path: root/website/content/excel/reference/economy/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'website/content/excel/reference/economy/')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 0 deletions
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+title: calendar
+description: The Economic Calendar provides information on economic events and data.
+ Use the OBB Python function `obb.economy.calendar()` to retrieve economic calendar
+ data. The function accepts parameters such as start date, end date, provider, country,
+ importance, and group. It returns a list of economic calendar data, including the
+ date, event, reference, source, actual value, previous value, consensus value, and
+ forecast value. The data can be filtered by provider such as FMP, Nasdaq, or Trading
+ Economics.
+- economic calendar
+- python obb.economy.calendar
+- parameters
+- start date
+- end date
+- provider
+- country
+- importance
+- group
+- returns
+- data
+- date
+- event
+- reference
+- source
+- source url
+- actual
+- previous
+- consensus
+- forecast
+- url
+- currency
+- unit
+- change
+- change percent
+- updated at
+- created at
+- description
+<!-- markdownlint-disable MD041 -->
+Economic Calendar.
+## Syntax
+```jsx<span style={color: 'red'}>=OBB.ECONOMY.CALENDAR([provider];[start_date];[end_date];[country];[importance];[group])</span>```
+### Example
+```excel wordwrap
+## Parameters
+| Name | Type | Description | Optional |
+| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
+| provider | Text | Options: fmp, tradingeconomics, defaults to fmp. | True |
+| start_date | Text | Start date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | True |
+| end_date | Text | End date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | True |
+| country | Any | Country of the event (provider: tradingeconomics) | True |
+| importance | Text | Importance of the event. (provider: tradingeconomics) | True |
+| group | Text | Grouping of events (provider: tradingeconomics) | True |
+## Return Data
+| Name | Description |
+| ---- | ----------- |
+| date | The date of the data. |
+| country | Country of event. |
+| event | Event name. |
+| reference | Abbreviated period for which released data refers to. |
+| source | Source of the data. |
+| sourceurl | Source URL. |
+| actual | Latest released value. |
+| previous | Value for the previous period after the revision (if revision is applicable). |
+| consensus | Average forecast among a representative group of economists. |
+| forecast | Trading Economics projections |
+| url | Trading Economics URL |
+| importance | Importance of the event. 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High |
+| currency | Currency of the data. |
+| unit | Unit of the data. |
+| change | Value change since previous. (provider: fmp) |
+| change_percent | Percentage change since previous. (provider: fmp) |
+| updated_at | Last updated timestamp. (provider: fmp) |
+| created_at | Created at timestamp. (provider: fmp) |
+| description | Event description. (provider: nasdaq) |