#!/usr/bin/env bash Color_Off='\e[0m' Red='\e[0;31m' Yellow='\e[0;33m' Green='\e[0;32m' # # Print on stderr, in red # stderr() { echo -e "${Red}[$(basename $0)]: ${*}${Color_Off}" >&2 } # # Print debugging output on stderr, in green # dbg() { [[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]] && \ echo -e "${Green}[DEBUG][$(basename $0)]: ${*}${Color_Off}" >&2 } # # Print on stdout, if verbosity is enabled, prefix in green # stdout() { [[ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ]] && echo -e "${Green}[$(basename $0)]:${Color_Off} $*" } # # Get the command name from a script path # scriptname_to_command() { callee=$([ -z "$2" ] && echo "nix-script" || echo "$2") echo "$1" | sed -r "s,$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/$callee-(.*)\.sh$,\1," } # # Generate a help synopsis text # help_synopsis() { SCRIPT=$(scriptname_to_command $1); shift echo "usage: nix-script $SCRIPT $*" } # # Helper for section on variables from the RC file for the script # help_rcvars() { echo -e "\tUsed nix-script.rc variables:" echo -e "\t-----------------------------" echo -e "" for s; do echo -e "\t\t${s}"; done echo -e "" } # # generate a help text footnote # help_end() { echo -e "\tAdding '-v' before the '$1' command turns on verbosity" echo -e "" echo -e "\tReleased under terms of GPLv2" echo -e "\t(c) 2015 Matthias Beyer" echo "" } # # Explain the next command # explain() { stdout "$*" $* } # # Helper for greping the current generation # grep_generation() { $* | grep current | sed -r 's,\s*([0-9]*)(.*),\1,' } # # get the current system generation # current_system_generation() { grep_generation "sudo nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --list-generations" } # # get the current user generation # current_user_generation() { grep_generation "nix-env --list-generations" } # # Ask the user whether to continue or not # continue_question() { local answer echo -ne "${Yellow}$1 [yN]?:${Color_Off} " >&2 read answer echo "" [[ "${answer}" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] || return 1 } # # Ask whether a command should be executed or not. # ask_execute() { q="$1"; shift local answer echo -ne "${Yellow}$q${Color_Off} [Yn]? " read answer; echo [[ ! "${answer}" =~ ^[Nn]$ ]] && eval $* } # # Helper for executing git commands in another git directory # __git() { DIR=$1; shift explain git --git-dir="$DIR/.git" --work-tree="$DIR" $* } # Gets the current branch name or the hash of the current rev if there is no # branch __git_current_branch() { branch_name=$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD) branch_name=${branch_name##refs/heads/} ([[ -z "$branch_name" ]] && git rev-parse HEAD) || echo $branch_name } # Argument 1: Caller script name, format: "nix-script" caller_util_all_commands() { find $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}) -type f -name "${1}-*.sh" } # Argument 1: Caller script name, format: "nix-script" caller_util_list_subcommands_for() { for cmd in $(caller_util_all_commands $1) do scriptname_to_command "$cmd" "$1" done | sort } # Argument 1: Caller script name # Argzment 2: Command name caller_util_script_for() { echo "$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/${1}-${2}.sh" } # Argument 1: Caller script name # Argzment 2: Command name caller_util_get_script() { local SCRIPT=$(caller_util_script_for $1 $2) [[ ! -f $SCRIPT ]] && stderr "Not available: $COMMAND -> $SCRIPT" && exit 1 [[ ! -x $SCRIPT ]] && stderr "Not executeable: $SCRIPT" && exit 1 echo "$SCRIPT" }