#!/usr/bin/env bats setup() { load "../test_helper/bats-support/load" load "../test_helper/bats-assert/load" load "helpers/settings" } TESTSUITE="Feeds" teardown() { # delete all feeds ID_LIST=($(http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} GET ${BASE_URLv1}/feeds | grep -Po '"id":\K([0-9]+)' | tr '\n' ' ')) for i in $ID_LIST; do http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} DELETE ${BASE_URLv1}/feeds/$i done # delete all folders ID_LIST=($(http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} GET ${BASE_URLv1}/folders | grep -Po '"id":\K([0-9]+)' | tr '\n' ' ')) for i in $ID_LIST; do http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} DELETE ${BASE_URLv1}/folders/$i done } @test "[$TESTSUITE] Read empty" { run http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} GET ${BASE_URLv1}/feeds assert_output --partial "\"feeds\":[]" assert_output --partial "\"starredCount\":0" } @test "[$TESTSUITE] Create new" { # run is not working here. output=$(http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} POST ${BASE_URLv1}/feeds url=$NC_FEED | jq '.feeds | .[0].url') # self reference of feed is used here assert_output '"https://nextcloud.com/blog/feed/"' } @test "[$TESTSUITE] Create new inside folder" { # create folder and store id ID=$(http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} POST ${BASE_URLv1}/folders name=news-${BATS_SUITE_TEST_NUMBER} | grep -Po '"id":\K([0-9]+)') # run is not working here. output=$(http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} POST ${BASE_URLv1}/feeds url=$NC_FEED folderId=$ID | jq '.feeds | .[0].folderId') # check if ID matches assert_output "$ID" } @test "[$TESTSUITE] Delete one" { ID=$(http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} POST ${BASE_URLv1}/feeds url=$NC_FEED | grep -Po '"id":\K([0-9]+)') run http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} DELETE ${BASE_URLv1}/feeds/$ID assert_output --partial "[]" } @test "[$TESTSUITE] Move feed to different folder" { # create folders and store ids FIRST_FOLDER_ID=$(http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} POST ${BASE_URLv1}/folders name=news-${BATS_SUITE_TEST_NUMBER} | grep -Po '"id":\K([0-9]+)') SECCOND_FOLDER_ID=$(http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} POST ${BASE_URLv1}/folders name=news-${BATS_SUITE_TEST_NUMBER} | grep -Po '"id":\K([0-9]+)') FEEDID=$(http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} POST ${BASE_URLv1}/feeds url=$NC_FEED folderId=$FIRST_FOLDER_ID | grep -Po '"id":\K([0-9]+)') # move feed, returns nothing http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} PUT ${BASE_URLv1}/feeds/$FEEDID/move folderId=$SECCOND_FOLDER_ID # run is not working here. output=$(http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} GET ${BASE_URLv1}/feeds | jq '.feeds | .[0].folderId') # look for second folder id assert_output "$SECCOND_FOLDER_ID" } @test "[$TESTSUITE] Move feed to root" { # create folder and store id FOLDER_ID=$(http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} POST ${BASE_URLv1}/folders name=news-${BATS_SUITE_TEST_NUMBER} | grep -Po '"id":\K([0-9]+)') FEEDID=$(http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} POST ${BASE_URLv1}/feeds url=$NC_FEED folderId=$FOLDER_ID | grep -Po '"id":\K([0-9]+)') # move feed, returns nothing http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} PUT ${BASE_URLv1}/feeds/$FEEDID/move folderId=null # run is not working here. output=$(http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} GET ${BASE_URLv1}/feeds | jq '.feeds | .[0].folderId') # new "folder" should be null assert_output null } @test "[$TESTSUITE] Rename feed" { # create feed and store id FEEDID=$(http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} POST ${BASE_URLv1}/feeds url=$NC_FEED | grep -Po '"id":\K([0-9]+)') # rename feed, returns nothing http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} PUT ${BASE_URLv1}/feeds/$FEEDID/rename feedTitle="Great Title" # run is not working here. output=$(http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} GET ${BASE_URLv1}/feeds | jq '.feeds | .[0].title') # Check if title matches assert_output '"Great Title"' } @test "[$TESTSUITE] Mark all items as read" { # create feed and store id FEEDID=$(http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} POST ${BASE_URLv1}/feeds url=$NC_FEED | grep -Po '"id":\K([0-9]+)') ID_LIST=($(http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} GET ${BASE_URLv1}/items id=$FEEDID | grep -Po '"id":\K([0-9]+)' | tr '\n' ' ')) # get biggest item ID max=${ID_LIST[0]} for n in "${ID_LIST[@]}" ; do ((n > max)) && max=$n done # mark all items of feed as read, returns nothing http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} PUT ${BASE_URLv1}/feeds/$FEEDID/read newestItemId="$max" # collect unread status unread=$(http --ignore-stdin -b -a ${user}:${user} GET ${BASE_URLv1}/items id=$FEEDID | grep -Po '"unread":\K((true)|(false))' | tr '\n' ' ') for n in "${unread[@]}" ; do if $n then echo "Item was not marked as read" false fi done }