/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2013-2021, Andrés Martinelli * * All rights reserved. * * * * This file is a part of sc-im * * * * sc-im is a spreadsheet program that is based on sc. The original authors * * of sc are James Gosling and Mark Weiser, and mods were later added by * * Chuck Martin. * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * * must display the following acknowledgement: * * This product includes software developed by Andrés Martinelli * * . * * 4. Neither the name of the Andrés Martinelli nor the * * names of other contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ANDRES MARTINELLI ''AS IS'' AND ANY * * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ANDRES MARTINELLI BE LIABLE FOR ANY * * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;* * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *******************************************************************************/ /** * \file help.c * \details this page handles the help page but also the * show_version_and_quit and show_usage_and_quit functions * \author Andrés Martinelli * \date 2017-07-18 * \brief Help functions */ #ifdef NCURSES #include #include #include #include #include #include "sc.h" #include "macros.h" #include "tui.h" #include "string.h" #include "utils/string.h" #include "help.h" #include "conf.h" static char ** long_help; static int delta = 0; static int max; static int look_result = -1; static char word_looked[50] = ""; extern WINDOW * main_win; extern WINDOW * input_win; extern WINDOW * input_pad; /** * \brief Load the contents of help_doc into memory * * \return 0 on success; -1 on error */ int load_help () { register FILE * f; int line; int c = 0, count = 0, max_width = COLS; char helpfile_path[BUFFERSIZE]; // we try to read help file in HELP_PATH sprintf(helpfile_path, "%s/%s_help", HELP_PATH, SNAME); f = fopen(helpfile_path, "r"); // we try to read help file in current dir if (! f ) { f = fopen("./doc", "r"); } // last change to read the help file ! if (! f ) { char cwd[PATH_MAX]; extern char *exepath; if (realpath(exepath, cwd) == NULL) return -1; char * str_pos = strrchr(cwd, '/'); if (str_pos == NULL) return -1; cwd[str_pos - cwd + 1] = '\0'; strcat(cwd, "doc"); f = fopen(cwd, "r"); } if (! f ) return -1; // Calculate number of elements in long_help while ( (line = getc(f)) != -1) { c++; if (c >= COLS || line == '\n') { c = 0; if (max_width < c) max_width = c; count++; } } max = count; //max lines in entire help rewind(f); // Allocate memory for pointers and lines long_help = (char **) malloc (sizeof(char *) * (count + 1)); // Load long_help char word[max_width+1]; word[0] = '\0'; count = 0; while ( (line = getc(f)) != -1) { c++; add_char(word, line, strlen(word)); if (c >= COLS || line == '\n') { c = 0; long_help[count] = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char) * (strlen(word) + 1)); strcpy(long_help[count], word); count++; word[0]='\0'; } } long_help[count] = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char) * (strlen(word) + 1)); strcpy(long_help[count], word); fclose(f); return 0; } /** * \brief Main function of help * * \return none */ void help() { if (load_help() == -1) { sc_error("Cannot open help file"); return; } delta = 0; wmove(input_win, 0,0); wclrtobot(input_win); wrefresh(input_win); wmove(input_pad, 0, 0); wclrtoeol(input_pad); ui_refresh_pad(0); wbkgd(main_win, COLOR_PAIR((ucolors[DEFAULT].fg+1) * (COLORS) + ucolors[DEFAULT].bg + 2)); ui_set_ucolor(main_win, &ucolors[NORMAL], DEFAULT_COLOR); ui_set_ucolor(input_win, &ucolors[NORMAL], DEFAULT_COLOR); wtimeout(input_win, -1); noecho(); curs_set(0); int quit_help_now = 0; int option; keypad(input_win, 1); while( ! quit_help_now ) { option = show_lines(); // clear input_win and input_pad wmove(input_win, 0,0); wclrtobot(input_win); wrefresh(input_win); wmove(input_pad, 0, 0); wclrtoeol(input_pad); ui_refresh_pad(0); look_result = -1; switch (option) { case OKEY_ENTER: case OKEY_DOWN: case 'j': if (max >= delta + LINES - 1) delta++; break; case OKEY_DEL: case OKEY_UP: case 'k': if (delta) delta--; break; case ' ': if (max > delta + LINES + LINES) delta += LINES; else if (max > delta + LINES) delta = max - 1 - LINES; break; case ctl('b'): case OKEY_PGUP: if (delta - LINES/2 > 0) delta -= LINES/2; else if (delta) delta = 0; break; case ctl('f'): case OKEY_PGDOWN: if (delta + LINES + LINES/2 < max) delta += LINES/2; else if (max > delta + LINES) delta = max - 1 - LINES; break; case OKEY_END: case 'G': delta = max - LINES + RESROW; break; case 'g': wtimeout(input_win, TIMEOUT_CURSES); char c = wgetch(input_win); wtimeout(input_win, -1); if (c != 'g') break; case ctl('a'): case OKEY_HOME: delta = 0; break; case 'n': if (strlen(word_looked)) find_word(word_looked, 'f'); break; case 'N': if (strlen(word_looked)) find_word(word_looked, 'b'); break; case ':': curs_set(1); char hline [100]; hline[0]='\0'; mvwprintw(input_win, 0, 0, ":%s", hline); wclrtoeol(input_win); wrefresh(input_win); int d = wgetch(input_win); while (d != OKEY_ENTER && d != OKEY_ESC) { if (d == OKEY_BS || d == OKEY_BS2) { del_char(hline, strlen(hline) - 1); } else { sprintf(hline + strlen(hline), "%c", d); } mvwprintw(input_win, 0, 0, ":%s", hline); wclrtoeol(input_win); wrefresh(input_win); d = wgetch(input_win); } if (d == OKEY_ENTER && ( ! strcmp(hline, "q") || ! strcmp(hline, "quit") || ! strcmp(hline, "q!") )) { quit_help_now = TRUE; } else if (d == OKEY_ESC) { wmove(input_win, 0, 0); wclrtoeol(input_win); wrefresh(input_win); //d = wgetch(input_win); } curs_set(0); break; case '/': curs_set(1); word_looked[0]='\0'; mvwprintw(input_win, 0, 0, "/%s", word_looked); wrefresh(input_win); d = wgetch(input_win); while (d != OKEY_ENTER && d != OKEY_ESC) { if (d == OKEY_BS || d == OKEY_BS2) { del_char(word_looked, strlen(word_looked) - 1); } else { //sprintf(word_looked, "%s%c", word_looked, d); sprintf(word_looked + strlen(word_looked), "%c", d); } mvwprintw(input_win, 0, 0, "/%s", word_looked); wclrtoeol(input_win); wrefresh(input_win); d = wgetch(input_win); } if (d == OKEY_ENTER && strlen(word_looked)) { find_word(word_looked, 'f'); } wmove(input_win, 0,0); wclrtoeol(input_win); wrefresh(input_win); curs_set(0); break; case 'q': quit_help_now = TRUE; curs_set(0); break; } } // free memory allocated for (delta = 0; delta <= max; delta++) { free(long_help[delta]); } free(long_help); // go back to spreadsheet wtimeout(input_win, TIMEOUT_CURSES); wmove(input_win, 0,0); wclrtobot(input_win); wmove(main_win, 0,0); wclrtobot(main_win); wrefresh(main_win); } /** * \brief TODO Document find_word() * * \param[in] word * \param[in] order * * \return none */ void find_word(char * word, char order) { int i; if (order == 'f') { // forward for (i = delta + 1; i < max - 1; i++) { if ((look_result = str_in_str(long_help[i], word)) >= 0) { delta = i; //sc_info(""); break; } } } else if (order == 'b') { // backwards for (i = delta - 1; i > 0; i--) { if ((look_result = str_in_str(long_help[i], word)) >= 0) { delta = i; //sc_info(""); break; } } } if (look_result == -1) { sc_info("Pattern not found."); } return; } /** * \brief show_lines() show text and ask for input from stdin * \return int - wgetch */ int show_lines() { int lineno, i, k, key = 0, bold = 0 ; for (lineno = 0; lineno + delta <= max && long_help[lineno + delta] && lineno < LINES - RESROW; lineno++) { if (strlen(word_looked)) look_result = str_in_str( long_help[lineno + delta], word_looked); wmove(main_win, lineno, 0); wclrtoeol(main_win); for (i=0; long_help[lineno + delta][i] != '\0'; i++) { if (long_help[lineno + delta][i] == '&') bold = ! bold; #ifdef USECOLORS bold && ! key? ui_set_ucolor(main_win, &ucolors[HELP_HIGHLIGHT], DEFAULT_COLOR) : ui_set_ucolor(main_win, &ucolors[NORMAL], DEFAULT_COLOR); #endif if (long_help[lineno + delta][i] == '<' || long_help[lineno + delta][i] == '{') { // do not colorize if not '>' or '}' in line for (key = 1, k=i; long_help[lineno + delta][k] != '\0'; k++) { if (long_help[lineno + delta][k] == '\'') { key = 0; break; } else if (long_help[lineno + delta][k] == ';') { key = 0; break; } else if (long_help[lineno + delta][k] == '>') { break; } else if (long_help[lineno + delta][k] == '}') { break; } else if (long_help[lineno + delta][k+1] == '\0') { key = 0; break; } } } if (long_help[lineno + delta][i] == '&') { #ifdef USECOLORS ui_set_ucolor(main_win, &ucolors[NORMAL], DEFAULT_COLOR); #endif continue; } else if (look_result != -1 && i >= look_result && i < look_result + strlen(word_looked) ) { #ifdef USECOLORS ui_set_ucolor(main_win, &ucolors[HELP_HIGHLIGHT], DEFAULT_COLOR); #endif } else if (key) { #ifdef USECOLORS ui_set_ucolor(main_win, &ucolors[NUMB], DEFAULT_COLOR); #endif } mvwprintw(main_win, lineno, i, "%c", long_help[lineno + delta][i]); if (long_help[lineno + delta][i] == '>' || long_help[lineno + delta][i] == '}') key = 0; } wclrtoeol(main_win); } if (lineno < LINES) { wmove(main_win, lineno+1, 0); wclrtobot(main_win); } wmove(main_win, 0, 0); (void) wrefresh(main_win); return wgetch(input_win); } #else // implement this function if want to create another UI /** * @brief Template for a second help() function * * returns: none */ void help() { } #endif extern struct dictionary * user_conf_d; /* User's configuration dictionary */ extern struct session * session; #include #include "utils/dictionary.h" #include "macros.h" #include "version.h" /** * \brief Send the version number to standard output and quit. * \return none * TODO Split this into two commands. One prints the version number * the other prints the version number along with the other information. */ void show_version_and_quit() { put(user_conf_d, "nocurses", "1"); sc_info("sc-im - %s", rev); #ifdef NCURSES sc_info("-DNCURSES"); #endif #ifdef MAXROWS sc_info("-DMAXROWS %d", MAXROWS); #endif #ifdef UNDO sc_info("-DUNDO"); #endif #ifdef XLS sc_info("-DXLS"); #endif #ifdef XLSX sc_info("-DXLSX"); #endif #ifdef XLSX_EXPORT sc_info("-DXLSX_EXPORT"); #endif #ifdef XLUA sc_info("-DXLUA"); #endif #ifdef DEFAULT_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD_CMD sc_info("-DDEFAULT_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD_CMD=\"%s\"", DEFAULT_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD_CMD); #endif #ifdef DEFAULT_PASTE_FROM_CLIPBOARD_CMD sc_info("-DDEFAULT_PASTE_FROM_CLIPBOARD_CMD=\"%s\"", DEFAULT_PASTE_FROM_CLIPBOARD_CMD); #endif #ifdef DEFAULT_OPEN_FILE_UNDER_CURSOR_CMD sc_info("-DDEFAULT_OPEN_FILE_UNDER_CURSOR_CMD=\"%s\"", DEFAULT_OPEN_FILE_UNDER_CURSOR_CMD); #endif #ifdef USELOCALE sc_info("-DUSELOCALE"); #endif #ifdef MOUSE sc_info("-DMOUSE"); #endif #ifdef USECOLORS sc_info("-DUSECOLORS"); #endif #ifdef _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED sc_info("-D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED"); #endif #ifdef _GNU_SOURCE sc_info("-D_GNU_SOURCE"); #endif #ifdef SNAME sc_info("-DSNAME=\"%s\"", SNAME); #endif #ifdef HELP_PATH sc_info("-DHELP_PATH=\"%s\"", HELP_PATH); #endif #ifdef LIBDIR sc_info("-DLIBDIR=\"%s\"", LIBDIR); #endif #ifdef DFLT_PAGER sc_info("-DDFLT_PAGER=\"%s\"", DFLT_PAGER); #endif #ifdef DFLT_EDITOR sc_info("-DDFLT_EDITOR=\"%s\"", DFLT_EDITOR); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_DIR sc_info("-DCONFIG_DIR=\"%s\"", CONFIG_DIR); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_FILE sc_info("-DCONFIG_FILE=\"%s\"", CONFIG_FILE); #endif #ifdef HISTORY_DIR sc_info("-DHISTORY_DIR=\"%s\"", HISTORY_DIR); #endif #ifdef HISTORY_FILE sc_info("-DHISTORY_FILE=\"%s\"", HISTORY_FILE); #endif #ifdef INS_HISTORY_FILE sc_info("-DINS_HISTORY_FILE=\"%s\"", INS_HISTORY_FILE); #endif #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD sc_info("-DHAVE_PTHREAD"); #endif #ifdef AUTOBACKUP sc_info("-DAUTOBACKUP"); #endif put(user_conf_d, "quit_afterload", "1"); } /** * \brief Print usage message to stdout text and quit * \return none */ // NOTE this is a quick and dirty command to search for arguments used in the sources (macOS 10.14) // grep "get_conf_value(\"" -r ./src/*.c | grep get_conf_value |sed 's/"//g' |sed 's/.*get_conf_value(//g'|cut -d ')' -f1 |sort|uniq|sed 's/^/--/g' void show_usage_and_quit(){ put(user_conf_d, "nocurses", "1"); printf("\ \nsc-im - sc-improvised\ \n\ \nUsage: sc-im [arguments] [file] specified file\ \n or: sc-im [arguments] - read text from stdin\ \n\ \nArguments:\ \n\ \n --autocalc Set variable 'autocalc'.\ \n --copy_to_clipboard_delimited_tab Set variable 'copy_to_clipboard_delimited_tab'\ \n --debug Set variable 'debug'\ \n --default_copy_to_clipboard_cmd=COMMAND set variable 'default_copy_from_clipboard_cmd'\ \n --default_paste_from_clipboard_cmd=COMMAND set variable 'default_paste_from_clipboard_cmd'\ \n --default_open_file_under_cursor_cmd=COMMAND set variable 'default_open_file_under_cursor_cmd'\ \n --export_csv Export to csv without interaction\ \n --export_tab Export to tab without interaction\ \n --export_txt Export to txt without interaction\ \n --export_mkd Export to markdown without interaction\ \n --external_functions Set variable 'external_functions'\ \n --half_page_scroll Set variable 'half_page_scroll'\ \n --ignorecase Set variable 'ignorecase'\ \n --import_delimited_as_text Import text as\ \n --newline_action={j or l} Set variable 'newline_action'\ \n --nocurses Run interactive but without ncurses interface.\ \n --numeric Set variable 'numeric'\ \n --numeric_decimal Set variable 'numeric_decimal'\ \n --output=FILE Save the results in FILE\ \n --overlap Set variable 'overlap variable'\ \n --quit_afterload Quit after loading all the files\ \n --show_cursor Make the screen cursor follow the active cell\ \n --tm_gmtoff={seconds} set gmt offset used for converting datetimes to localtime.\ \n --txtdelim={\",\" or \";\" or \"\\t\" or \"|\"} Sets delimiter when opening a .tab of .csv file"); #ifdef XLSX printf("\n\ \n --sheet=SHEET Open SHEET when loading xlsx file. Default is 1.\ \n --xlsx_readformulas Set variable 'xlsx_readformulas'"); #endif printf("\n\ \n --version Print version information and exit\ \n --help Print Help (this message) and exit\n"); put(user_conf_d, "quit_afterload", "1"); } char * rev = "version 0.8.3-main";