path: root/cli/openbb_cli/controllers/
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Diffstat (limited to 'cli/openbb_cli/controllers/')
1 files changed, 486 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cli/openbb_cli/controllers/ b/cli/openbb_cli/controllers/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1dd48925253
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cli/openbb_cli/controllers/
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+"""Routine functions for OpenBB Platform CLI."""
+import re
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from typing import Dict, List, Match, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
+from openbb_cli.session import Session
+# pylint: disable=too-many-statements,eval-used,consider-iterating-dictionary
+# pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-return-statements
+# Necessary for OpenBB keywords
+ "JANUARY": 1,
+ "FEBRUARY": 2,
+ "MARCH": 3,
+ "APRIL": 4,
+ "MAY": 5,
+ "JUNE": 6,
+ "JULY": 7,
+ "AUGUST": 8,
+ "OCTOBER": 10,
+ "NOVEMBER": 11,
+ "DECEMBER": 12,
+ "MONDAY": 0,
+ "TUESDAY": 1,
+ "THURSDAY": 3,
+ "FRIDAY": 4,
+ "SATURDAY": 5,
+ "SUNDAY": 6,
+def is_reset(command: str) -> bool:
+ """Test whether a command is a reset command.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ command : str
+ The command to test
+ Returns
+ -------
+ answer : bool
+ Whether the command is a reset command
+ """
+ if "reset" in command:
+ return True
+ if command == "r":
+ return True
+ if command == "r\n":
+ return True
+ return False
+def match_and_return_openbb_keyword_date(keyword: str) -> str: # noqa: PLR0911
+ """Return OpenBB keyword into date.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ keyword : str
+ String with potential OpenBB keyword (e.g. 1MONTHAGO,LASTFRIDAY,3YEARSFROMNOW,NEXTTUESDAY)
+ Returns
+ ----------
+ str: Date with format YYYY-MM-DD
+ """
+ now =
+ for i, regex in enumerate([r"^\$(\d+)([A-Z]+)AGO$", r"^\$(\d+)([A-Z]+)FROMNOW$"]):
+ match = re.match(regex, keyword)
+ if match:
+ integer_value = int(
+ time_unit =
+ clean_time = time_unit.upper()
+ if "DAYS" in clean_time or "MONTHS" in clean_time or "YEARS" in clean_time:
+ kwargs = {time_unit.lower(): integer_value}
+ if i == 0:
+ return (now - relativedelta(**kwargs)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # type: ignore
+ return (now + relativedelta(**kwargs)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # type: ignore
+ match ="\$LAST(\w+)", keyword)
+ if match:
+ time_unit =
+ # Check if it corresponds to a month
+ if time_unit in list(MONTHS_VALUE.keys()):
+ the_year = now.year
+ # Calculate the year and month for last month date
+ if now.month <= MONTHS_VALUE[time_unit]:
+ # If the current month is greater than the last date month, it means it is this year
+ the_year = now.year - 1
+ return datetime(the_year, MONTHS_VALUE[time_unit], 1).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+ # Check if it corresponds to a week day
+ if time_unit in list(WEEKDAY_VALUE.keys()):
+ if datetime.weekday(now) > WEEKDAY_VALUE[time_unit]:
+ return (
+ now
+ - timedelta(datetime.weekday(now))
+ + timedelta(WEEKDAY_VALUE[time_unit])
+ ).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+ return (
+ now
+ - timedelta(7)
+ - timedelta(datetime.weekday(now))
+ + timedelta(WEEKDAY_VALUE[time_unit])
+ ).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+ match ="\$NEXT(\w+)", keyword)
+ if match:
+ time_unit =
+ # Check if it corresponds to a month
+ if time_unit in list(MONTHS_VALUE.keys()):
+ # Calculate the year and month for next month date
+ if now.month < MONTHS_VALUE[time_unit]:
+ # If the current month is greater than the last date month, it means it is this year
+ return datetime(now.year, MONTHS_VALUE[time_unit], 1).strftime(
+ "%Y-%m-%d"
+ )
+ return datetime(now.year + 1, MONTHS_VALUE[time_unit], 1).strftime(
+ "%Y-%m-%d"
+ )
+ # Check if it corresponds to a week day
+ if time_unit in list(WEEKDAY_VALUE.keys()):
+ if datetime.weekday(now) < WEEKDAY_VALUE[time_unit]:
+ return (
+ now
+ - timedelta(datetime.weekday(now))
+ + timedelta(WEEKDAY_VALUE[time_unit])
+ ).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+ return (
+ now
+ + timedelta(7)
+ - timedelta(datetime.weekday(now))
+ + timedelta(WEEKDAY_VALUE[time_unit])
+ ).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+ return ""
+def parse_openbb_script( # noqa: PLR0911,PLR0912
+ raw_lines: List[str],
+ script_inputs: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+ """Parse .openbb script.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ raw_lines : List[str]
+ Lines from .openbb script
+ script_inputs: str, optional
+ Inputs to the script that come externally
+ Returns
+ -------
+ str
+ Error that occurred - if empty means no error
+ str
+ Processed string from .openbb script that can be run by the OpenBB Platform CLI
+ """
+ ROUTINE_VARS: Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]] = dict()
+ if script_inputs:
+ ROUTINE_VARS["$ARGV"] = script_inputs
+ # Remove reset commands, comments, empty lines and trailing/leading whitespaces
+ raw_lines = [
+ x.strip()
+ for x in raw_lines
+ if (not is_reset(x)) and ("#" not in x) and x.strip()
+ ]
+ lines_without_declarations = list()
+ for line in raw_lines:
+ # Check if this line has a variable attribution
+ # This currently allows user to override ARGV parameter
+ if "$" in line and "=" in line:
+ match ="\$(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\d,-.\s]+)", line)
+ if match:
+ VAR_VALUES if "," not in VAR_VALUES else VAR_VALUES.split(",")
+ )
+ # Just throw a warning when user uses wrong convention
+ numdollars = len(re.findall(r"\$", line))
+ if numdollars > 1:
+ Session().console.print(
+ f"The variable {VAR_NAME} should not be declared as "
+ f"{'$' * numdollars}{VAR_NAME}. Instead it will be "
+ f"converted into ${VAR_NAME}."
+ )
+ else:
+ lines_without_declarations.append(line)
+ else:
+ lines_without_declarations.append(line)
+ # At this stage our ROUTINE_VARS should be completed coming from external AND from internal
+ # Now we want to replace the ROUTINE_VARS to where applicable throughout the .openbb script
+ # Due to this implementation, a variable declared at the end will still be effective
+ lines_with_vars_replaced = list()
+ foreach_loop_found = False
+ for line in lines_without_declarations:
+ # Save temporary line to ensure that all vars get replaced by correct vars
+ templine = line
+ # Found 'end' keyword which means that a loop has terminated
+ if re.match(r"^\s*end\s*$", line, re.IGNORECASE):
+ # Check whether the foreach loop has started or not
+ if not foreach_loop_found:
+ return (
+ "[red]The script has a foreach loop that terminates before it gets started. "
+ "Add the keyword 'foreach' to explicitly start loop[/red]",
+ "",
+ )
+ foreach_loop_found = False
+ else:
+ # Found 'foreach' keyword which means there needs to be a matching 'end'
+ if"foreach", line, re.IGNORECASE):
+ foreach_loop_found = True
+ # Regular expression pattern to match variables starting with $
+ pattern = r"(?<!\$)(\$(\w+)(\[[^\]]*\])?)(?=(?:[^\]]*\]*))"
+ # Find all matches of the pattern in the line
+ matches: Optional[List[Match[str]]] = re.findall(pattern, line)
+ if matches:
+ for match in matches:
+ if match:
+ VAR_NAME = "$" + match[1]
+ VAR_SLICE = match[2][1:-1] if match[2] else ""
+ # Within a list refers to a single element
+ if VAR_SLICE.isdigit():
+ # This is an edge case for when the user has a variable such as $DATE = 2022-01-01
+ # We want the user to be able to access it with $DATE or $DATE[0] and the latest
+ # in python will only take the first '2'
+ if VAR_SLICE == "0":
+ values = eval( # noqa: S307
+ )
+ if isinstance(values, list):
+ templine = templine.replace(
+ match[0],
+ eval(f"values[{VAR_SLICE}]"), # noqa: S307
+ )
+ else:
+ templine = templine.replace(match[0], values)
+ else:
+ return (
+ f"[red]Variable {VAR_NAME} not given "
+ "for current routine script.[/red]",
+ "",
+ )
+ # Only enters here when any other index from 0 is used
+ variable = eval( # noqa: S307
+ )
+ length_variable = (
+ len(variable) if isinstance(variable, list) else 1
+ )
+ # We use <= because we are using 0 index based lists
+ if length_variable <= int(VAR_SLICE):
+ return (
+ f"[red]Variable {VAR_NAME} only has "
+ f"{length_variable} elements and there "
+ f"was an attempt to access it with index {VAR_SLICE}.[/red]",
+ "",
+ )
+ templine = templine.replace(
+ match[0],
+ variable[int(VAR_SLICE)],
+ )
+ else:
+ return (
+ f"[red]Variable {VAR_NAME} not given for current routine script.[/red]",
+ "",
+ )
+ # Involves slicing which is a bit more tricky to use eval on
+ elif (
+ ":" in VAR_SLICE
+ and len(VAR_SLICE.split(":")) == 2
+ and (
+ VAR_SLICE.split(":")[0].isdigit()
+ or VAR_SLICE.split(":")[1].isdigit()
+ )
+ ):
+ slicing_tuple = "slice("
+ slicing_tuple += (
+ VAR_SLICE.split(":")[0]
+ if VAR_SLICE.split(":")[0].isdigit()
+ else "None"
+ )
+ slicing_tuple += ","
+ slicing_tuple += (
+ VAR_SLICE.split(":")[1]
+ if VAR_SLICE.split(":")[1].isdigit()
+ else "None"
+ )
+ slicing_tuple += ")"
+ vars_to_loop = eval( # noqa: S307
+ f'ROUTINE_VARS["{VAR_NAME}"][{slicing_tuple}]'
+ )
+ # Check whether the slicing was successful or not
+ if vars_to_loop:
+ templine = templine.replace(
+ match[0],
+ ",".join(vars_to_loop),
+ )
+ else:
+ return (
+ f"[red]The foreach loop cannot run with input: {match[0]}.[/red]",
+ "",
+ )
+ # Just replace value without slicing or list
+ else:
+ # Check if the string starts with a minus sign
+ if VAR_SLICE.startswith("-"):
+ if not VAR_SLICE[1:].isdigit():
+ return (
+ f"[red]Index '{VAR_SLICE}' is not a value[/red]",
+ "",
+ )
+ if int(VAR_SLICE) < 0:
+ return (
+ f"[red]Negative index on {VAR_NAME} is not allowed[/red]",
+ "",
+ )
+ if not VAR_SLICE.isdigit():
+ return (
+ f"[red]Index '{VAR_SLICE}' is not a value[/red]",
+ "",
+ )
+ value = eval( # noqa: S307
+ )
+ # If the value is a list, we want to replace it with the whole list
+ if isinstance(value, list):
+ templine = templine.replace(
+ match[0],
+ ",".join(value),
+ )
+ else:
+ templine = templine.replace(match[0], value)
+ else:
+ # Check if this is an OpenBB keyword variable like
+ # and decode it into the right date if it exists
+ potential_date_match = (
+ match_and_return_openbb_keyword_date(VAR_NAME)
+ )
+ if potential_date_match:
+ templine = templine.replace(
+ match[0], potential_date_match
+ )
+ else:
+ return (
+ f"[red]Variable {VAR_NAME} not given for "
+ "current routine script.[/red]",
+ "",
+ )
+ lines_with_vars_replaced.append(templine)
+ # If this flags ends in True it means that the script routine has a foreach loop that never terminates
+ if foreach_loop_found:
+ return (
+ "[red]The script has a foreach loop that doesn't terminate. "
+ "Add the keyword 'end' to explicitly terminate loop[/red]",
+ "",
+ )
+ # Finally the only remaining thing to address are the foreach loops. For that we'll go through
+ # those lines and unroll the arguments that will be iterated by.
+ # Note that the fact that we checked before that the amount of foreach and end matches allow us
+ # to be confident that the script has no clear issues.
+ within_foreach = False
+ foreach_lines_loop: List[str] = list()
+ parsed_script = ""
+ final_lines = list()
+ varname = "VAR"
+ varused_inside = False
+ for line in lines_with_vars_replaced:
+ # Found 'foreach' header associated with loop
+ match =
+ r"foreach \$\$([A-Za-z\_]+) in ([A-Za-z0-9,-.]+)", line, re.IGNORECASE
+ )
+ if match:
+ varname =
+ foreach_loop =",")
+ within_foreach = True
+ # We are inside a loop and this is a line that we will want to replicate,
+ # so we need to temporarily store it until we reach the end
+ elif within_foreach:
+ # Found 'end' keyword which means that the foreach loop has reached the end
+ if re.match(r"^\s*end\s*$", line, re.IGNORECASE):
+ # Now we want to process what we were waiting for before
+ # Iterate through main foreach header
+ for var in foreach_loop:
+ # Iterate through all lines within foreach and end loop
+ for foreach_line_loop in foreach_lines_loop:
+ if f"$${varname}" in foreach_line_loop:
+ final_lines.append(
+ foreach_line_loop.replace(f"$${varname}", var).strip()
+ )
+ varused_inside = True
+ elif "$$" in foreach_line_loop:
+ return (
+ "[red]The script has a foreach loop that iterates through "
+ f"{','.join(foreach_loop)} with variable $${varname} "
+ "but another var name is being utilized instead[/red]",
+ "",
+ )
+ else:
+ final_lines.append(foreach_line_loop.strip())
+ if not varused_inside:
+ Session().console.print(
+ f"The variable {varname} was used in foreach header "
+ "but it wasn't used inside the loop."
+ )
+ varused_inside = False
+ # Since this has been processed we reset the foreach loop lines
+ within_foreach = False
+ foreach_lines_loop = list()
+ else:
+ foreach_lines_loop.append(line)
+ else:
+ final_lines.append(line)
+ # If the list is non null, then we want to convert this into a parsed string that is
+ # recognized by the OpenBB Platform CLI
+ if final_lines:
+ parsed_script = f"{'/'.join([line.rstrip() for line in final_lines])}".replace(
+ "//", "/home/"
+ )
+ if parsed_script[0] == "/":
+ # If the user had added a / at the beginning, then it was converted to //home/
+ # and we need to remove it
+ if parsed_script.startswith("//home"):
+ parsed_script = parsed_script[6:]
+ else:
+ # We want the script to start from the home menu, hence we add it if the user
+ # didn't add it
+ parsed_script = "/" + parsed_script
+ # If the script finishes with // it means that we converted it to /home/
+ # This means that we are expecting a command to follow, but since this is
+ # the end of the script, we need to remove the trailing /
+ if parsed_script.endswith("/home/"):
+ parsed_script = parsed_script[:-1]
+ return "", parsed_script