line-length = 122 target-version = "py38" # This is an introductory addition of ruff. We should look to adding: # D: pydocstyle, PD: pandas-vet # All options here: select = [ "E", "W", "F", "Q", "S", "UP", "I", "PLC", "PLE", "PLR", "PLW", "SIM", "T20", ] # These ignores should be seen as temporary solutions to problems that will NEED fixed ignore = ["PLR2004", "PLR0913", "PLR0915"] exclude = [ "^openbb_platform/platform/core/openbb_core/app/static/package/.*", "^openbb_platform/openbb/package/.*", ] [per-file-ignores] "**/tests/*" = ["S101"] "*init*.py" = ["F401"] "website/*" = ["T201"] "*integration/*" = ["S101"] [lint.isort] combine-as-imports = true force-wrap-aliases = true [lint.pylint] max-args = 8 max-branches = 25 max-returns = 9 max-statements = 30 [lint.pydocstyle] convention = "numpy" [lint.flake8-import-conventions.aliases] "matplotlib.pyplot" = "plt" numpy = "np" pandas = "pd" seaborn = "sns"