path: root/website/content/platform/data_models/
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Diffstat (limited to 'website/content/platform/data_models/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 82 deletions
diff --git a/website/content/platform/data_models/ b/website/content/platform/data_models/
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-title: "Gdp Real"
-description: "Real GDP Data"
-<!-- markdownlint-disable MD012 MD031 MD033 -->
-import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
-import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
-## Implementation details
-### Class names
-| Model name | Parameters class | Data class |
-| ---------- | ---------------- | ---------- |
-| `GdpReal` | `GdpRealQueryParams` | `GdpRealData` |
-### Import Statement
-from openbb_core.provider.standard_models.gdp_real import (
-## Parameters
-<TabItem value='standard' label='standard'>
-| Name | Type | Description | Default | Optional |
-| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ------- | -------- |
-| units | Literal['idx', 'qoq', 'yoy'] | The unit of measurement for the data. Either idx (indicating 2015=100), qoq (previous period) or yoy (same period, previous year).) | yoy | True |
-| start_date | Union[date, str] | Start date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | None | True |
-| end_date | Union[date, str] | End date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | None | True |
-| provider | Literal['oecd'] | The provider to use for the query, by default None. If None, the provider specified in defaults is selected or 'oecd' if there is no default. | oecd | True |
-<TabItem value='oecd' label='oecd'>
-| Name | Type | Description | Default | Optional |
-| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ------- | -------- |
-| units | Literal['idx', 'qoq', 'yoy'] | The unit of measurement for the data. Either idx (indicating 2015=100), qoq (previous period) or yoy (same period, previous year).) | yoy | True |
-| start_date | Union[date, str] | Start date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | None | True |
-| end_date | Union[date, str] | End date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | None | True |
-| provider | Literal['oecd'] | The provider to use for the query, by default None. If None, the provider specified in defaults is selected or 'oecd' if there is no default. | oecd | True |
-| country | Literal['G20', 'G7', 'argentina', 'australia', 'austria', 'belgium', 'brazil', 'bulgaria', 'canada', 'chile', 'china', 'colombia', 'costa_rica', 'croatia', 'czech_republic', 'denmark', 'estonia', 'euro_area_19', 'europe', 'european_union_27', 'finland', 'france', 'germany', 'greece', 'hungary', 'iceland', 'india', 'indonesia', 'ireland', 'israel', 'italy', 'japan', 'korea', 'latvia', 'lithuania', 'luxembourg', 'mexico', 'netherlands', 'new_zealand', 'norway', 'oecd_total', 'poland', 'portugal', 'romania', 'russia', 'saudi_arabia', 'slovak_republic', 'slovenia', 'south_africa', 'spain', 'sweden', 'switzerland', 'turkey', 'united_kingdom', 'united_states', 'all'] | Country to get GDP for. | united_states | True |
-## Data
-<TabItem value='standard' label='standard'>
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
-| date | date | The date of the data. |
-| value | float | Nominal GDP value on the date. |
-<TabItem value='oecd' label='oecd'>
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
-| date | date | The date of the data. |
-| value | float | Nominal GDP value on the date. |