path: root/openbb_platform/providers/federal_reserve/openbb_federal_reserve/utils/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'openbb_platform/providers/federal_reserve/openbb_federal_reserve/utils/')
1 files changed, 636 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/openbb_platform/providers/federal_reserve/openbb_federal_reserve/utils/ b/openbb_platform/providers/federal_reserve/openbb_federal_reserve/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..173d512c036
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openbb_platform/providers/federal_reserve/openbb_federal_reserve/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
+"""NY Federal Reserve API Utilities."""
+# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals,unused-argument
+from typing import Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Union
+from openbb_core.provider.utils.errors import EmptyDataError
+from openbb_core.provider.utils.helpers import amake_request
+from pandas import DataFrame, DatetimeIndex, to_datetime
+BASE_URL = ""
+OPERATION_STATUS = ["announcements", "results"]
+DETAILS = ["summary", "details"]
+GUIDE_SHEET_TYPES = ["si", "wi", "fs"]
+AMBS_OPERATION_TYPES = ["all", "purchases", "sales", "roll", "swap"]
+ None: "",
+ "basket": "Basket",
+ "coupon_swap": "Coupon%20Swap",
+ "dollar_roll": "Dollar%20Roll",
+ "specified_pool": "Specified%20Pool",
+ "tba": "TBA",
+FXS_OPERATION_TYPES = ["all", "usdollar", "nonusdollar"]
+FXS_DATE_TYPES = ["all", "trade", "maturity"]
+REFERENCE_RATE_TYPES = ["rate", "volume"]
+SECURED_RATE_TYPES = ["tgcr", "bgcr", "sofr", "sofrai"]
+UNSECURED_RATE_TYPES = ["effr", "obfr"]
+REPO_OPERATION_TYPES = ["all", "repo", "reverserepo"]
+REPO_OPERATION_METHODS = ["all", "fixed", "single", "multiple"]
+REPO_SECURITY_TYPES = ["mbs", "agency", "tsy", "srf"]
+REPO_TERM_TYPES = ["overnight", "term"]
+LENDING_OPERATION_TYPES = ["all", "seclending", "extensions"]
+ "all": "all",
+ "agency_debts": "agency%20debts",
+ "mbs": "mbs",
+ "cmbs": "cmbs",
+TREASURY_HOLDING_TYPES = ["all", "bills", "notesbonds", "frn", "tips"]
+TREASURY_OPERATION_TYPES = ["all", "purchases", "sales"]
+TREASURY_STATUS_TYPES = ["announcements", "results", "operations"]
+TREASURY_SECURITY_TYPE = ["agency", "treasury"]
+CategoryChoices = Literal[
+ "agency_mbs_operations",
+ "central_bank_liquidity_swaps_operations",
+ "guide_sheets",
+ "primary_dealer_statistics",
+ "primary_dealer_market_share",
+ "reference_rates",
+ "repo_and_reverse_repo_operations",
+ "securities_lending_operations",
+ "soma_holdings",
+ "treasury_securities_operations",
+HoldingTypes = Literal[
+ "all_agency",
+ "agency_debts",
+ "mbs",
+ "cmbs",
+ "all_treasury",
+ "bills",
+ "notesbonds",
+ "frn",
+ "tips",
+ "all_agency",
+ "agency_debts",
+ "mbs",
+ "cmbs",
+ "all_treasury",
+ "bills",
+ "notesbonds",
+ "frn",
+ "tips",
+def _get_endpoints(
+ category: Union[CategoryChoices, None] = None,
+ start_date: Optional[str] = "",
+ end_date: Optional[str] = "",
+ date: Optional[str] = "2022-02-22",
+ details: Optional[str] = "details",
+ n_operations: Optional[int] = 90,
+ operation_status: Optional[str] = "results",
+ ambs_operation: Optional[str] = "all",
+ ambs_security: Optional[str] = "",
+ fxs_operation_type: Optional[str] = "all",
+ fxs_date_type: Optional[str] = "",
+ fxs_counterparties: Optional[str] = "",
+ guide_sheet_types: Optional[str] = "si",
+ is_previous: Optional[bool] = False,
+ pd_seriesbreak: Optional[str] = "SBN2022",
+ pd_timeseries: Optional[str] = "PDSOOS-ABSTOT",
+ pd_asof_date: Optional[str] = "2023-03-01",
+ rate_type: Optional[str] = "",
+ secured_type: Optional[str] = "sofr",
+ unsecured_type: Optional[str] = "effr",
+ repo_security_type: Optional[str] = "all",
+ repo_operation_type: Optional[str] = "all",
+ repo_operation_method: Optional[str] = "all",
+ repo_term: Optional[str] = "",
+ lending_operation: Optional[str] = "all",
+ cusips: Optional[str] = "",
+ description: Optional[str] = "",
+ agency_holding_type: Optional[str] = "all",
+ treasury_holding_type: Optional[str] = "all",
+ treasury_operation: Optional[str] = "all",
+ treasury_status: Optional[str] = "results",
+ treasury_security_type: Optional[str] = "",
+) -> Dict:
+ """Generating URLs to the all, or a category of, endpoints.
+ This function is not intended to be used directly."""
+ is_latest: str = "latest"
+ if ambs_security:
+ ambs_security = AMBS_SECURITIES[ambs_security]
+ if is_previous:
+ is_latest = "previous" if is_previous else "latest"
+ end_points = {
+ "agency_mbs_operations": {
+ "latest": BASE_URL + "/ambs/"
+ f"{ambs_operation}"
+ "/"
+ f"{operation_status}"
+ "/"
+ f"{details}"
+ "/latest.json",
+ "previous": BASE_URL + "/ambs/"
+ f"{ambs_operation}"
+ "/"
+ f"{operation_status}"
+ "/"
+ f"{details}"
+ "/previous.json",
+ "last_two_weeks": BASE_URL + "/ambs/"
+ f"{ambs_operation}"
+ "/"
+ f"{operation_status}"
+ "/"
+ f"{details}"
+ "/lastTwoWeeks.json",
+ "last": BASE_URL + "/ambs/"
+ f"{ambs_operation}"
+ "/"
+ f"{operation_status}"
+ "/"
+ f"{details}"
+ "/last/"
+ f"{n_operations}"
+ ".json",
+ "search": BASE_URL + "/ambs/"
+ f"{ambs_operation}"
+ "/"
+ f"{operation_status}"
+ "/"
+ f"{details}"
+ "/search.json?"
+ "securities="
+ f"{ambs_security}"
+ "&desc="
+ f"{description}"
+ "&cusip="
+ f"{cusips}"
+ "&startDate="
+ f"{start_date}"
+ "&endDate="
+ f"{end_date}",
+ },
+ "central_bank_liquidty_swaps_operations": {
+ "latest": BASE_URL + "/fxs/" f"{fxs_operation_type}" "/latest.json",
+ "last": BASE_URL + "/fxs/"
+ f"{fxs_operation_type}"
+ "/last/"
+ f"{n_operations}"
+ ".json",
+ "search": BASE_URL + "/fxs/"
+ f"{fxs_operation_type}"
+ "/search.json"
+ "?startDate="
+ f"{start_date}"
+ "&endDate="
+ f"{end_date}"
+ "&dateType="
+ f"{fxs_date_type}"
+ "&counterparties="
+ f"{fxs_counterparties}",
+ "counterparties": BASE_URL + "/fxs/list/counterparties.json",
+ },
+ "guide_sheets": BASE_URL + "/guidesheets/"
+ f"{guide_sheet_types}"
+ "/"
+ f"{is_latest}"
+ ".json",
+ "primary_dealer_statistics": {
+ "latest": BASE_URL + "/pd/latest/" f"{pd_seriesbreak}" ".json",
+ "all_timeseries": BASE_URL + "/pd/get/all/timeseries.csv",
+ "list_descriptions": BASE_URL + "/pd/list/timeseries.json",
+ "list_asof": BASE_URL + "/pd/list/asof.json",
+ "list_seriesbreaks": BASE_URL + "/pd/list/seriesbreaks.json",
+ "get_asof": BASE_URL + "/pd/get/asof/" f"{pd_asof_date}" ".json",
+ "get_timeseries": BASE_URL + "/pd/get/" f"{pd_timeseries}" ".json",
+ "get_timeseries_seriesbreak": BASE_URL + "/pd/get/"
+ f"{pd_seriesbreak}"
+ "/timeseries/"
+ f"{pd_timeseries}"
+ ".json",
+ },
+ "primary_dealer_market_share": {
+ "quarterly": BASE_URL + "/marketshare/qtrly/latest.xlsx",
+ "ytd": BASE_URL + "/marketshare/ytd/latest.xlsx",
+ },
+ "reference_rates": {
+ "latest": BASE_URL + "/rates/all/latest.json",
+ "search": BASE_URL + "/rates/all/search.json?"
+ "startDate="
+ f"{start_date}"
+ "&endDate="
+ f"{end_date}"
+ "&type="
+ f"{rate_type}",
+ "latest_secured": BASE_URL + "/rates/secured/all/latest.json",
+ "latest_unsecured": BASE_URL + "/rates/unsecured/all/latest.json",
+ "last_secured": BASE_URL + "/rates/secured/"
+ f"{secured_type}"
+ "/last/"
+ f"{n_operations}"
+ ".json",
+ "last_unsecured": BASE_URL + "/rates/unsecured/"
+ f"{unsecured_type}"
+ "/last/"
+ f"{n_operations}"
+ ".json",
+ },
+ "repo_and_reverse_repo_operations": {
+ "latest": BASE_URL + "/rp/"
+ f"{repo_operation_type}"
+ "/"
+ f"{repo_operation_method}"
+ "/"
+ f"{operation_status}"
+ "/latest.json",
+ "last_two_weeks": BASE_URL + "/rp/"
+ f"{repo_operation_type}"
+ "/"
+ f"{repo_operation_method}"
+ "/"
+ f"{operation_status}"
+ "/lastTwoWeeks.json",
+ "last": BASE_URL + "/rp/"
+ f"{repo_operation_type}"
+ "/"
+ f"{repo_operation_method}"
+ "/"
+ f"{operation_status}"
+ "/last/"
+ f"{n_operations}"
+ ".json",
+ "search": BASE_URL + "/rp/results/search.json?"
+ "startDate="
+ f"{start_date}"
+ "&endDate="
+ f"{end_date}"
+ "&operationTypes="
+ f"{repo_operation_type}"
+ "&method="
+ f"{repo_operation_method}"
+ "&securityType="
+ f"{repo_security_type}"
+ "&term="
+ f"{repo_term}",
+ "propositions": BASE_URL + "/rp/reverserepo/propositions/search.json?"
+ "startDate="
+ f"{start_date}"
+ "&endDate="
+ f"{end_date}",
+ },
+ "securities_lending_operations": {
+ "latest": BASE_URL + "/seclending/"
+ f"{lending_operation}"
+ "/results/"
+ f"{details}"
+ "/latest.json",
+ "last_two_weeks": BASE_URL + "/seclending/"
+ f"{lending_operation}"
+ "/results/"
+ f"{details}"
+ "/lastTwoWeeks.json",
+ "last": BASE_URL + "/seclending/"
+ f"{lending_operation}"
+ "/results/"
+ f"{details}"
+ "/last/"
+ f"{n_operations}"
+ ".json",
+ "search": BASE_URL + "/seclending/"
+ f"{lending_operation}"
+ "/results/"
+ f"{details}"
+ "/search.json"
+ "?startDate="
+ f"{start_date}"
+ "&endDate="
+ f"{end_date}"
+ "&cusips="
+ f"{cusips}"
+ "&descriptions="
+ f"{description}",
+ },
+ "soma_holdings": {
+ "summary": BASE_URL + "/soma/summary.json",
+ "release_log": BASE_URL + "/soma/agency/get/release_log.json",
+ "list_as_of": BASE_URL + "/soma/asofdates/list.json",
+ "get_as_of": BASE_URL + "/soma/agency/get/asof/" f"{date}" ".json",
+ "get_cusip": BASE_URL + "/soma/agency/get/cusip/" f"{cusips}" ".json",
+ "get_holding_type": BASE_URL + "/soma/agency/get/"
+ f"{agency_holding_type}"
+ "/asof/"
+ f"{date}"
+ ".json",
+ "agency_debts": BASE_URL + "/soma/agency/wam/agency%20debts/asof/"
+ f"{date}"
+ ".json",
+ "list_release_dates": BASE_URL + "/soma/tsy/get/release_log.json",
+ "get_treasury_as_of": BASE_URL + "/soma/tsy/get/asof/" f"{date}" ".json",
+ "get_treasury_cusip": BASE_URL + "/soma/tsy/get/cusip/" f"{cusips}" ".json",
+ "get_treasury_holding_type": BASE_URL + "/soma/tsy/get/"
+ f"{treasury_holding_type}"
+ "/asof/"
+ f"{date}"
+ ".json",
+ "get_treasury_debts": BASE_URL + "/soma/tsy/wam/"
+ f"{treasury_holding_type}"
+ "/asof/"
+ f"{date}"
+ ".json",
+ "get_treasury_monthly": BASE_URL + "/soma/tsy/get/monthly.json",
+ },
+ "treasury_securities_operations": {
+ "current": BASE_URL + "/tsy/"
+ f"{treasury_operation}"
+ "/"
+ f"{treasury_status}"
+ "/"
+ f"{details}"
+ "/latest.json",
+ "last_two_weeks": BASE_URL + "/tsy/"
+ f"{treasury_operation}"
+ "/results/"
+ f"{details}"
+ "/lastTwoWeeks.json",
+ "last": BASE_URL + "/tsy/"
+ f"{treasury_operation}"
+ "/results/"
+ f"{details}"
+ "/last/"
+ f"{n_operations}"
+ ".json",
+ "search": BASE_URL + "/tsy/"
+ f"{treasury_operation}"
+ "/results/"
+ f"{details}"
+ "/search.json?"
+ "startDate="
+ f"{start_date}"
+ "&endDate="
+ f"{end_date}"
+ "&securityType="
+ f"{treasury_security_type}"
+ "&cusip="
+ f"{cusips}"
+ "&desc="
+ f"{description}",
+ },
+ }
+ return end_points if category is None else end_points[category] # type: ignore
+async def fetch_data(url: str) -> Dict:
+ """Fetches the JSON response from the API."""
+ try:
+ response = await amake_request(url)
+ except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
+ raise e from e
+ return response # type: ignore
+def get_nearest_date(dates: List[str], target_date: str) -> str:
+ """Get the nearest date in the list of dates to the target date."""
+ df = DataFrame(dates, columns=["dates"])
+ df["dates"] = DatetimeIndex(df["dates"])
+ target_date = to_datetime(target_date)
+ differences = (df.dates - target_date).abs()
+ nearest_date_index = differences.argmin()
+ nearest_date = df.index[nearest_date_index]
+ return df.iloc[nearest_date]["dates"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+class SomaHoldings:
+ """Wrapper for NY Fed's System Open Market Account endpoints.
+ All get methods are asynchronous.
+ Methods
+ -------
+ get_as_of_dates: Function for getting all valid as-of dates for SOMA data.
+ Returns: List
+ get_release_log: Function for getting the last three months of Agency release and as-of dates.
+ Returns: List[Dict]
+ get_summary: Function for getting historical weekly summaries by holding type.
+ Returns: List[Dict]
+ get_agency_holdings: Function for getting the latest agency holdings, or as of a single date.
+ Returns: List[Dict]
+ get_treasury_holdings: Function for getting the latest Treasury holdings, or as-of a single date.
+ Returns: List[Dict]
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> soma = SomaHoldings()
+ >>> logs = await soma.get_release_log()
+ >>> mbs = await soma.get_agency_holdings(holding_type = "mbs")
+ >>> monthly_holdings = await soma.get_treasury_holdings(monthly = True)
+ """
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ """Initialize the SomaHoldings class."""
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return str(self.__doc__)
+ async def get_as_of_dates(self) -> List:
+ """Get all valid as-of dates for SOMA operations."""
+ dates_url = _get_endpoints()["soma_holdings"]["list_as_of"]
+ dates_response = await fetch_data(dates_url)
+ dates = dates_response.get("soma", {}).get("asOfDates", [])
+ if not dates:
+ raise RuntimeError("Error requesting dates. Please try again later.")
+ return dates
+ async def get_release_log(
+ self,
+ treasury: bool = False,
+ ) -> List[Dict]:
+ """Returns the last three months Agency Release and as-of dates.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ treasury: bool
+ If True, returns the last three months of Treasury release and as-of dates.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ List[Dict]: Dictionary of the release date and as-of dates.
+ Example
+ -------
+ >>> release_log = await SomaHoldings().get_release_log(treasury = True)
+ """
+ url = (
+ _get_endpoints()["soma_holdings"]["list_release_dates"]
+ if treasury is True
+ else _get_endpoints()["soma_holdings"]["release_log"]
+ )
+ response = await fetch_data(url)
+ release_log = response.get("soma", {}).get("dates", [])
+ if not release_log:
+ raise ValueError("No data found. Try again later.")
+ return release_log
+ async def get_summary(self) -> List[Dict]:
+ """Returns historical weekly summary by holding type.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ List[Dict]: Historical weekly summary by holding type.
+ Example
+ -------
+ summary = await SomaHoldings().get_summary()
+ """
+ url = _get_endpoints()["soma_holdings"]["summary"]
+ response = await fetch_data(url)
+ summary = response.get("soma", {}).get("summary", [])
+ if not summary:
+ raise EmptyDataError(
+ "There was an error with the request and was returned empty."
+ )
+ return summary
+ async def get_agency_holdings(
+ self,
+ as_of: Optional[str] = None,
+ cusip: Optional[str] = None,
+ holding_type: Optional[str] = None,
+ wam: bool = False,
+ ) -> List[Dict]:
+ """Gets the latest agency holdings, or as of a single date. Data is updated weekly.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ as_of: Optional[str]
+ The as-of date to get data for. Defaults to the latest.
+ cusip: Optional[str]
+ The CUSIP of the security to search for. This parameter takes priority over `holding_type`.
+ holding_type: Optional[str]
+ The holding type for which to retrieve. Choices are: ['all', 'agency debts', 'mbs', 'cmbs']
+ wam: Optional[bool]
+ Whether to return a single date weighted average maturity for Agency debt. Defaults to False.
+ This parameter takes priority over `holding_type` and `cusip`.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ List[Dict]: List of dictionaries with results.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> holdings = await SomaHoldings().get_agency_holdings(holding_type = "cmbs")
+ >>> df = await SomaHoldings().get_agency_holdings(cusip = "3138LMCK7")
+ >>> wam = await SomaHoldings().get_agency_holdings(wam = True)
+ """
+ response: Dict = {}
+ url: str = ""
+ dates = await self.get_as_of_dates()
+ if as_of is not None:
+ as_of = get_nearest_date(dates, as_of)
+ if as_of is None:
+ as_of = dates[0]
+ if wam is True:
+ url = _get_endpoints(
+ date=as_of,
+ )[
+ "soma_holdings"
+ ]["agency_debts"]
+ response = await fetch_data(url)
+ return [response.get("soma", {})]
+ url = _get_endpoints(date=as_of)["soma_holdings"]["get_as_of"]
+ if holding_type is not None:
+ if holding_type not in AGENCY_HOLDING_TYPES:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Invalid choice. Choose from: ['all', 'agency debts', 'mbs', 'cmbs']"
+ )
+ url = _get_endpoints(
+ agency_holding_type=AGENCY_HOLDING_TYPES[holding_type], date=as_of
+ )["soma_holdings"]["get_holding_type"]
+ if cusip is not None:
+ url = _get_endpoints(cusips=cusip)["soma_holdings"]["get_cusip"]
+ response = await fetch_data(url)
+ holdings = response.get("soma", {}).get("holdings", [])
+ if not holdings:
+ raise EmptyDataError()
+ return holdings
+ async def get_treasury_holdings(
+ self,
+ as_of: Optional[str] = None,
+ cusip: Optional[str] = None,
+ holding_type: Optional[str] = None,
+ wam: Optional[bool] = False,
+ monthly: Optional[bool] = False,
+ ) -> List[Dict]:
+ """Gets the latest Treasury holdings, or as of a single date.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ as_of: Optional[str]
+ The as-of date to get data for. Defaults to the latest.
+ cusip: Optional[str]
+ The CUSIP of the security to search for. This parameter takes priority over `monthly` and `holding_type`.
+ holding_type: Optional[str]
+ The holding type for which to retrieve. Choices are: ['all', 'bills', 'notesbonds', 'frn', 'tips']
+ wam: Optional[bool]
+ Whether to return a single date weighted average maturity for Agency debt. Defaults to False.
+ This parameter takes priority over `holding_type`, `cusip`, and `monthly`.
+ monthly: Optional[bool]
+ If true, returns historical data for all securities at a monthly interval.
+ This parameter takes priority over other parameters except `wam`.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ List[Dict]: List of dictionaries with results.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> holdings = await SomaHoldings().get_treasury_holdings(holding_type = "tips")
+ >>> df = await SomaHoldings().get_treasury_holdings(cusip = "912810FH6")
+ >>> wam = await SomaHoldings().get_treasury_holdings(wam = True)
+ >>> monthly = await SomaHoldings().get_treasury_holdings(monthly = True, holding_type = "bills")
+ """
+ response: Dict = {}
+ url: str = ""
+ dates = await self.get_as_of_dates()
+ if as_of is not None:
+ as_of = get_nearest_date(dates, as_of)
+ if as_of is None:
+ as_of = dates[0]
+ if wam is True:
+ url = _get_endpoints(
+ date=as_of,
+ )[
+ "soma_holdings"
+ ]["get_treasury_debts"]
+ response = await fetch_data(url)
+ return [response.get("soma", {})]
+ if holding_type is not None:
+ if holding_type not in TREASURY_HOLDING_TYPES:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Invalid choice. Choose from: ", TREASURY_HOLDING_TYPES
+ )
+ url = _get_endpoints(treasury_holding_type=holding_type, date=as_of)[
+ "soma_holdings"
+ ]["get_treasury_holding_type"]
+ if monthly:
+ url = _get_endpoints()["soma_holdings"]["get_treasury_monthly"]
+ if cusip is not None:
+ url = _get_endpoints(cusips=cusip)["soma_holdings"]["get_treasury_cusip"]
+ response = await fetch_data(url)
+ holdings = response.get("soma", {}).get("holdings", [])
+ if not holdings:
+ raise EmptyDataError()
+ return holdings