path: root/website/content/platform/installation.mdx
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+title: Installation
+sidebar_position: 1
+description: This page presents the general system requirements, supported environments,
+ installation procedures, and setup for running the OpenBB Platform. It discusses
+ the prerequisites including Python version, operating system requirements, Docker
+ usage, and the process of building the platform from source.
+- OpenBB Platform
+- Python
+- System requirements
+- Supported environments
+- Installation
+- Docker
+- Python virtual environment
+- Installation from source
+- Windows 10
+- Mac OS Big Sur
+- Linux
+- Package installation
+- VS Code
+- PyCharm
+- Jupyter
+- GitHub
+- Conda
+- venv
+- API
+- Repository
+- pip
+- Poetry
+- Toml
+- PyPI
+- Node.js
+- npm
+import HeadTitle from '@site/src/components/General/HeadTitle.tsx';
+<HeadTitle title="Installation | OpenBB Platform Docs" />
+## General System Requirements
+Most systems capable of running Python 3.9-3.11 will be compatible with the OpenBB Platform. A modern processor (five years or less), running an up-to-date operating system, with at least 4GB of RAM, is recommended. Maintaining the system with current patches ensures maximum compatibility. At a minimum, Windows and macOS should be:
+- Windows 10
+- Mac OS Big Sur
+Linux users should run the command line update for the package manager, prior to installation.
+## Supported Environments
+The OpenBB Platform is installed within a Python virtual environment. It is compatible with versions of Python between 3.9 and 3.11, inclusively. The method for creating the environment will be a matter of user preference, from the command line - [Conda](, [venv](, etc. - or in a code editor and IDE - [VS Code](, [PyCharm](, [Jupyter](
+If you're interested in using the [Docker](/platform/installation#docker) container, skip ahead to the specific section [below](/platform/installation#docker).
+For those new to Python, [this article]( shares some tips on getting started and why environments are important.
+See [this guide]( for creating a Python environment in VS Code.
+With the environment created, and activated, begin the installation process.
+## Installation
+Before installation, update the package manager so that `pip` is current, then create the environment with the desired version of Python.
+Installing packages directly to the system Python or `base` environment is not recommended. Create a new environment first (can be any name, using openbb here for example).
+conda create -n openbb python=3.11
+conda activate openbb
+### PyPI
+Install from PyPI with:
+pip install openbb
+This will install the core OpenBB Platform, along with officially supported extensions and providers.
+To install all extensions and providers (both officially supported and community maintained ones):
+pip install openbb[all]
+In a macOS `zsh` Terminal shell, add quotation marks around the library name.
+To install a single extension:
+pip install openbb[charting]
+pip install openbb[ta]
+Or install a single provider:
+pip install openbb[yfinance]
+To install the Nightly distribution (this installs all extras by default):
+pip install openbb-nightly
+From your python interpreter, import the OpenBB Platform:
+from openbb import obb
+This import statement is required due to the statefulness of the obb package. There is currently no support for imports such as:
+from openbb.obb.equity import *
+When the package is imported, any installed extensions will be discovered, imported and available for use.
+Currently if you wish to have the bare-bones openbb package with no extensions or providers, you can install with:
+pip install openbb-core && pip install openbb --no-deps
+To update the package:
+pip install --upgrade openbb
+To update all extensions and providers:
+pip install --upgrade openbb[all]
+If you want to uninstall the package and all its dependencies:
+pip uninstall openbb[all]
+### Docker
+OpenBB provides a `.dockerfile` on [GitHub](
+Run the following command from the repo root to build the image:
+docker build -f build/docker/api.dockerfile -t openbb-platform:latest .
+To run it:
+docker run --rm -p 8000:8000 -v ~/.openbb_platform:/root/.openbb_platform openbb-platform:latest
+This will mount the local `~/.openbb_platform` directory into the Docker container to use with the API keys and preferences from there, and it will expose the API on port `8000`.
+### Source
+To build the OpenBB Platform from the source code, first install `git`:
+pip install git
+Next, clone the repository from GitHub:
+git clone
+When it is done, checkout the branch where the code is living:
+git checkout develop
+Then, `cd` into the directory:
+cd openbb_platform
+Install required packages
+pip install poetry toml
+Finally, run the developer installation script:
+To install all extensions and providers, run: `python -e`
+### Devcontainer
+The OpenBB Platform can be run in a [Devcontainer]( in VS Code. This is a container with a well-defined environment, and it can be used to develop, build, test, and run the OpenBB Platform and its CLI.
+1. Open the project in VS Code
+2. Press F1 (Command Palette) and select Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container
+3. Wait for the container to build and the postCreateCommand to run
+4. Open a terminal in VS Code and run the following command: source obb/bin/activate
+> You can also click the Dev Containers badge at the top of the README to open the project in a Devcontainer.
+## Post-Installation
+With a fresh installation, and upon installing or uninstalling extensions, the Python interface needs to be built. This is done automatically, but can be manually triggered if required. Start a Python session and import openbb:
+from openbb import obb
+To manually trigger the build:
+import openbb
+Restart the Python interpreter and then begin using the OpenBB Platform.
+from openbb import obb
+Start the REST API with:
+uvicorn openbb_core.api.rest_api:app --host --port 8000 --reload
+See more information about using the REST API in the [usage section](/platform/user_guides/rest_api)
+## Hub Synchronization
+Once you have installed the OpenBB Platform with the desired providers and extensions, you can synchronize with the [OpenBB Hub]( The main benefit of this is that you can use your single login to access your saved credentials and preferences from any instance. To login, you can use the `login` method, either using your email and password:
+obb.account.login(email='my_email_here', password='my_password_here')
+Or using your personal access token: