#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eo pipefail cleanup() { # Remove if nothing was generated. [ -d artifacts ] && find artifacts -type d -empty -delete } trap cleanup EXIT # Make a central directory to store all output artifacts of our test run to # avoid having to configure multiple upload-artifacts steps in the workflow # file. OSSL_CI_ARTIFACTS_PATH="artifacts/" if [ -n "${GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER}" ]; then OSSL_CI_ARTIFACTS_PATH="artifacts/github-${GITHUB_JOB}-${GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER}-${GITHUB_RUN_ID}/" fi mkdir -p "$OSSL_CI_ARTIFACTS_PATH" export OSSL_CI_ARTIFACTS_PATH="$(cd "$OSSL_CI_ARTIFACTS_PATH"; pwd)" # Run the tests. This might fail, but we need to capture artifacts anyway. set +e make test HARNESS_JOBS=${HARNESS_JOBS:-4} "$@" RESULT=$? set -e # Move an interesting subset of the test-runs data we want into the artifacts # staging directory. for test_name in quic_multistream; do if [ -d "test-runs/test_${test_name}" ]; then mv "test-runs/test_${test_name}" "$OSSL_CI_ARTIFACTS_PATH/" fi done # Log the artifact tree. echo "::group::List of artifact files generated" echo "Test suite exited with $RESULT, artifacts path is $OSSL_CI_ARTIFACTS_PATH" (cd "$OSSL_CI_ARTIFACTS_PATH"; find . -type f | sort) echo "::endgroup::" exit $RESULT