path: root/website/content/platform/data_models/
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-title: Upcoming and Historical IPO Calendar
-description: OpenBB Platform Data Model
-<!-- markdownlint-disable MD012 MD031 MD033 -->
-import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
-import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
-## Implementation details
-### Class names
-| Model name | Parameters class | Data class |
-| ---------- | ---------------- | ---------- |
-| `CalendarIpo` | `CalendarIpoQueryParams` | `CalendarIpoData` |
-### Import Statement
-from openbb_core.provider.standard_models.calendar_ipo import (
-## Parameters
-<TabItem value="standard" label="Standard">
-| Name | Type | Description | Default | Optional |
-| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ------- | -------- |
-| symbol | Union[str, List[str]] | Symbol to get data for. | None | True |
-| start_date | Union[date, str] | Start date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | None | True |
-| end_date | Union[date, str] | End date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | None | True |
-| limit | int | The number of data entries to return. | 100 | True |
-| provider | Literal['intrinio', 'nasdaq'] | The provider to use for the query, by default None. If None, the provider specified in defaults is selected or 'intrinio' if there is no default. | intrinio | True |
-<TabItem value='intrinio' label='intrinio'>
-| Name | Type | Description | Default | Optional |
-| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ------- | -------- |
-| symbol | Union[str, List[str]] | Symbol to get data for. | None | True |
-| start_date | Union[date, str] | Start date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | None | True |
-| end_date | Union[date, str] | End date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | None | True |
-| limit | int | The number of data entries to return. | 100 | True |
-| provider | Literal['intrinio', 'nasdaq'] | The provider to use for the query, by default None. If None, the provider specified in defaults is selected or 'intrinio' if there is no default. | intrinio | True |
-| status | Literal['upcoming', 'priced', 'withdrawn'] | Status of the IPO. [upcoming, priced, or withdrawn] | None | True |
-| min_value | int | Return IPOs with an offer dollar amount greater than the given amount. | None | True |
-| max_value | int | Return IPOs with an offer dollar amount less than the given amount. | None | True |
-<TabItem value='nasdaq' label='nasdaq'>
-| Name | Type | Description | Default | Optional |
-| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ------- | -------- |
-| symbol | Union[str, List[str]] | Symbol to get data for. | None | True |
-| start_date | Union[date, str] | Start date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | None | True |
-| end_date | Union[date, str] | End date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | None | True |
-| limit | int | The number of data entries to return. | 100 | True |
-| provider | Literal['intrinio', 'nasdaq'] | The provider to use for the query, by default None. If None, the provider specified in defaults is selected or 'intrinio' if there is no default. | intrinio | True |
-| status | Literal['upcoming', 'priced', 'filed', 'withdrawn'] | The status of the IPO. | priced | True |
-| is_spo | bool | If True, returns data for secondary public offerings (SPOs). | False | True |
-## Data
-<TabItem value="standard" label="Standard">
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
-| symbol | str | Symbol representing the entity requested in the data. |
-| ipo_date | date | The date of the IPO, when the stock first trades on a major exchange. |
-<TabItem value='intrinio' label='intrinio'>
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
-| symbol | str | Symbol representing the entity requested in the data. |
-| ipo_date | date | The date of the IPO, when the stock first trades on a major exchange. |
-| status | Literal['upcoming', 'priced', 'withdrawn'] |
- The status of the IPO. Upcoming IPOs have not taken place yet but are expected to.
- Priced IPOs have taken place.
- Withdrawn IPOs were expected to take place, but were subsequently withdrawn and did not take place
- |
-| exchange | str |
- The acronym of the stock exchange that the company is going to trade publicly on.
- Typically NYSE or NASDAQ.
- |
-| offer_amount | float | The total dollar amount of shares offered in the IPO. Typically this is share price * share count |
-| share_price | float | The price per share at which the IPO was offered. |
-| share_price_lowest | float |
- The expected lowest price per share at which the IPO will be offered.
- Before an IPO is priced, companies typically provide a range of prices per share at which
- they expect to offer the IPO (typically available for upcoming IPOs).
- |
-| share_price_highest | float |
- The expected highest price per share at which the IPO will be offered.
- Before an IPO is priced, companies typically provide a range of prices per share at which
- they expect to offer the IPO (typically available for upcoming IPOs).
- |
-| share_count | int | The number of shares offered in the IPO. |
-| share_count_lowest | int |
- The expected lowest number of shares that will be offered in the IPO. Before an IPO is priced,
- companies typically provide a range of shares that they expect to offer in the IPO
- (typically available for upcoming IPOs).
- |
-| share_count_highest | int |
- The expected highest number of shares that will be offered in the IPO. Before an IPO is priced,
- companies typically provide a range of shares that they expect to offer in the IPO
- (typically available for upcoming IPOs).
- |
-| announcement_url | str | The URL to the company's announcement of the IPO |
-| sec_report_url | str |
- The URL to the company's S-1, S-1/A, F-1, or F-1/A SEC filing,
- which is required to be filed before an IPO takes place.
- |
-| open_price | float | The opening price at the beginning of the first trading day (only available for priced IPOs). |
-| close_price | float | The closing price at the end of the first trading day (only available for priced IPOs). |
-| volume | int | The volume at the end of the first trading day (only available for priced IPOs). |
-| day_change | float |
- The percentage change between the open price and the close price on the first trading day
- (only available for priced IPOs).
- |
-| week_change | float |
- The percentage change between the open price on the first trading day and the close price approximately
- a week after the first trading day (only available for priced IPOs).
- |
-| month_change | float |
- The percentage change between the open price on the first trading day and the close price approximately
- a month after the first trading day (only available for priced IPOs).
- |
-| id | str | The Intrinio ID of the IPO. |
-| company | openbb_intrinio.utils.references.IntrinioCompany | The company that is going public via the IPO. |
-| security | openbb_intrinio.utils.references.IntrinioSecurity | The primary Security for the Company that is going public via the IPO |
-<TabItem value='nasdaq' label='nasdaq'>
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
-| symbol | str | Symbol representing the entity requested in the data. |
-| ipo_date | date | The date of the IPO, when the stock first trades on a major exchange. |
-| name | str | The name of the company. |
-| offer_amount | float | The dollar value of the shares offered. |
-| share_count | int | The number of shares offered. |
-| expected_price_date | date | The date the pricing is expected. |
-| filed_date | date | The date the IPO was filed. |
-| withdraw_date | date | The date the IPO was withdrawn. |
-| deal_status | str | The status of the deal. |