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1 files changed, 30 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/drafts/ b/drafts/
index 1888e99..50e354f 100644
--- a/drafts/
+++ b/drafts/
@@ -16,11 +16,12 @@ If you find any errors in this week's issue, [please submit a PR](https://github
## News & Blog Posts
-- [Let's build a JavaScript Engine (in Rust)](
+* [Let's build a JavaScript Engine (in Rust)](
+* [Rust for closed-source projects](
# Crate of the Week
-This week's crate is [safe](, a `#[safe]` attribute for explaining why `unsafe { ... }` is OK. Thanks to [Michael-F-Bryan]( for the suggestion!
+This week's crate is [winit](, a pure-rust cross-platform window initialization library. Thanks to [Osspial]( for the suggestion!
[Submit your suggestions and votes for next week][submit_crate]!
@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for mor
* [Final async/await testing push](
* [Rubble: Help wanted solving our BLE stack problem]( Rubble is a Bluetooth Low Energy compatible protocol stack for embedded Rust.
* [contrie: Rayon support: FromParallelIterator & ParallelExtend]( ConTrie is a concurrent hash-trie map & set.
+* [Request for implementation]( - Crates that don't exist but should. Suggest your own design and someone will pick it up.
If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit tasks [here][guidelines].
@@ -47,25 +49,19 @@ If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit
-* [Stabilize copy_within](
-* [Stabilize underscore_const_names in 1.37.0](
-* [Stabilize Option::xor](
-* [rustc: replace `TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>` with `TyCtxt<'gcx, 'tcx>`](
-* [Unify all uses of 'gcx and 'tcx](
-* [Deprecate ONCE_INIT in future 1.38 release](
-* [Implement RFC 2645 (transparent enums and unions)](
-* [Allow attributes in formal function parameters](
-* [Implement Clone::clone_from for Option and Result](
-* [Implement nth_back for Range(Inclusive)](
-* [Use Symbol, Span in libfmt_macros](
-* [typeck: Fix const generic in repeat param ICE](
-* [Hygienize macros in the standard library](
-* [Optimize matches](
-* [When suggesting borrow, remove useless clones](
-* [lexer: Disallow bare CR in raw byte strings](
-* [Generator optimization: Overlap locals that never have storage live at the same time](
-* [Implement unchecked_{add,sub,mul} intrinsics](
-* [Limit dylib symbols](
+* [Introduce `Let(..)` in AST, remove `IfLet` + `WhileLet` and parse let chains](
+* [Support `cfg` and `cfg_attr` on generic parameters](
+* [librustc_data_structures: Speedup union of sparse and dense hybrid set](
+* [Refactor miri pointer checks](
+* [Help LLVM better optimize `slice::Iter`(`Mut`)`::len`](
+* [Remove the default type of `Rem::Output`](
+* [Make use of `ptr::null`(`_mut`) instead of casting zero](
+* [Make `MaybeUninit` `#[repr(transparent)]`](
+* [Implement `nth_back` for `slice::`{`Iter`, `IterMut`}](
+* [Add custom `nth_back` to `Skip`](
+* [Add functions for building raw slices to libcore](
+* [rustdoc: Only show methods that appear in `impl` blocks in the Implementors sections of trait doc pages](
+* [rustdoc: Generate implementors for all auto traits](
## Approved RFCs
@@ -137,7 +133,19 @@ Email the [Rust Community Team][community] for access.
# Quote of the Week
-*No quote was selected for QotW.*
+> why doesn't 'static, the largest lifetime, not simply eat all the others
+– [@mountain_ghosts on twitter](
+> @mountain_ghosts 'static is biggest but actually,, weakest of lifetimes, becuase it is subtype of every lifetime
+> 'static is big soft friend
+> pls love and protect it
+– [@gankro on twitter](
+Thanks to [Christopher Durham]( for the suggestion!
[Please submit quotes and vote for next week!](