path: root/svgbob/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'svgbob/src/')
1 files changed, 820 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/svgbob/src/ b/svgbob/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8fb129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svgbob/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,820 @@
+use loc::Loc;
+use focus_char::FocusChar;
+use optimizer::Optimizer;
+use svg_element::SvgElement;
+use svg::node::element::SVG;
+use svg::Node;
+use svg::node::element::{
+ Circle as SvgCircle,
+ Definitions,
+ Line as SvgLine,
+ Marker,
+ Path as SvgPath,
+ Rectangle as SvgRect,
+ Style,
+ Text as SvgText,
+use element::Element;
+use pom::TextInput;
+use pom::parser::{sym,none_of};
+use settings::Settings;
+use unicode_width::UnicodeWidthChar;
+pub struct Grid {
+ pub settings: Settings,
+ index: Vec<Vec<String>>,
+ text_elm: Vec<(usize, usize, String)>,
+impl Grid {
+ /// instantiate a grid from input ascii text
+ /// Issues:
+ /// 1. 2-width, 5 bytes, single character i.e. 统
+ /// 2. 1-width, 2 bytes, single character i.e. ö
+ /// 3. 1-width, 3 bytes, single character i.e. o͡͡͡
+ pub fn from_str(s: &str, settings: &Settings) -> Grid {
+ let lines: Vec<&str> = s.lines().collect();
+ let mut rows: Vec<Vec<String>> = Vec::with_capacity(lines.len());
+ let mut text_elm: Vec<(usize, usize, String)> = vec![];
+ for (y, line) in lines.iter().enumerate() {
+ let (line, escaped_texts): (String, Vec<(usize, String)>) = exclude_escaped_text(line);
+ let mut row: Vec<String> = Vec::with_capacity(line.chars().count());
+ for (x, escaped) in escaped_texts {
+ text_elm.push((x, y, svg_escape(&escaped)));
+ }
+ for ch in line.chars() {
+ if let Some(1) = ch.width() {
+ row.push(format!("{}", ch));
+ } else if let Some(2) = ch.width() {
+ row.push(format!("{}", ch));
+ // HACK: push a blank to the next cell,
+ //in order to make this character twice as
+ // big and aligns the next succeeding characters on
+ // this row
+ row.push(format!("\0"));
+ }
+ // if zero width char, append it to the previous string
+ else if let Some(0) = ch.width() {
+ let prev: Option<String> = row.pop();
+ match prev {
+ Some(mut prev) => {
+ prev.push(ch);
+ row.push(prev);
+ }
+ None => (),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rows.push(row);
+ }
+ Grid {
+ settings: settings.clone(),
+ index: rows,
+ text_elm: text_elm,
+ }
+ }
+ /// reassemble the Grid content into a string
+ /// trimming unneeded whitespace to the right for every line
+ pub fn to_string(&self) -> String {
+ let mut buff = String::new();
+ let mut do_ln = false;
+ for row in self.index.iter() {
+ let mut line = String::new();
+ if do_ln {
+ //first line don't do \n
+ buff.push('\n');
+ } else {
+ do_ln = true;
+ }
+ for cell in row {
+ if cell == "\0" {
+; //easy make over the full-width hack of the string
+ } else {
+ line.push_str(cell);
+ }
+ }
+ buff.push_str(&line);
+ }
+ buff
+ }
+ pub fn rows(&self) -> usize {
+ self.index.len()
+ }
+ /// get the maximum row len
+ pub fn columns(&self) -> usize {
+ self.index.iter().map(|r| r.len()).max().unwrap_or(0)
+ }
+ /// get a character at this location
+ /// widths are computed since there are
+ /// characters that spans 2 columns
+ /// and characters that has 0 width
+ ///
+ pub fn get(&self, loc: &Loc) -> Option<&String> {
+ match self.index.get(loc.y as usize) {
+ Some(row) => row.get(loc.x as usize),
+ None => None,
+ }
+ }
+ /// put a text into this location
+ /// prepare the grid for this location first
+ pub fn put(&mut self, loc: &Loc, s: &str) {
+ let new_loc = self.accomodate(loc);
+ if let Some(row) = self.index.get_mut(new_loc.y as usize) {
+ if let Some(cell) = row.get_mut(new_loc.x as usize) {
+ *cell = s.to_owned();
+ } else {
+ panic!("no cell on this {}", new_loc.x);
+ }
+ } else {
+ panic!("no row on this {}", new_loc.y);
+ }
+ }
+ /// insert a new line to at this point
+ pub fn insert_line(&mut self, line: usize) {
+ self.accomodate(&Loc::new(0, line as i32));
+ self.index.insert(line, vec![]);
+ }
+ /// join this line to the previous line
+ pub fn join_line(&mut self, line: usize) {
+ let mut row = self.index.remove(line);
+ self.index
+ .get_mut(line - 1)
+ .map(|prev| prev.append(&mut row));
+ }
+ /// get the line len at this index
+ pub fn get_line_len(&self, line: usize) -> Option<usize> {
+ self.index.get(line).map(|r| r.len())
+ }
+ /// prepare the grid to accomodate this loc
+ /// if loc.y < 0 => insert abs(loc.y) rows at element 0 to self.index
+ /// if loc.y > row.y => append (loc.y-row.y) rows to the self.x
+ /// if loc.x < 0 => insert abs(loc.x) columns at element 0, to all rows
+ /// if loc.x > row.x => append (loc.x-row.x) elements to the row
+ /// returns the corrected location, -1,-1 will be on 0,0
+ pub fn accomodate(&mut self, loc: &Loc) -> Loc {
+ let mut new_loc = loc.clone();
+ if loc.y < 0 {
+ let lack_row = (0 - loc.y) as usize; // 0 - -5 = 5
+ for _ in 0..lack_row {
+ self.index.insert(0, vec![]);
+ }
+ new_loc.y = 0;
+ }
+ if loc.x < 0 {
+ let lack_cell = (0 - loc.x) as usize;
+ let add_cells: String = " ".repeat(lack_cell);
+ // insert add_cells to all rows at 0
+ for row in self.index.iter_mut() {
+ row.insert(0, add_cells.clone());
+ }
+ new_loc.x = 0;
+ }
+ // check again using the new location adjusted
+ // for missing cells
+ if new_loc.y >= self.index.len() as i32 {
+ let lack_row = new_loc.y - self.index.len() as i32 + 1;
+ let mut add_rows: Vec<Vec<String>> = Vec::with_capacity(lack_row as usize);
+ for _ in 0..lack_row {
+ add_rows.push(vec![]);
+ }
+ self.index.append(&mut add_rows);
+ }
+ // using new_loc as adjusted when -negative
+ // is important since the priliminary rows inserted
+ // are just empty rows
+ if let Some(row) = self.index.get_mut(new_loc.y as usize) {
+ if new_loc.x >= row.len() as i32 {
+ let lack_cell = new_loc.x - row.len() as i32 + 1;
+ let mut add_cells: Vec<String> = Vec::with_capacity(lack_cell as usize);
+ for _ in 0..lack_cell {
+ add_cells.push(" ".to_string()); // use space for empty cells
+ }
+ (&mut *row).append(&mut add_cells);
+ }
+ }
+ new_loc
+ }
+ /// Vector arranged in row x col
+ pub fn get_text_in_range(&self, loc1: &Loc, loc2: &Loc) -> Vec<Vec<Option<&String>>> {
+ let x1 = std::cmp::min(loc1.x, loc2.x);
+ let y1 = std::cmp::min(loc1.y, loc2.y);
+ let x2 = std::cmp::max(loc2.x, loc1.x);
+ let y2 = std::cmp::max(loc2.y, loc1.y);
+ let mut text = Vec::with_capacity((y2 - y1 + 1) as usize);
+ for j in y1..y2 + 1 {
+ let mut row = Vec::with_capacity((x2 - x1 + 1) as usize);
+ for i in x1..x2 + 1 {
+ let loc = Loc::new(i, j);
+ let cell = self.get(&loc);
+ row.push(cell);
+ }
+ text.push(row);
+ }
+ text
+ }
+ pub fn get_all_text(&self) -> Vec<Vec<Option<&String>>> {
+ let loc1 = Loc::new(0, 0);
+ let loc2 = Loc::new((self.columns() - 1) as i32, (self.rows() - 1) as i32);
+ self.get_text_in_range(&loc1, &loc2)
+ }
+ /// get the focus char at this location
+ pub fn get_focuschar(&self, loc: &Loc) -> FocusChar {
+ FocusChar::new(&loc, self)
+ }
+ /// vector of each elements arranged in rows x columns
+ /// returns all the elements and the consumed location
+ fn get_all_elements(&self) -> (Vec<Vec<Vec<Element>>>, Vec<Loc>) {
+ let mut rows: Vec<Vec<Vec<Element>>> = Vec::with_capacity(self.index.len());
+ let mut all_consumed_loc: Vec<Loc> = vec![];
+ let mut y = 0;
+ for line in &self.index {
+ let mut x = 0;
+ let mut row: Vec<Vec<Element>> = Vec::with_capacity(line.len());
+ for _ in line {
+ let loc = Loc::new(x, y);
+ let focus_char = self.get_focuschar(&loc);
+ let (cell_elements, consumed_loc) = focus_char.get_elements();
+ all_consumed_loc.extend(consumed_loc);
+ row.push(cell_elements);
+ x += 1;
+ }
+ rows.push(row);
+ y += 1;
+ }
+ (rows, all_consumed_loc)
+ }
+ fn get_escaped_text_elements(&self) -> Vec<Element> {
+ self.text_elm
+ .iter()
+ .map(|&(x, y, ref text)| Element::Text(Loc::new(x as i32, y as i32), text.to_owned()))
+ .collect()
+ }
+ /// each component has its relative location retain
+ /// use this info for optimizing svg by checking closest neigbor
+ fn get_svg_nodes(&self) -> Vec<SvgElement> {
+ let mut nodes = vec![];
+ let (mut elements, consumed_loc) = self.get_all_elements();
+ let text_elm = self.get_escaped_text_elements();
+ elements.push(vec![text_elm]);
+ let input = if self.settings.optimize {
+ let mut optimizer = Optimizer::new(elements, consumed_loc);
+ let mut optimized_elements = optimizer.optimize(&self.settings);
+ optimized_elements
+ } else {
+ // flatten Vec<Vec<Vec<Elements>>> to Vec<Element>
+ elements
+ .into_iter()
+ .flat_map(|elm| elm.into_iter().flat_map(|e2| e2))
+ .collect()
+ };
+ for elem in input {
+ let element: SvgElement = elem.to_svg(&self.settings);
+ nodes.push(element);
+ }
+ nodes
+ }
+ pub fn get_svg_nodes_only(&self) -> String {
+ let nodes = self.get_svg_nodes();
+ let mut svg = String::new();
+ for node in nodes {
+ match node {
+ SvgElement::Circle(circle) => {
+ svg.push_str(&circle.to_string());
+ }
+ SvgElement::Line(line) => {
+ svg.push_str(&line.to_string());
+ }
+ SvgElement::Path(path) => {
+ svg.push_str(&path.to_string());
+ }
+ SvgElement::Text(text) => {
+ svg.push_str(&text.to_string());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ svg
+ }
+ pub fn get_size(&self) -> (f32, f32) {
+ let width = self.settings.text_width * self.columns() as f32;
+ let height = self.settings.text_height * self.rows() as f32;
+ (width, height)
+ }
+ /// get the generated svg according to the settings specified
+ pub fn get_svg(&self) -> SVG {
+ let nodes = self.get_svg_nodes();
+ let (width, height) = self.get_size();
+ let mut svg = SVG::new();
+ if let Some(ref id) = {
+ svg.assign("id", id.to_owned());
+ }
+ if let Some(ref class) = self.settings.class {
+ svg.assign("class", class.to_owned());
+ }
+ svg.assign("font-size", self.settings.font_size);
+ svg.assign("font-family", self.settings.font_family.to_owned());
+ svg.assign("width", width);
+ svg.assign("height", height);
+ svg.append(get_defs());
+ svg.append(get_styles(&self.settings));
+ let rect = SvgRect::new()
+ .set("x", 0)
+ .set("y", 0)
+ .set("fill", self.settings.background_color.to_string())
+ .set("width", width)
+ .set("height", height);
+ svg.append(rect);
+ for node in nodes {
+ match node {
+ SvgElement::Circle(circle) => {
+ svg.append(circle);
+ }
+ SvgElement::Line(line) => {
+ svg.append(line);
+ }
+ SvgElement::Path(path) => {
+ svg.append(path);
+ }
+ SvgElement::Text(text) => {
+ svg.append(text);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ svg
+ }
+fn get_defs() -> Definitions {
+ let mut defs = Definitions::new();
+ defs.append(arrow_marker());
+ defs
+fn get_styles(settings: &Settings) -> Style {
+ let style = format!(
+ r#"
+ line, path {{
+ stroke: {stroke_color};
+ stroke-width: {stroke_width};
+ stroke-opacity: 1;
+ fill-opacity: 1;
+ stroke-linecap: round;
+ stroke-linejoin: miter;
+ }}
+ circle {{
+ stroke: black;
+ stroke-width: {stroke_width};
+ stroke-opacity: 1;
+ fill-opacity: 1;
+ stroke-linecap: round;
+ stroke-linejoin: miter;
+ }}
+ circle.solid {{
+ fill:{stroke_color};
+ }}
+ {{
+ fill:{background_color};
+ }}
+ tspan.head{{
+ fill: none;
+ stroke: none;
+ }}
+ "#,
+ stroke_width = settings.stroke_width,
+ stroke_color = &settings.stroke_color,
+ background_color = &settings.background_color
+ );
+ Style::new(style)
+fn arrow_marker() -> Marker {
+ let mut marker = Marker::new()
+ .set("id", "triangle")
+ .set("viewBox", "0 0 50 20")
+ .set("refX", 15)
+ .set("refY", 10)
+ .set("markerUnits", "strokeWidth")
+ .set("markerWidth", 10)
+ .set("markerHeight", 10)
+ .set("orient", "auto");
+ let path = SvgPath::new().set("d", "M 0 0 L 30 10 L 0 20 z");
+ marker.append(path);
+ marker
+//copied from
+//just adding for \0
+pub fn svg_escape(arg: &str) -> String {
+ use std::fmt;
+ /// Wrapper struct which will emit the HTML-escaped version of the contained
+ /// string when passed to a format string.
+ pub struct Escape<'a>(pub &'a str);
+ impl<'a> fmt::Display for Escape<'a> {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ // Because the internet is always right, turns out there's not that many
+ // characters to escape:
+ let Escape(s) = *self;
+ let pile_o_bits = s;
+ let mut last = 0;
+ for (i, ch) in s.bytes().enumerate() {
+ match ch as char {
+ '<' | '>' | '&' | '\'' | '"' | '\0' => {
+ fmt.write_str(&pile_o_bits[last..i])?;
+ let s = match ch as char {
+ '>' => "&gt;",
+ '<' => "&lt;",
+ '&' => "&amp;",
+ '\'' => "&#39;",
+ '"' => "&quot;",
+ '\0' => "",
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ fmt.write_str(s)?;
+ last = i + 1;
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ if last < s.len() {
+ fmt.write_str(&pile_o_bits[last..])?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ };
+ let escaped = Escape(arg);
+ format!("{}", escaped)
+fn exclude_escaped_text(line: &str) -> (String, Vec<(usize, String)>) {
+ let mut input = TextInput::new(line);
+ let parsed = line_parse().parse(&mut input);
+ let mut buffer = String::new();
+ let mut text_elm: Vec<(usize, String)> = vec![];
+ if let Ok(parsed) = parsed {
+ let mut index = 0;
+ if !parsed.is_empty() {
+ for (start, end) in parsed {
+ let escaped = &line[start + 1..end];
+ let recons = &line[index..start];
+ text_elm.push((start, escaped.to_string()));
+ buffer.push_str(recons);
+ buffer.push_str(&" ".repeat(end + 1 - start));
+ index = end + 1;
+ }
+ buffer.push_str(&line[index..line.len()]);
+ } else {
+ buffer.push_str(line);
+ }
+ }
+ (buffer, text_elm)
+fn test_escaped_string() {
+ let input3 = r#"The "qu/i/ck" brown "fox\"s" jumps over the lazy "do|g""#;
+ let mut raw3 = TextInput::new(input3);
+ let output3 = line_parse().parse(&mut raw3);
+ println!("output3: {:?}", output3);
+ //assert_eq!(Ok(vec![(4, 12), (20, 27), (49, 54)]), output3);
+ let mut matches = vec![];
+ let mut recons = String::new();
+ let mut text_elm: Vec<(usize, String)> = vec![];
+ let mut index = 0;
+ if let Ok(output) = output3 {
+ for (start, end) in output {
+ println!("matches: {}", &input3[start..end + 1]);
+ matches.push(input3[start..end + 1].to_string());
+ let slice = &input3[index..start];
+ recons.push_str(slice);
+ recons.push_str(&" ".repeat(end + 1 - start));
+ text_elm.push((start, input3[start + 1..end].to_string()));
+ index = end + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ println!("input3: {}", input3);
+ println!("recons: {}", recons);
+ println!("escaped: {:?}", text_elm);
+ assert_eq!(vec![r#""qu/i/ck""#, r#""fox\"s""#, r#""do|g""#], matches);
+ assert_eq!(input3.len(), recons.len());
+fn test_escaped_multiline_string() {
+ let input3 = r#"The "qu/i/ck brown fox \njumps over the lazy do|g""#;
+ let mut raw3 = TextInput::new(input3);
+ let output3 = line_parse().parse(&mut raw3);
+ println!("output3: {:?}", output3);
+ assert_eq!(Ok(vec![(4, 49)]), output3);
+ let mut matches = vec![];
+ let mut recons = String::new();
+ let mut text_elm: Vec<(usize, String)> = vec![];
+ let mut index = 0;
+ if let Ok(output) = output3 {
+ for (start, end) in output {
+ println!("matches: {}", &input3[start..end + 1]);
+ matches.push(input3[start..end + 1].to_string());
+ let slice = &input3[index..start];
+ recons.push_str(slice);
+ recons.push_str(&" ".repeat(end + 1 - start));
+ text_elm.push((start, input3[start + 1..end].to_string()));
+ index = end + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ println!("input3: {}", input3);
+ println!("recons: {}", recons);
+ println!("escaped: {:?}", text_elm);
+ assert_eq!(
+ vec![r#""qu/i/ck brown fox \njumps over the lazy do|g""#],
+ matches
+ );
+ assert_eq!(input3.len(), recons.len());
+fn escape_string() -> pom::parser::Parser<'static, char, (usize, usize)> {
+ let escape_sequence = sym('\\') * sym('"'); //escape sequence \"
+ let char_string = escape_sequence | none_of("\"");
+ let escaped_string_end = sym('"') * char_string.repeat(0..).pos() - sym('"');
+ none_of("\"").repeat(0..).pos() + escaped_string_end - none_of("\"").repeat(0..).discard()
+fn line_parse() -> pom::parser::Parser<'static, char, Vec<(usize, usize)>> {
+ escape_string().repeat(0..)
+mod test_lib {
+ use super::Grid;
+ use super::Loc;
+ use super::Settings;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_grid() {
+ let g = Grid::from_str("a统öo͡͡͡", &Settings::compact());
+ println!("{:?}", g.index);
+ assert_eq!(
+ g.index,
+ vec![vec![
+ "a".to_string(),
+ "统".to_string(),
+ "\u{0}".to_string(),
+ "ö".to_string(),
+ "o͡͡͡".to_string(),
+ ]]
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_text_in_range() {
+ let txt = "
+ ";
+ let g = Grid::from_str(txt, &Settings::compact());
+ let loc = Loc::new(4, 3); // at 'o'
+ let (loc1, loc2) = loc.get_range(2, 1);
+ let text = g.get_text_in_range(&loc1, &loc2);
+ assert_eq!(
+ text,
+ vec![
+ vec![
+ Some(&"c".to_string()),
+ Some(&"d".to_string()),
+ Some(&"e".to_string()),
+ Some(&"f".to_string()),
+ Some(&"g".to_string()),
+ ],
+ vec![
+ Some(&"m".to_string()),
+ Some(&"n".to_string()),
+ Some(&"o".to_string()),
+ Some(&"p".to_string()),
+ Some(&"q".to_string()),
+ ],
+ vec![
+ Some(&"w".to_string()),
+ Some(&"x".to_string()),
+ Some(&"y".to_string()),
+ Some(&"z".to_string()),
+ Some(&"1".to_string()),
+ ],
+ ]
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_to_string() {
+ let txt = "The quick brown fox
+jumps over
+ the lazy dog.
+ ]";
+ let g = Grid::from_str(txt, &Settings::compact());
+ assert_eq!(txt, &*g.to_string());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_to_trimmed_string() {
+ let txt = "
+The quick brown fox
+jumps over
+ the lazy dog.
+ ";
+ let g = Grid::from_str(txt, &Settings::compact());
+ assert_eq!(txt, &*g.to_string());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_insert_text() {
+ let txt = "1234567890
+ let mut g = Grid::from_str(txt, &Settings::compact());
+ g.put(&Loc::new(-1, -1), "-");
+ let expected = "-
+ 1234567890
+ abcdefghij
+ klmnopqrst
+ uvwxyz1234
+ 567890abcd";
+ assert_eq!(expected, &*g.to_string());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_insert_text_after() {
+ let txt = "\
+ let mut g = Grid::from_str(txt, &Settings::compact());
+ g.put(&Loc::new(11, 5), "1");
+ let expected = "\
+ 1\
+ assert_eq!(expected, &*g.to_string());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_slash0_space() {
+ let txt = "件hello统";
+ let g = Grid::from_str(txt, &Settings::compact());
+ let s = g.to_string();
+ assert_eq!(txt, s);
+ }
+mod test {
+ use super::super::Loc;
+ use super::super::Settings;
+ use super::FocusChar;
+ use super::Grid;
+ use fragments::Direction::*;
+ use properties::Location;
+ use fragments::Block::{O, U, Y};
+ #[test]
+ fn test_adjascent() {
+ let g = Grid::from_str("a统öo͡͡͡", &Settings::compact());
+ let fc = FocusChar::new(&Loc::new(1, 0), &g);
+ println!("{:?}", fc);
+ assert!(fc.left().is('a'));
+ assert!(fc.right().right().is('ö'));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test100() {
+ // ._
+ let g = Grid::from_str(".-", &Settings::separate_lines());
+ let fc = FocusChar::new(&Loc::new(0, 0), &g);
+ let (frags, _consumed) = fc.get_fragments();
+ println!("frags: {:?}", frags);
+ assert!(fc.is_intensified(&O));
+ assert!(fc.can_be_strong_block(&O));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_location() {
+ // ._
+ let g = Grid::from_str(".-", &Settings::separate_lines());
+ let fc = FocusChar::new(&Loc::new(0, 0), &g);
+ let (_frags, _consumed) = fc.get_fragments();
+ let go_right = fc.from_location(&Location::go(Right));
+ let right = fc.right();
+ let right2 = fc.in_right(2);
+ let mut right2_loop = fc.clone();
+ for _ in 0..2 {
+ right2_loop = right2_loop.in_right(1);
+ }
+ println!("in right 2: {:?}", right2.loc);
+ println!("in right 2 loop: {:?}", right2_loop.loc);
+ assert_eq!(right2.loc, right2_loop.loc);
+ assert_eq!(go_right.loc, right.loc);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_loc() {
+ let g = Grid::from_str("", &Settings::separate_lines());
+ let fc = FocusChar::new(&Loc::new(0, 0), &g);
+ let right = fc.right();
+ let in_right = fc.in_right(1);
+ assert_eq!(Loc::new(1, 0), right.loc);
+ assert_eq!(Loc::new(1, 0), in_right.loc);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test1() {
+ // ._
+ let g = Grid::from_str("._", &Settings::separate_lines());
+ let fc = FocusChar::new(&Loc::new(0, 0), &g);
+ println!("focus char: {:#?}", fc);
+ let (frags, _consumed) = fc.get_fragments();
+ println!("frags: {:?}", frags);
+ assert!(!fc.is_intensified(&U));
+ assert!(fc.is_intensified(&Y));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test2() {
+ // ._
+ let g = Grid::from_str("._", &Settings::separate_lines());
+ let fc = FocusChar::new(&Loc::new(1, 0), &g);
+ println!("focus char: {:#?}", fc);
+ let (frags, _consumed) = fc.get_fragments();
+ println!("frags: {:?}", frags);
+ assert!(!fc.is_intensified(&Y));
+ assert!(!fc.is_intensified(&U));
+ assert!(fc.can_be_strong_block(&Y));
+ assert!(fc.can_be_strong_block(&U));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_no_character() {
+ use properties::Properties;
+ use {FocusChar, Grid, Loc, Settings};
+ let g = Grid::from_str(".l", &Settings::separate_lines());
+ let fc = FocusChar::new(&Loc::new(1, 0), &g);
+ println!("focus char: {:#?}", fc);
+ let character =;
+ println!("character: {:#?}", character);
+ assert!(character.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_has_character() {
+ use properties::Properties;
+ use {FocusChar, Grid, Loc, Settings};
+ let g = Grid::from_str(".╦", &Settings::separate_lines());
+ let fc = FocusChar::new(&Loc::new(1, 0), &g);
+ println!("focus char: {:#?}", fc);
+ let character =;
+ println!("character: {:#?}", character);
+ assert!(character.is_some());
+ }