############################################################################### # # # Peekaboo Extended Email Attachment Behavior Observation Owl # # # # sample.py # ############################################################################### # # # Copyright (C) 2016-2018 science + computing ag # # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at # # your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # # General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # # # ############################################################################### import os import hashlib import re import errno import shutil import logging from datetime import datetime from peekaboo.config import get_config from peekaboo.exceptions import CuckooReportPendingException, \ CuckooAnalysisFailedException from peekaboo.toolbox.sampletools import SampleMetaInfo, ConnectionMap, next_job_hash from peekaboo.toolbox.files import chown2me, guess_mime_type_from_file_contents from peekaboo.toolbox.ms_office import has_office_macros from peekaboo.toolbox.cuckoo import submit_to_cuckoo import peekaboo.ruleset as ruleset logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def make_sample(file, socket): """ Create a Sample object from a given file. :param file: Path to the file to create a Sample object from. :param socket: An optional socket to write the report to. :return: A sample object representing the given file or None if the file does not exist. """ logger.debug("Looking at file %s" % file) if not os.path.isfile(file): logger.debug('%s is not a file' % file) return None s = Sample(file, socket) logger.debug('Created sample %s' % s) return s class Sample(object): """ This class handles and describes samples to be analysed by Peekaboo. A sample has attributes like: filename, MIME type, sha256, ... Those attributes are determined on demand kept in a dictionary, which is accessible through the methods has_attr, get_attr, and set_attr. The data structure works together with Cuckoo to run behavioral attributes. @author: Felix Bauer @author: Sebastian Deiss """ def __init__(self, file_path, sock=None): self.__path = file_path self.__config = get_config() self.__db_con = self.__config.get_db_con() self.__meta_info = None self.__wd = None self.__filename = os.path.basename(self.__path) # A symlink that points to the actual file named # sha256sum.suffix self.__symlink = None self.__result = ruleset.Result.unchecked self.__report = [] # Peekaboo's own report self.__socket = sock # Additional attributes for a sample object (e. g. meta info) self.__attributes = {} self.initialized = False self.meta_info_loaded = False def init(self): """ Initialize the Sample object. The actual initialization is done here, because the main thread should not do the heavy lifting of e. g. parsing the meta info file to be able to accept new connections as quickly as possible. Instead, it only adds the sample objects to the queue and the workers to the actual initialization. """ if self.initialized: return logger.debug("initializing sample") job_hash = self.get_job_hash() self.__wd = os.path.join(self.__config.sample_base_dir, job_hash) chown2me() meta_info_file = os.path.join(self.__wd, self.__filename + '.info') self.set_attr('meta_info_file', meta_info_file) self.load_meta_info(meta_info_file) try: self.__create_symlink() except OSError: pass self.initialized = True # Add sample to database with state 'inProgress' if the sample is unknown # to avoid multiple concurrent analysis. self.__result = ruleset.Result.inProgress self.__db_con.analysis2db(self) message = "Datei \"%s\" %s wird analysiert\n" % (self.__filename, self.sha256sum) self.__report.append(message) self.__send_message(message) def get_attr(self, key): """ Get a sample attribute by a specified key. :param key: The identifier of the sample attribute to get. """ if self.has_attr(key): return self.__attributes[key] raise KeyError("Attribute for key '%s' not found." % key) def set_attr(self, key, val, override=True): """ Add an attribute to a sample. :param key: The identifier of the attribute. :param val: The attribute to add. :param override: Whether the existing attribute shall be overwritten or not. """ if self.has_attr(key) and override is False: raise KeyError("Key '%s' already exists." % key) self.__attributes[key] = val def has_attr(self, key): """ Check if an attribute exists for this sample. :param key: The identifier of the attribute. """ if key in self.__attributes.keys(): return True return False def remove_attr(self, key): """ Delete an attribute for this sample. :param key: The identifier of the attribute :raises ValueError if the given key was not found in the attributes dictionary. """ if key in self.__attributes.keys(): del self.__attributes[key] raise ValueError('No attribute named "%s" found.' % key) def get_file_path(self): return self.__path def get_filename(self): return self.__filename def get_result(self): return self.__result def get_peekaboo_report(self): return ''.join(self.__report) def get_job_hash(self): job_hash = re.sub(self.__config.job_hash_regex, r'\1', self.__path) if job_hash == self.__path: # regex did not match. # so we generate our own job hash and create the # working directory. job_hash = next_job_hash() os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.__config.sample_base_dir, job_hash)) logger.debug("Job hash for this sample: %s" % job_hash) return job_hash def load_meta_info(self, meta_info_file): try: self.__meta_info = SampleMetaInfo(meta_info_file) logger.debug('Parsing meta info file %s for file %s' % (meta_info_file, self.__path)) # Add the information from the dump info file as attributes to the sample object. for info in self.__meta_info.get_all().items('attachment'): logger.debug('meta_info_%s = %s' % (info[0], info[1])) self.set_attr('meta_info_' + info[0], info[1]) self.meta_info_loaded = True except Exception: logger.info('No metadata available for file %s' % self.__path) def save_result(self): if self.__db_con.known(self): logger.debug('Known sample info not logged to database') else: logger.debug('Saving results to database') self.__db_con.sample_info_update(self) if self.__socket is not None: ConnectionMap.remove(self.__socket, self) if not ConnectionMap.has_connection(self.__socket): self.__cleanup_temp_files() self.__close_socket() def add_rule_result(self, res): logger.debug('Adding rule result %s' % str(res)) rule_results = [] if self.has_attr('rule_results'): rule_results = self.get_attr('rule_results') rule_results.append(res) self.set_attr('rule_results', rule_results) def determine_result(self): for rule_result in self.get_attr('rule_results'): logger.debug("Current result: %s, Rule result: %s" % (self.__result, rule_result.result)) # check if result of this rule is worse than what we know so far if rule_result.result > self.__result: self.__result = rule_result.result self.set_attr('reason', rule_result.reason) def report(self): """ Create the report for this sample. The report is saved as a list of strings and is available via get_peekaboo_report(). Also, if a socket connection was supplied to the sample the report messages are also written to the socket. """ # TODO: move to rule processing engine. self.determine_result() for rule_result in self.get_attr('rule_results'): message = "Datei \"%s\": %s\n" % (self.__filename, str(rule_result)) self.__report.append(message) self.__send_message(message) if self.__result == ruleset.Result.inProgress: logger.warning('Ruleset result forces to unchecked.') self.__result = ruleset.Result.unchecked message = "Die Datei \"%s\" wurde als \"%s\" eingestuft\n\n" \ % (self.__filename, self.__result.name) self.__report.append(message) self.__send_message(message) @property def sha256sum(self): if not self.has_attr('sha256sum'): with open(self.__path, 'rb') as f: checksum = hashlib.sha256(f.read()).hexdigest() self.set_attr('sha256sum', checksum) return checksum return self.get_attr('sha256sum') @property def known(self): _known = self.__db_con.known(self) if _known: self.set_attr('known', True) return True return False @property def file_extension(self): if self.has_attr('meta_info_name_declared'): file_ext = self.get_attr('meta_info_name_declared').split('.')[-1] if self.has_attr('file_extension'): if self.get_attr('file_extension') != file_ext: self.set_attr('file_extension', file_ext, override=True) else: self.set_attr('file_extension', file_ext) elif not self.has_attr('file_extension'): file_ext = os.path.splitext(self.__filename)[1][1:] self.set_attr('file_extension', file_ext) return self.get_attr('file_extension') @property def mimetype(self): """ Can not be cached (hard to determine if known/complete). determine mime on original p[0-9]* file later result will be "inode/symlink" """ mime_type = None smime = { 'p7s': [ 'application/pkcs7-signature', 'application/x-pkcs7-signature', 'application/pkcs7-mime', 'application/x-pkcs7-mime', ] } # get MIME type from meta info try: declared_mt = self.__meta_info.get_mime_type() if declared_mt is not None: logger.debug('Sample declared as "%s"' % declared_mt) mime_type = declared_mt except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) if self.meta_info_loaded: logger.error('Cannot get mime type from meta info although meta info is loaded.') detected_mime_type = guess_mime_type_from_file_contents(self.__path) if detected_mime_type != mime_type: logger.debug( 'Detected MIME type does not match declared MIME Type: declared: %s, detected: %s.' % (mime_type, detected_mime_type) ) # check if the sample is an smime signature (smime.p7s) # If so, don't overwrite the MIME type since we do not want to analyse S/MIME signatures. try: declared_filename = self.get_attr('meta_info_name_declared') except KeyError: declared_filename = self.__filename if declared_filename == 'smime.p7s' and mime_type in smime['p7s']: logger.info('Using declared MIME type over detected one for S/MIME signatures.') else: logger.debug('Overwriting declared MIME Type with "%s"' % detected_mime_type) mime_type = detected_mime_type if not self.has_attr('mimetypes'): self.set_attr('mimetypes', mime_type) return self.get_attr('mimetypes') @property def job_id(self): if self.has_attr('job_id'): return self.get_attr('job_id') return -1 @property def reason(self): # TODO: Cover all possible cases. # if reason exists and sample is not known? if not self.has_attr('reason'): if not self.has_attr('known'): rr = self.__db_con.fetch_rule_result(self) self.__result = rr.result self.set_attr('known', True) self.set_attr('reason', 'Ausschlaggebendes Ergebnis laut Datenbank: %s' % rr.reason) return self.get_attr('reason') @property def office_macros(self): if not self.has_attr('office_macros'): self.set_attr('office_macros', has_office_macros(self.__path)) return self.get_attr('office_macros') @property def file_size(self): if not self.has_attr('file_stat'): self.set_attr('file_stat', os.stat(self.__path)) return self.get_attr('file_stat').st_size @property def analyses_time(self): if not self.has_attr('analyses_time'): timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S") self.set_attr('analyses_time', timestamp) return timestamp return self.get_attr('analyses_time') @property def requested_domains(self): if not self.has_attr('requested_domains'): try: self.set_attr( 'requested_domains', self.get_attr('cuckoo_report').requested_domains ) except KeyError: self.set_attr('requested_domains', []) return self.get_attr('requested_domains') @property def cuckoo_report(self): if not self.has_attr('cuckoo_report'): try: file_for_analysis = os.path.join(self.__wd, self.__symlink) logger.debug("Submitting %s to Cuckoo" % file_for_analysis) job_id = submit_to_cuckoo(file_for_analysis) self.set_attr('job_id', job_id) message = 'Erfolgreich an Cuckoo gegeben %s als Job %d\n' \ % (self, job_id) self.__report.append(message) logger.info('Sample submitted to Cuckoo. Job ID: %s. Sample: %s' % (job_id, self)) self.__db_con.analysis_update(self) raise CuckooReportPendingException() except CuckooAnalysisFailedException as e: logger.exception(e) return self.get_attr('cuckoo_report') @property def cuckoo_analysis_failed(self): if not self.has_attr('cuckoo_failed'): if self.has_attr('cuckoo_report'): report = self.get_attr('cuckoo_report') if report.analysis_failed: self.set_attr('cuckoo_failed', True) else: self.set_attr('cuckoo_failed', False) else: self.set_attr('cuckoo_failed', True) return self.get_attr('cuckoo_failed') def __create_symlink(self): """ creates a symlink to submit the file with the correct file extension to cuckoo via submit.py. """ orig = os.path.join(self.__wd, self.__filename) self.__symlink = '%s/%s.%s' % (self.__wd, self.sha256sum, self.file_extension) logger.debug('ln -s %s %s' % (orig, self.__symlink)) os.symlink(orig, self.__symlink) def __close_socket(self): logger.debug('Closing socket connection.') try: if self.__socket is not None: self.__socket.close() except EnvironmentError as e: # base class for exceptions that can occur outside the Python system. # e. g. IOError, OSError if e.errno == errno.EPIPE: logger.warning('Unable to close the socket. Broken pipe.') else: logger.exception(e) def __cleanup_temp_files(self): try: if self.__config.keep_mail_data: logger.debug('Keeping mail data in %s' % self.__wd) else: logger.debug("Deleting tempdir %s" % self.__wd) shutil.rmtree(self.__wd) except OSError as e: logger.exception(e) def __send_message(self, msg): """ Write a message to the socket. :param msg: The message to send (max. 1024 bytes). """ if self.__socket is None: return try: self.__socket.send(msg) logger.debug('Message send: %s ' % msg) except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.EPIPE: logger.warning('Unable send message "%s". Broken pipe.' % msg) else: logger.exception(e) def __str__(self): meta_info_loaded = 'no' job_id = -1 if self.__meta_info: meta_info_loaded = 'yes' if self.has_attr('job_id'): job_id = self.get_attr('job_id') return ("" % (self.__filename, 'yes' if self.known else 'no', meta_info_loaded, job_id, self.__result, self.sha256sum)) __repr__ = __str__