path: root/tests/RobotFramework/tedge/call_tedge.robot
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/RobotFramework/tedge/call_tedge.robot')
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/RobotFramework/tedge/call_tedge.robot b/tests/RobotFramework/tedge/call_tedge.robot
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..34228a70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/RobotFramework/tedge/call_tedge.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Purpose of this test is to verify that the proper version number
+... will be shown by using the tedge -V command.
+... By executing the tedge -h command that USAGE, OPTIONS and SUBCOMMANDS
+... will be shown
+... By executing the tedge -h -V command combination of both previous
+... commands will be shown
+Library SSHLibrary
+Library String
+Suite Setup Open Connection And Log In
+Suite Teardown SSHLibrary.Close All Connections
+*** Variables ***
+${HOST} #Insert the IP address if the default should not be used
+${USERNAME} pi #Insert the username if the default should not be used
+${PASSWORD} thinedge #Insert the password if the default should not be used
+*** Tasks ***
+ ${output}= Execute Command curl -fsSL | sudo sh -s #running the script for installing latest version of tedge
+ ${line} Get Line ${output} 2 #getting the version which is installed out of the log
+ ${version} Fetch From Right ${line} : #Cutting log output in order only to keep version number
+ Set Suite Variable ${version}
+ Log ${version} #log of the output
+ Log ${output} #log of the output
+call tedge -V
+ ${output}= Execute Command tedge -V #execute command to check version
+ Should Contain ${output} ${version} #checking that the output of tedge -V returns the version which was installed
+ Log ${output}
+call tedge -h
+ ${output}= Execute Command tedge -h #execute command to call help
+ Should Contain ${output} USAGE: #checks if USAGE: exists
+ Should Contain ${output} OPTIONS: #checks if OPTIONS: exists
+ Should Contain ${output} SUBCOMMANDS: #checks if SUBCOMMANDS: exists
+ Log ${output}
+call tedge -h -V
+ ${output}= Execute Command tedge -h -V #execute command to call help and check the version at same time
+ Should Contain ${output} ${version} #checking that the output of tedge -V returns the version which was installed
+ Should Contain ${output} USAGE: #checks if USAGE: exists
+ Should Contain ${output} OPTIONS: #checks if OPTIONS: exists
+ Should Contain ${output} SUBCOMMANDS: #checks if SUBCOMMANDS: exists
+ Log ${output}
+call tedge help
+ ${output}= Execute Command tedge help #execute command to call help
+ Should Contain ${output} USAGE: #checks if USAGE: exists
+ Should Contain ${output} OPTIONS: #checks if OPTIONS: exists
+ Should Contain ${output} SUBCOMMANDS: #checks if SUBCOMMANDS: exists
+ Log ${output}
+*** Keywords ***
+Open Connection And Log In
+ SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${HOST}
+ SSHLibrary.Login ${USERNAME} ${PASSWORD}
+ \ No newline at end of file