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+title: Quick Start
+sidebar_position: 2
+description: This page is a quick start guide for the OpenBB CLI.
+- quickstart
+- quick start
+- tutorial
+- getting started
+- cli
+import HeadTitle from '@site/src/components/General/HeadTitle.tsx';
+<HeadTitle title="Quick Start - Usage | OpenBB CLI Docs" />
+## Launch
+- Open a Terminal and activate the environment where the `openbb-cli` package was installed.
+- On the command line, enter: `openbb`
+![CLI Home](
+## Login
+Login to your [OpenBB Hub account]( to add stored keys to the session.
+/account/login --pat REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_PAT
+Add `--remember-me` to the command to persist the login until actively logging out.
+Login by email & password is also possible.
+/account/login --email --password n0Ts3CuR3L!kEPAT
+Find all data providers [here](, and manage all your credentials directly on the [OpenBB Hub](
+## Menus
+Menus are distinguishable from commands by the character, `>`, on the left of the screen.
+Enter a menu by typing it out and pressing return.
+![Economy Menu](
+### Go Back One Level
+Return to the parent menu by entering either:
+- `..`
+- `q`
+### Go Back To Home
+Return to the base menu by entering either:
+- `/`
+- `home`
+### Jump Between Menus
+Use absolute paths to navigate from anywhere, to anywhere.
+## Commands
+Commands are displayed on-screen in a lighter colour, compared with menu items, and they will not have, `>`.
+Functions have a variety of parameters that differ by endpoint and provider. Use the `--help` dialogue to understand the nuances of any particular command.
+### How To Enter Parameters
+Parameters are all defined through the same pattern, `--argument`, followed by a space, and then the value.
+If the parameter is a boolean (true/false), there is no value to enter. Adding the `--argument` flags the parameter to be the opposite of its default state.
+The use of positional arguments is not supported.
+❌ `historical AAPL --start_date 2024-01-01`
+✅ `historical --symbol AAPL --start_date 2024-01-01`
+### Use Auto Complete
+The auto completion engine is triggered when the spacebar is pressed following any command, or parameter with a defined set of choices.
+After the first parameter has been set, remaining parameters will be triggered by entering `--`.
+historical --symbol AAPL --start_date 2024-01-01 --
+![Auto Complete](
+### Data Processing Commands
+Data processing extensions, like `openbb-technical` accept `--data` as an input.
+Command outputs are cached. These can be check using the `results` command and are selected with the `--data` parameter.
+# Store the command output
+/equity/price/historical --symbol SPY --start_date 2024-01-01 --provider yfinance
+# Check results content
+# Use the results
+/technical/rsi --data OBB0 --chart
+![SPY RSI](
+## Help Dialogues
+Display the help dialogue by attaching, `--help` or `-h`, to any command.
+Use this to identify the providers compatible with each parameter, if applicable.
+calendar --help
+usage: calendar [--start_date START_DATE] [--end_date END_DATE] [--provider {fmp,nasdaq,tradingeconomics}] [--country COUNTRY] [--importance {Low,Medium,High}]
+ [--group {interest rate,inflation,bonds,consumer,gdp,government,housing,labour,markets,money,prices,trade,business}] [-h] [--export EXPORT]
+ [--sheet-name SHEET_NAME [SHEET_NAME ...]]
+Get the upcoming, or historical, economic calendar of global events.
+ --start_date START_DATE
+ Start date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
+ --end_date END_DATE End date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
+ --provider {fmp,nasdaq,tradingeconomics}
+ The provider to use for the query, by default None.
+ If None, the provider specified in defaults is selected or 'fmp' if there is
+ no default.
+ --country COUNTRY Country of the event. (provider: nasdaq, tradingeconomics)
+ -h, --help show this help message
+ --export EXPORT Export raw data into csv, json, xlsx and figure into png, jpg, pdf, svg
+ --sheet-name SHEET_NAME [SHEET_NAME ...]
+ Name of excel sheet to save data to. Only valid for .xlsx files.
+ --importance {Low,Medium,High}
+ Importance of the event.
+ --group {interest rate,inflation,bonds,consumer,gdp,government,housing,labour,markets,money,prices,trade,business}
+ Grouping of events
+If the source selected was Nasdaq, `--provider nasdaq`, the `--importance` and `--group` parameters will be ignored.
+/economy/calendar --provider nasdaq --country united_states
+| date | country | event | actual | previous | consensus | description |
+| 2024-05-08 13:30:00 | United States | Fed Governor Cook Speaks | - | - | - | |
+| cont... | | | | | | |
+## Export Data
+Data can be exported as a CSV, JSON, or XLSX file, and can also be exported directly from the interactive tables and charts.
+### Named File
+This command exports the Nasdaq directory as a specific CSV file. The path to the file is displayed on-screen.
+/equity/search --provider nasdaq --export nasdaq_directory.csv
+Saved file: /Users/myusername/OpenBBUserData/nasdaq_directory.csv
+### Unnamed File
+If only supplied with the file type, the export will be given a generic name beginning with the date and time.
+/equity/search --provider nasdaq --export csv
+Saved file: /Users/myusername/OpenBBUserData/20240508_145308_controllers_search.csv
+### Specify Sheet Name
+Exports can share the same `.xlsx` file by providing a `--sheet-name`.
+/equity/search --provider nasdaq --export directory.xlsx --sheet-name nasdaq
+## Run Multiple Commands
+A chain of commands can be run from a single line, separate each process with `/`. The example below will draw two charts and can be pasted as a single line.
+/equity/price/historical --symbol AAPL,MSFT,GOOGL,AMZN,META,NVDA,NFLX,TSLA,QQQ --start_date 2022-01-01 --provider yfinance --chart/performance --symbol AAPL,MSFT,GOOGL,AMZN,META,NVDA,NFLX,TSLA,QQQ --provider finviz --chart
+## Example Routine
+To demonstrate how multiple commands are sequenced as a script, try running the example Routine.
+/exe --example