path: root/test/helper-test.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/helper-test.c')
1 files changed, 191 insertions, 175 deletions
diff --git a/test/helper-test.c b/test/helper-test.c
index 71109fd4..d8e53fef 100644
--- a/test/helper-test.c
+++ b/test/helper-test.c
@@ -25,205 +25,221 @@
+#include "display.h"
+#include "rofi-icon-fetcher.h"
+#include "rofi.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "theme.h"
+#include "xcb-internal.h"
+#include "xcb.h"
#include <assert.h>
-#include <locale.h>
#include <glib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
#include <helper.h>
+#include <locale.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <xcb/xcb_ewmh.h>
-#include "theme.h"
-#include "display.h"
-#include "xcb.h"
-#include "xcb-internal.h"
-#include "rofi.h"
-#include "settings.h"
-#include "rofi-icon-fetcher.h"
-static int test = 0;
-#define TASSERT( a ) { \
- assert ( a ); \
- printf ( "Test %i passed (%s)\n", ++test, # a ); \
-#define TASSERTE( a, b ) { \
- if ( ( a ) == ( b ) ) { \
- printf ( "Test %i passed (%s == %s) (%u == %u)\n", ++test, # a, # b, a, b ); \
- } else { \
- printf ( "Test %i failed (%s == %s) (%u != %u)\n", ++test, # a, # b, a, b ); \
- abort ( ); \
- } \
-#define TASSERTL( a, b ) { \
- if ( ( a ) == ( b ) ) { \
- printf ( "Test %i passed (%s == %s) (%d == %d)\n", ++test, # a, # b, a, b ); \
- } else { \
- printf ( "Test %i failed (%s == %s) (%d != %d)\n", ++test, # a, # b, a, b ); \
- abort ( ); \
- } \
+static int test = 0;
+#define TASSERT(a) \
+ { \
+ assert(a); \
+ printf("Test %i passed (%s)\n", ++test, #a); \
+ }
+#define TASSERTE(a, b) \
+ { \
+ if ((a) == (b)) { \
+ printf("Test %i passed (%s == %s) (%u == %u)\n", ++test, #a, #b, a, b); \
+ } else { \
+ printf("Test %i failed (%s == %s) (%u != %u)\n", ++test, #a, #b, a, b); \
+ abort(); \
+ } \
+ }
+#define TASSERTL(a, b) \
+ { \
+ if ((a) == (b)) { \
+ printf("Test %i passed (%s == %s) (%d == %d)\n", ++test, #a, #b, a, b); \
+ } else { \
+ printf("Test %i failed (%s == %s) (%d != %d)\n", ++test, #a, #b, a, b); \
+ abort(); \
+ } \
+ }
#include "widgets/textbox.h"
ThemeWidget *rofi_theme = NULL;
-gboolean rofi_theme_parse_string ( const char *string )
+gboolean rofi_theme_parse_string(G_GNUC_UNUSED const char *string) {
return FALSE;
-uint32_t rofi_icon_fetcher_query ( const char *name, const int size )
+uint32_t rofi_icon_fetcher_query(G_GNUC_UNUSED const char *name,
+ G_GNUC_UNUSED const int size) {
return 0;
-void rofi_clear_error_messages ( void ) {}
-uint32_t rofi_icon_fetcher_query_advanced ( const char *name, const int wsize, const int hsize )
+void rofi_clear_error_messages(void) {}
+uint32_t rofi_icon_fetcher_query_advanced(G_GNUC_UNUSED const char *name,
+ G_GNUC_UNUSED const int wsize,
+ G_GNUC_UNUSED const int hsize) {
return 0;
-cairo_surface_t * rofi_icon_fetcher_get ( const uint32_t uid )
+cairo_surface_t *rofi_icon_fetcher_get(G_GNUC_UNUSED const uint32_t uid) {
return NULL;
-double textbox_get_estimated_char_height ( void )
- return 12.0;
-void rofi_view_get_current_monitor ( int *width, int *height )
-*width = 1920;
-*height = 1080;
-double textbox_get_estimated_ch ( void )
- return 9.0;
-void rofi_add_error_message ( G_GNUC_UNUSED GString *msg )
-int rofi_view_error_dialog ( const char *msg, G_GNUC_UNUSED int markup )
- fputs ( msg, stderr );
- return TRUE;
-int monitor_active ( G_GNUC_UNUSED workarea *mon )
- return 0;
+double textbox_get_estimated_char_height(void) { return 12.0; }
+void rofi_view_get_current_monitor(int *width, int *height) {
+ *width = 1920;
+ *height = 1080;
+double textbox_get_estimated_ch(void) { return 9.0; }
+void rofi_add_error_message(G_GNUC_UNUSED GString *msg) {}
-void display_startup_notification ( G_GNUC_UNUSED RofiHelperExecuteContext *context, G_GNUC_UNUSED GSpawnChildSetupFunc *child_setup, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer *user_data )
+int rofi_view_error_dialog(const char *msg, G_GNUC_UNUSED int markup) {
+ fputs(msg, stderr);
+ return TRUE;
-int main ( int argc, char **argv )
- cmd_set_arguments ( argc, argv );
- if ( setlocale ( LC_ALL, "" ) == NULL ) {
- fprintf ( stderr, "Failed to set locale.\n" );
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- /**
- * Char function
- */
- TASSERT ( helper_parse_char ( "\\n" ) == '\n' );
- TASSERT ( helper_parse_char ( "\\a" ) == '\a' );
- TASSERT ( helper_parse_char ( "\\b" ) == '\b' );
- TASSERT ( helper_parse_char ( "\\t" ) == '\t' );
- TASSERT ( helper_parse_char ( "\\v" ) == '\v' );
- TASSERT ( helper_parse_char ( "\\f" ) == '\f' );
- TASSERT ( helper_parse_char ( "\\r" ) == '\r' );
- TASSERT ( helper_parse_char ( "\\\\" ) == '\\' );
- TASSERT ( helper_parse_char ( "\\0" ) == 0 );
- TASSERT ( helper_parse_char ( "\\x77" ) == 'w' );
- TASSERT ( helper_parse_char ( "\\x0A" ) == '\n' );
- /**
- * tokenize
- */
- TASSERT ( levenshtein ( "aap", g_utf8_strlen ( "aap", -1), "aap", g_utf8_strlen ( "aap", -1) ) == 0 );
- TASSERT ( levenshtein ( "aap", g_utf8_strlen ( "aap", -1), "aap ", g_utf8_strlen ( "aap ", -1) ) == 1 );
- TASSERT ( levenshtein ( "aap ", g_utf8_strlen ( "aap ", -1), "aap", g_utf8_strlen ( "aap", -1) ) == 1 );
- TASSERTE ( levenshtein ( "aap", g_utf8_strlen ( "aap", -1), "aap noot", g_utf8_strlen ( "aap noot", -1) ), 5u );
- TASSERTE ( levenshtein ( "aap", g_utf8_strlen ( "aap", -1), "noot aap", g_utf8_strlen ( "noot aap", -1) ), 5u );
- TASSERTE ( levenshtein ( "aap", g_utf8_strlen ( "aap", -1), "noot aap mies", g_utf8_strlen ( "noot aap mies", -1) ), 10u );
- TASSERTE ( levenshtein ( "noot aap mies", g_utf8_strlen ( "noot aap mies", -1), "aap", g_utf8_strlen ( "aap", -1) ), 10u );
- TASSERTE ( levenshtein ( "otp", g_utf8_strlen ( "otp", -1), "noot aap", g_utf8_strlen ( "noot aap", -1) ), 5u );
- /**
- * Quick converision check.
- */
- {
- char *str = rofi_latin_to_utf8_strdup ( "\xA1\xB5", 2 );
- TASSERT ( g_utf8_collate ( str, "¡µ" ) == 0 );
- g_free ( str );
- }
- {
- char *str = rofi_force_utf8 ( "Valid utf8", 10 );
- TASSERT ( g_utf8_collate ( str, "Valid utf8" ) == 0 );
- g_free ( str );
- char in[] = "Valid utf8 until \xc3\x28 we continue here";
- TASSERT ( g_utf8_validate ( in, -1, NULL ) == FALSE );
- str = rofi_force_utf8 ( in, strlen ( in ) );
- TASSERT ( g_utf8_validate ( str, -1, NULL ) == TRUE );
- TASSERT ( g_utf8_collate ( str, "Valid utf8 until �( we continue here" ) == 0 );
- g_free ( str );
- }
- {
- TASSERT ( utf8_strncmp ( "aapno", "aap€",3) == 0 );
- TASSERT ( utf8_strncmp ( "aapno", "aap€",4) != 0 );
- TASSERT ( utf8_strncmp ( "aapno", "a",4) != 0 );
- TASSERT ( utf8_strncmp ( "a", "aap€",4) != 0 );
-// char in[] = "Valid utf8 until \xc3\x28 we continue here";
-// TASSERT ( utf8_strncmp ( in, "Valid", 3 ) == 0);
- }
- {
- TASSERTL ( rofi_scorer_fuzzy_evaluate ("aap noot mies", 12 , "aap noot mies", 12), -605);
- TASSERTL ( rofi_scorer_fuzzy_evaluate ("anm", 3, "aap noot mies", 12), -155);
- TASSERTL ( rofi_scorer_fuzzy_evaluate ("blu", 3, "aap noot mies", 12), 1073741824);
- config.case_sensitive = TRUE;
- TASSERTL ( rofi_scorer_fuzzy_evaluate ("Anm", 3, "aap noot mies", 12), 1073741754);
- config.case_sensitive = FALSE;
- TASSERTL ( rofi_scorer_fuzzy_evaluate ("Anm", 3, "aap noot mies", 12), -155);
- TASSERTL ( rofi_scorer_fuzzy_evaluate ("aap noot mies", 12,"Anm", 3 ), 1073741824);
- }
- char *a;
- a = helper_string_replace_if_exists ( "{terminal} [-t {title} blub ]-e {cmd}", "{cmd}", "aap", "{title}", "some title", "{terminal}", "rofi-sensible-terminal", NULL);
- printf("%s\n",a);
- TASSERT ( g_utf8_collate ( a, "rofi-sensible-terminal -t some title blub -e aap") == 0);
- g_free(a);
- a = helper_string_replace_if_exists ( "{terminal} [-t {title} blub ]-e {cmd}", "{cmd}", "aap", "{terminal}", "rofi-sensible-terminal", NULL);
- printf("%s\n",a);
- TASSERT ( g_utf8_collate ( a, "rofi-sensible-terminal -e aap") == 0);
- g_free(a);
- a = helper_string_replace_if_exists ( "{name} [<span weight='light' size='small'><i>({category})</i></span>]", "{name}", "Librecad", "{category}", "Desktop app", "{terminal}", "rofi-sensible-terminal", NULL );
- printf("%s\n",a);
- TASSERT ( g_utf8_collate ( a, "Librecad <span weight='light' size='small'><i>(Desktop app)</i></span>") == 0);
- g_free(a);
- a = helper_string_replace_if_exists ( "{name}[ <span weight='light' size='small'><i>({category})</i></span>]", "{name}", "Librecad", "{terminal}", "rofi-sensible-terminal", NULL );
- TASSERT ( g_utf8_collate ( a, "Librecad") == 0);
- g_free(a);
- a = helper_string_replace_if_exists ( "{terminal} [{title} blub ]-e {cmd}", "{cmd}", "aap", "{title}", "some title", "{terminal}", "rofi-sensible-terminal", NULL);
- printf("%s\n",a);
- TASSERT ( g_utf8_collate ( a, "rofi-sensible-terminal some title blub -e aap") == 0);
- g_free(a);
- a = helper_string_replace_if_exists ( "{terminal} [{title} blub ]-e {cmd}",
- "{cmd}", "aap",
- "{title}", NULL,
- "{terminal}", "rofi-sensible-terminal",
- NULL);
- printf("%s\n",a);
- TASSERT ( g_utf8_collate ( a, "rofi-sensible-terminal -e aap") == 0);
- g_free(a);
+int monitor_active(G_GNUC_UNUSED workarea *mon) { return 0; }
+void display_startup_notification(
+ G_GNUC_UNUSED RofiHelperExecuteContext *context,
+ G_GNUC_UNUSED GSpawnChildSetupFunc *child_setup,
+ G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer *user_data) {}
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ cmd_set_arguments(argc, argv);
+ if (setlocale(LC_ALL, "") == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set locale.\n");
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Char function
+ */
+ TASSERT(helper_parse_char("\\n") == '\n');
+ TASSERT(helper_parse_char("\\a") == '\a');
+ TASSERT(helper_parse_char("\\b") == '\b');
+ TASSERT(helper_parse_char("\\t") == '\t');
+ TASSERT(helper_parse_char("\\v") == '\v');
+ TASSERT(helper_parse_char("\\f") == '\f');
+ TASSERT(helper_parse_char("\\r") == '\r');
+ TASSERT(helper_parse_char("\\\\") == '\\');
+ TASSERT(helper_parse_char("\\0") == 0);
+ TASSERT(helper_parse_char("\\x77") == 'w');
+ TASSERT(helper_parse_char("\\x0A") == '\n');
+ /**
+ * tokenize
+ */
+ TASSERT(levenshtein("aap", g_utf8_strlen("aap", -1), "aap",
+ g_utf8_strlen("aap", -1)) == 0);
+ TASSERT(levenshtein("aap", g_utf8_strlen("aap", -1), "aap ",
+ g_utf8_strlen("aap ", -1)) == 1);
+ TASSERT(levenshtein("aap ", g_utf8_strlen("aap ", -1), "aap",
+ g_utf8_strlen("aap", -1)) == 1);
+ TASSERTE(levenshtein("aap", g_utf8_strlen("aap", -1), "aap noot",
+ g_utf8_strlen("aap noot", -1)),
+ 5u);
+ TASSERTE(levenshtein("aap", g_utf8_strlen("aap", -1), "noot aap",
+ g_utf8_strlen("noot aap", -1)),
+ 5u);
+ TASSERTE(levenshtein("aap", g_utf8_strlen("aap", -1), "noot aap mies",
+ g_utf8_strlen("noot aap mies", -1)),
+ 10u);
+ TASSERTE(levenshtein("noot aap mies", g_utf8_strlen("noot aap mies", -1),
+ "aap", g_utf8_strlen("aap", -1)),
+ 10u);
+ TASSERTE(levenshtein("otp", g_utf8_strlen("otp", -1), "noot aap",
+ g_utf8_strlen("noot aap", -1)),
+ 5u);
+ /**
+ * Quick converision check.
+ */
+ {
+ char *str = rofi_latin_to_utf8_strdup("\xA1\xB5", 2);
+ TASSERT(g_utf8_collate(str, "¡µ") == 0);
+ g_free(str);
+ }
+ {
+ char *str = rofi_force_utf8("Valid utf8", 10);
+ TASSERT(g_utf8_collate(str, "Valid utf8") == 0);
+ g_free(str);
+ char in[] = "Valid utf8 until \xc3\x28 we continue here";
+ TASSERT(g_utf8_validate(in, -1, NULL) == FALSE);
+ str = rofi_force_utf8(in, strlen(in));
+ TASSERT(g_utf8_validate(str, -1, NULL) == TRUE);
+ TASSERT(g_utf8_collate(str, "Valid utf8 until �( we continue here") == 0);
+ g_free(str);
+ }
+ {
+ TASSERT(utf8_strncmp("aapno", "aap€", 3) == 0);
+ TASSERT(utf8_strncmp("aapno", "aap€", 4) != 0);
+ TASSERT(utf8_strncmp("aapno", "a", 4) != 0);
+ TASSERT(utf8_strncmp("a", "aap€", 4) != 0);
+ // char in[] = "Valid utf8 until \xc3\x28 we continue here";
+ // TASSERT ( utf8_strncmp ( in, "Valid", 3 ) == 0);
+ }
+ {
+ rofi_scorer_fuzzy_evaluate("aap noot mies", 12, "aap noot mies", 12),
+ -605);
+ TASSERTL(rofi_scorer_fuzzy_evaluate("anm", 3, "aap noot mies", 12), -155);
+ TASSERTL(rofi_scorer_fuzzy_evaluate("blu", 3, "aap noot mies", 12),
+ 1073741824);
+ config.case_sensitive = TRUE;
+ TASSERTL(rofi_scorer_fuzzy_evaluate("Anm", 3, "aap noot mies", 12),
+ 1073741754);
+ config.case_sensitive = FALSE;
+ TASSERTL(rofi_scorer_fuzzy_evaluate("Anm", 3, "aap noot mies", 12), -155);
+ TASSERTL(rofi_scorer_fuzzy_evaluate("aap noot mies", 12, "Anm", 3),
+ 1073741824);
+ }
+ char *a;
+ a = helper_string_replace_if_exists(
+ "{terminal} [-t {title} blub ]-e {cmd}", "{cmd}", "aap", "{title}",
+ "some title", "{terminal}", "rofi-sensible-terminal", NULL);
+ printf("%s\n", a);
+ TASSERT(g_utf8_collate(
+ a, "rofi-sensible-terminal -t some title blub -e aap") == 0);
+ g_free(a);
+ a = helper_string_replace_if_exists("{terminal} [-t {title} blub ]-e {cmd}",
+ "{cmd}", "aap", "{terminal}",
+ "rofi-sensible-terminal", NULL);
+ printf("%s\n", a);
+ TASSERT(g_utf8_collate(a, "rofi-sensible-terminal -e aap") == 0);
+ g_free(a);
+ a = helper_string_replace_if_exists(
+ "{name} [<span weight='light' size='small'><i>({category})</i></span>]",
+ "{name}", "Librecad", "{category}", "Desktop app", "{terminal}",
+ "rofi-sensible-terminal", NULL);
+ printf("%s\n", a);
+ TASSERT(g_utf8_collate(a, "Librecad <span weight='light' "
+ "size='small'><i>(Desktop app)</i></span>") == 0);
+ g_free(a);
+ a = helper_string_replace_if_exists(
+ "{name}[ <span weight='light' size='small'><i>({category})</i></span>]",
+ "{name}", "Librecad", "{terminal}", "rofi-sensible-terminal", NULL);
+ TASSERT(g_utf8_collate(a, "Librecad") == 0);
+ g_free(a);
+ a = helper_string_replace_if_exists(
+ "{terminal} [{title} blub ]-e {cmd}", "{cmd}", "aap", "{title}",
+ "some title", "{terminal}", "rofi-sensible-terminal", NULL);
+ printf("%s\n", a);
+ TASSERT(g_utf8_collate(a, "rofi-sensible-terminal some title blub -e aap") ==
+ 0);
+ g_free(a);
+ a = helper_string_replace_if_exists(
+ "{terminal} [{title} blub ]-e {cmd}", "{cmd}", "aap", "{title}", NULL,
+ "{terminal}", "rofi-sensible-terminal", NULL);
+ printf("%s\n", a);
+ TASSERT(g_utf8_collate(a, "rofi-sensible-terminal -e aap") == 0);
+ g_free(a);