{ "load AAPL and display its exponential moving average": "stocks/load AAPL/ta/ema", "get analyst prices from AAPL": "stocks/load AAPL/dd/analyst", "get management team from AAPL": "stocks/load AAPL/fa/mgmt", "check future IPOs": "stocks/disc/fipo", "search tickers with word 'Technology' from India": "stocks/search Technology -c India", "get consumer price index for Portugal": "economy/macro -p CPI -c Portugal", "load in SPY etf and get top holdings": "etf/load SPY/holdings", "get forward rates for Euro to USD": "forex/load EURUSD/fwd", "load AAPL and compare the balance sheet with microsofts" : "stocks/load AAPL/ca/add MSFT/balance" }