v0.8.0 Released March 17th 2021 New features ------------ +New motions in edit mode: df cf F dF cF d0 d$ c0 c$ t T dt dT ct cT ^ g_ d^ dg_ c^ cg_ +Simple mouse support. Can handle selection of single cells and scroll. +Added markdown export. +Add custom colors with RGB definitions. +Add support for italic attribute to be appled to cells. +Added digraphs. +Added EXECUTE command. +Added --export_csv --export_tab --export_txt parameters. +New input_bar_bottom config variable. +New underline_grid config variable. +Added filename in status bar (filename_with_mode config variable). +Added option to truncate cells. +Added xlsx sheet parameter. +New @fact function. Other ----- +modified config and history file locations +renamed winch to sig_winch. +current fg and bg colors are kept if they are not specified in :cellcolor. +OpenBSD support (mostly wordexp() workaround) +Correct lua api function names in doc +always generate backup file when opening file +renamed scim to sc-im in Makefile +Document trigger return value convention Issues fixed ------------ fix bug when deleting an ent that for instance has a @sum()... it used to remove its vertex and THE ENTS LINKED to THEM! fix error messages when using "scim --version" and color definitions are intented to be applied from .scimrc. fix in waiting for valid command to complete after pressing ESC key. fix in parse_str so a word with white space can be stored in dictionary value fix when setting default_paste_from_clipboard_cmd Don't clobber startup message w/ err opening file Allow for lua scripts in local .sc directory #259 Send informational messages to stderr rather than the output when used in non-interactive mode #263 fixed cell_negative color #271 fixed locked cells when saving #261 fixed DEL key in insert mode #272 fix when resizing column #266 "Autobackup - case insensitive QER options when backup exists" fixed segfault when fcopy'ing with no selection while on first column Call write triggers on value clear Use sc_info to report trigger exit code fixed #277 Grow table up to MAXROWS exactly Remove redundant if clause (God only knows where that was). fix in getVertex that prevented rebuild_graph to work properly. fix annoying bug because of not resetting inputline_pos to 0 when confirming a command in COMMAND_MODE fix in let and slet. existing vertexs should not be removed. added "eval_visited" in vertex struct for not to collide with current "visited", since: EvalAll uses EvalBottomUp EvalBottomUp uses EvalJustOneVertex EvalJustOneVertex uses eval eval uses GraphAddEdge GraphAddEdge uses GraphIsReachable GraphIsReachable uses visited and EvalBottomUp also uses uses visited! Also changed markAllVerticesNotVisited and All_vertexs_of_edges_visited functions. Some other issues fixed: #228, #234, #239, #240, #244, #246, #260, #295, #308 .. and many other fixes and improvements! PENDING ------- The most significative issue is regarding circular references. This have to be deeply analyzed and with the collaboration of the community it would be hopefully fixed by v0.9. Thanks to all that helped and created PR. Thanks to all who support and use this program. Andrés Martinelli andmarti1424 **************************************************************************************** v0.7.0 *Added 'copy to clipboard' feature: now content of a range can be copied to clipboard using the :ccopy command. *Added 'paste from clipboard' feature with :cpaste command. *Added :subtotal *Added autobackup feature *Added :plot command with the following types of chart: line, scatter, bar and pie. *Added :plotedit command *New "version" argument. --version can be passed to scim executable file as argv. This will show Sc-im version number and the different features enabled at compile time. *Change when moving in command mode and insert mode history: if inputline is not empty, up and down keys now recall older commands from history, but taking whose commands that beginning matches the current inputline content. *Changed default options for numeric, newline_action, numeric_decimal, numeric_zero. *Doxygen support *exit_app: only free histories if in ncurses ui. this fix a segfault when quitting. *replaced :i command. Now xlsx, xls, csv, tsv and tab files shall be imported with the :load command. *Ignore case when handing special keys in a map *Handle mappings with double quotes *Handle SIGTSTP and SIGCONT signals. #213 *fix in csv import: little fix when importing csv files that had commas between quotes. sc-im used to ignore those comma during import process. *fix in auto numeric when using insert mode history. *Fix when saving cellcolors. #187 *fix in nmap. #178 *fix in sorting when no range is selected. #180 *fix when displaying help page. #188 *fix in @slen with wide chars. #196 *fix when resizing terminal. #199 *fix calculation when using @pi. #209 *fix when numeric=0 and try to use 0 command. #212 *fix : not initialize colors if working in interactive mode. #220 *fix when :color is intended to be used without having set enough parameters. #219 *fix when editing cells with string expressions. #197 v0.6.0 *Added new freeze feature (including new :freeze and :unfreeze commands). *Scripting support with LUA. Also with triggers and c dynamic linked modules. *Added new :trigger and :untrigger commands. *Insert mode history *Added xlsx file export *Added new :unformat command *Added new ignorecase configuration variable for string searches. *Double quotes can now be entered in SCIM backquoting them. *Change in exponential and unary - priority: Exponentials bind higher than unary -. *Change in how data coming from pipeline or redirection is processed. *let and slet functions now handle undo/redo. so that if you set a content with let or slet over script, you can also undo it. *Group cols and rows when saving hidden columns and rows to file *Added :wq command. *Added SHIFT command in parser. *sk and sh shift commands now saves in undo struct cells that depends on the range shifted. *Keep default background or fg color of terminal *Handle ESC key in EDIT and INSERT modes. Now it goes back to previous mode, instead of always returning to NORMAL MODE. *UI isolation. Added dumb ui example. *undo / redo are now ignored by the dot command. *Fix in :sort command when a range is selected and not specified within the command. *Fix in goto command. Removed unneeded free that made SCIM crash, and another crash when no result was found in search. *Fix in '!' command. Did not work properly when using a white space after the '!'. *Fix when saving cellcolors, locked cells and pad ranges in sc files. Sometimes colors and locked ranges did not get saved (most right column). *Fix in history. Last element typed could get written twice in history. *Fix crash with 'c' command after dc, dr, or shift command affecting cell A0. *Now scim print columns to latest col in COLS, maximizing the grid view. *Fixed crash because of syntax error when entering ". as text value. This also happened in sc. *Fix when entering a number and then a centered text in the same cell. This also happened in sc. Text appeared a column to the right and aligned left. *Fixed setfunc when saving sc file. *Fix in deleterow *Fix in shift functions *Fix a memory leak in undo.c *Fix/mods in undo/redo *Fix in csv import *Cleaned deletecol *Fix in csv import: maxcol was not updated correctly during import. *Fix when saving csv files with :w. before it saved a csv file with sc format. v0.5.0 *new @frow / @fcol functions. *Added :file special command. *:cellcolor command now can take a range as an argument. *Added gg command and HOME, END, PAGEUP and PAGEDOWN keys handling in help screen. *CSV load/import time improvements (noticeable in large files). *Fix error when ordering a range that had empty cells. *Fix in csv import (isnumeric function). *Fix when circular reference occurs: Before it put @ERR in expression. Now it preserves the var that makes the circular reference in the formula, but keeps the "ERROR" label in the ent. ERR errors propagate to other ents. *Changes when an ent referenced by other ents is removed: Before, @ERR was set whereever the reference to a removed ent exists. Now, if an ent is removed because of: 1. a dr dc sh sk command, is_deleted flag is set on those ents. eval return 0 for those cases, and CELLREF is put in e->op. 2. 'x' command, flag is_deleted is not set. eval return 0 for those cases as well. REF and ERR errors propagate to other ENDS. Another change: Now when deleting a cell, if they are referenced by others, vertex is not removed. (is_deleted ents shall always go to freeents to be reused..) *Added check for not to copy duplicate ents in copy_to_undostruct. *Removed split function. *Removed unnecesary lookat in screen.c that made unneeded mallocs. *With "debug" configuration parameter set, now SC-IM quits after SIGINT. *Fix bug that prevented cells with "ERROR" get saved to file and loaded later on. *Fix BackSpace issue with some GNU/Linux distros. *Fix bug that create duplicates in commandline history, if the command recently typed was the latest used as well. *Fix bug that avoid processing $HOME/.scimrc after loading a file via commandline. *Fix bug with 'Pc' and 'c' commands of normal mode, not doing autocalc after paste. *Fix in possible buffer overflow in main.c. *Some fixes in xml files import. *Various fixes to avoid warnings during build. v0.4.0 * Fix memory leak in functions that use seval. ex.: dosval docat. this used to happen also in SC ! * Chain cells with equations into a new graph structure * Change how cell expressions are evaluated * New function to rebuilt graph * Added free() call in GOTO in gram.y * Added free() call in SORT in gram.y * Added rebuild_graph, print_graph, undo and redo to gram.y * Added function to remove elements in dep_graph. (specific vertex and linked edges) * Fix in shift functions * Handle circular reference with new Eval structure * Fix in shift functions. refs in enodes now update correctly * Undo correctly (keeping references) actions that impact in cells on which other cells depends on * New :sum special command * New overlap configuration parameter. If overlap is set to true, the cell content that exceedes column width continues to show in the following column. * Fix a bug that prevented some info messages to be shown during loading * Fix a bug when repaiting a cell that has a wide char size over than one. * Changes in readfile function to fix issue that sometimes appeared when working with scripting, that made null output of interpreter * Changes in sc_info sc_error and sc_debug functions.. * Changed sc_error sc_info and sc_debug functions to MACROS. * Added new "debug" configuration parameter * White background support * Fix when undoing :sums that made no sums.. * :w command now adds '.sc' extension if none is specified * Fix some #include's * Fix :load command * Expand filenames using wordexp * Restored old SC fill function * Fix in seval calls * New :fcopy special command * Added UNDO and LOCK check to fcopy special command. Added fcopy to gram.y * sum special command renamed to fsum * csv import now use isnumeric function * change in '#' command * new @replace string function * Change in lex to handle WORD * Fix in yyerror function * :set command improvement * Added set to gram.y * doc improvement * Fix when opening files with slash v0.3.0 * FIX when importing large CSV files * SC-IM now supports wide chars, enabling the use of different alphabets. The following alphabets are supported: English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian, Greek, Turkish, Czech, Japanese, Chinese * Modification in padding of cells and how they are saved in files. * UNDO / REDO improvements. Now the following actions are supported: Change in format of a column as a result of the 'f' command Change in format of a column as a result of auto_jus Change format of columns as a result of ic dc v0.2.2 * Added plain text export. * Added padding between cells. * Added 256 color support and "redefine_color" special command. * Added "aa" command in normal mode to act as autojus special command. * Added "gl" for going to last position in normal mode. * Added SC-IM man page. * Added "refresh" special command to refresh UI. * Big fix in how extended ascii are chars shown. * Big changes in functions used for showing cell content. * Fix in autonumeric mode. * Fix bug when typing real long string (issue #32). * Fix when using QUIT command with external scripts. * "cellcolor" command now checks if a locked cell exists prior to change format. * Locked cells are stored after any other command when saving a file. * Saving sc file: cellcolor and lock commands now are stored by rows when saving a sc file. * "Pv" command now do not paste cellcolors. * Translated source code comments to English. * Various fixes when using SC-IM without UI (--nocurses). * Help documentation now can be loaded without making install SC-IM. * MAXROWS now can be defined in Makefile.