(|panic_info| { let _ = writeln!(io::stderr(), "{}", panic_info); let msg = format!("{}\n\nPress Ctrl-C to Copy", panic_info); unsafe { winuser::MessageBoxW( ptr::null_mut(), win32_string(&msg).as_ptr(), win32_string("Alacritty: Runtime Error").as_ptr(), winuser::MB_ICONERROR | winuser::MB_OK | winuser::MB_SETFOREGROUND | winuser::MB_TASKMODAL, ); } })); }