diff options
authorKarl Lorey <>2022-06-13 19:59:36 +0200
committerKarl Lorey <>2022-06-13 19:59:36 +0200
commit88d7101a2fe3ae008181d0f53c011bb990f29a8c (patch)
parent15e6a963a2270a0d523b6f4500007d16faa1b243 (diff)
Import mlscraper-experiments
22 files changed, 3207 insertions, 970 deletions
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index d0b28e2..0000000
--- a/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-import requests
-from mlscraper import SingleItemScraper, SingleItemPageSample
-def main():
- items = {
- "": {
- "name": "Eleanor Roosevelt",
- "birth": "October 11, 1884",
- },
- "": {
- "name": "André Gide",
- "birth": "November 22, 1869",
- },
- "": {
- "name": "Thomas A. Edison",
- "birth": "February 11, 1847",
- },
- }
- results = {url: requests.get(url) for url in items.keys()}
- # train scraper
- samples = [
- SingleItemPageSample(results[url].content, items[url]) for url in items.keys()
- ]
- scraper =
- print("Scraping Albert Einstein")
- html = requests.get("").content
- result = scraper.scrape(html)
- print("Result: %s" % result)
- # > Result: {'birth': 'March 14, 1879', 'name': 'Albert Einstein'}
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 45bb78e..0000000
--- a/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import requests
-from mlscraper import SingleItemPageSample, RuleBasedSingleItemScraper
-def main():
- items = {
- "": {
- "title": "Why is processing a sorted array faster than processing an unsorted array?"
- },
- "": {
- "title": "How do I undo the most recent local commits in Git?"
- },
- "": {
- "title": "What does the “yield” keyword do?"
- },
- }
- results = {url: requests.get(url) for url in items.keys()}
- # train scraper
- samples = [
- SingleItemPageSample(results[url].content, items[url]) for url in items.keys()
- ]
- scraper =
- print("Scraping new question")
- html = requests.get(
- ""
- ).content
- result = scraper.scrape(html)
- print("Result: %s" % result)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
- main()
diff --git a/mlscraper/ b/mlscraper/
index 9aac9d5..f45ed94 100644
--- a/mlscraper/
+++ b/mlscraper/
@@ -1,388 +1,3 @@
-__author__ = """Karl Lorey"""
-__email__ = ""
-__version__ = "0.1.2"
-import logging
-import random
-import re
-from collections import Counter
-from itertools import chain
-from typing import List
-import pandas as pd
-from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
-from more_itertools import flatten
-from import NodePreprocessing, train_pipeline
-from mlscraper.parser import make_soup_page, ExtractionResult
-from import SingleItemPageSample, MultiItemPageSample
-from mlscraper.util import (
- get_common_ancestor_for_paths,
- get_common_ancestor_for_nodes,
- get_tree_path,
- generate_css_selectors_for_node,
- get_selectors,
- derive_css_selector,
- generate_path_selectors,
- generate_unique_path_selectors,
-def create_single_item_samples(url_to_item):
- """
- Creates single page training data for you.
- :param url_to_item: dict with url as key and expected dict as value
- :return: samples
- """
- import requests
- results = {url: requests.get(url) for url in url_to_item.keys()}
- assert all(resp.status_code == 200 for resp in results.values())
- pages = {url: make_soup_page(results[url].content) for url in url_to_item.keys()}
- # train scraper
- samples = []
- for url in url_to_item:
- page = pages[url]
- item = url_to_item[url]
- # use random sample if found several times to try to get all possible selectors
- item_extraction = {
- k: ExtractionResult(random.choice(page.find(v))) for k, v in item.items()
- }
- sample = SingleItemPageSample(page, item_extraction)
- samples.append(sample)
- return samples
-class RuleBasedSingleItemScraper:
- """A simple scraper that will simply try to infer the best css selectors."""
- def __init__(self, classes_per_attr):
- self.classes_per_attr = classes_per_attr
- @staticmethod
- def build(samples: List[SingleItemPageSample]):
- attributes = set(flatten(s.item.keys() for s in samples))
- rules = {} # attr -> selector
- for attr in attributes:
-"Training attribute %s" % attr)
- # get all potential matches
- matching_nodes = flatten([[attr]) for s in samples])
- # since uniqueness requires selection over and over, we don't use generate_unique_path... here
- path_selector_generator = (
- generate_path_selectors(node._soup_node) for node in matching_nodes
- )
- selectors = set(chain(*path_selector_generator))
- # check if they are unique on every page
- # -> for all potential selectors: compute score
- selector_scoring = {} # selector -> score
- for i, selector in enumerate(selectors):
- if selector not in selector_scoring:
-"testing %s (%d/%d)", selector, i, len(selectors))
- matches_per_page = ( for s in samples)
- matches_per_page_right = [
- len(m) == 1 and m[0].get_text() == s.item[attr]
- for m, s in zip(matches_per_page, samples)
- ]
- score = sum(matches_per_page_right) / len(samples)
- selector_scoring[selector] = score
- # find the selector with the best coverage, i.e. the highest accuracy
-"Scoring for %s: %s", attr, selector_scoring)
- # sort by score (desc) and selector length (asc)
- selectors_sorted = sorted(
- selector_scoring.items(), key=lambda x: (x[1], -len(x[0])), reverse=True
- )
-"Best scores for %s: %s", attr, selectors_sorted[:3])
- try:
- selector_best = selectors_sorted[0][0]
- if selector_scoring[selector_best] < 1:
- logging.warning(
- "Best selector for %s does not work for all samples (score is %f)"
- % (attr, selector_scoring[selector_best])
- )
- rules[attr] = selector_best
- except IndexError:
- logging.warning("No selector found for %s", attr)
- print(rules)
- return RuleBasedSingleItemScraper(rules)
- def scrape(self, html):
- page = make_soup_page(html)
- item = {
- k:[k])[0].get_text()
- for k in self.classes_per_attr.keys()
- }
- return item
-class SingleItemScraper:
- def __init__(self, classifiers, min_match_proba=0.7):
- self.classifiers = classifiers
- self.min_match_proba = min_match_proba
- @staticmethod
- def build(samples: List[SingleItemPageSample]):
- """
- Build a scraper by inferring rules.
- :param samples: Samples to train
- :return: the scraper
- """
- # parse html
- soups = [ for sample in samples]
- # find samples on the pages
- matches = []
- for sample, soup in zip(samples, soups):
- matches_per_item = {}
- for key in sample.item.keys():
- needle = sample.item[key]
- # currently, we can only find strings with .text extraction
- assert isinstance(needle, str), "Only strings supported"
- # search for text, check if parent returns this text
- text_matches = soup.find_all(text=re.compile(needle))
- logging.debug("Matches for %s: %s", needle, text_matches)
- text_parents = (ns.parent for ns in text_matches)
- tag_matches = [p for p in text_parents if extract_text(p) == needle]
- matches_per_item[key] = tag_matches
- matches.append(matches_per_item)
- # print(matches)
- matches_unique = []
- for matches_item, sample in zip(matches, samples):
- if all(len(matches_item[attr]) == 1 for attr in sample.item.keys()):
- matches_item_unique = {
- attr: matches_item[attr][0] for attr in sample.item.keys()
- }
- matches_unique.append(matches_item_unique)
- else:
- logging.warning(
- "Sample values not unique on page, discarding: %s -> %s"
- % (sample, matches_item)
- )
- matches_unique.append(None)
- # print(matches_unique)
- # for each attribute:
- attributes = set(flatten(sample.item.keys() for sample in samples))
- print(attributes)
- classifiers = {}
- for attr in attributes:
- print(attr)
- # 1. take all items with unique samples
- # 2. mark nodes that match sample as true, others as false
- training_data = []
- for matches_item, soup in zip(matches_unique, soups):
- if matches_item:
- node_to_find = matches_item[attr]
- training_data.extend(
- [(node, node == node_to_find) for node in soup.descendants]
- )
- else:
- logging.warning("Skipping one sample for %s" % attr)
- # 3. train classifier
- df = pd.DataFrame(training_data, columns=["node", "target"])
- if len(df[df["target"] == False]) > 100:
- df_train = pd.concat(
- [
- df[df["target"] == True],
- df[df["target"] == False].sample(frac=0.01),
- ]
- )
- else:
- df_train = df
- pipeline = train_pipeline(df_train["node"], df_train["target"])
- # pipeline = train_pipeline(df["node"], df["target"])
- classifiers[attr] = pipeline
- return SingleItemScraper(classifiers)
- def scrape(self, html):
- soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml")
- # data is a dict, because page is one item
- data = {}
- nodes = list(soup.descendants)
- for attr in self.classifiers.keys():
- # predict proba of all nodes
- node_predictions = self.classifiers[attr].predict_proba(nodes)
- # turn it into a data frame
- df = pd.DataFrame(node_predictions, columns=["is_noise", "is_target"])
- # re-add nodes to extract them later
- df["node"] = pd.Series(nodes)
- # get best match
- df_nodes_by_proba = df.sort_values("is_target", ascending=False)
- best_match = df_nodes_by_proba.iloc[0]
- # use if probability > threshold
- if best_match["is_target"] > self.min_match_proba:
- # todo apply extractor based on attribute (.text, attrs[href], etc.)
- data[attr] = extract_text(best_match["node"])
- else:
- logging.warning(
- "%s not found in html, probability %f < %f",
- attr,
- best_match["is_target"],
- self.min_match_proba,
- )
- # return the data dictionary
- return data
-def extract_text(node):
- return node.text.strip()
-class MultiItemScraper:
- """
- Extracts several items from a single page, e.g. all results from a page of search results.
- """
- def __init__(self, parent_selector, value_selectors):
- self.parent_selector = parent_selector
- self.value_selectors = value_selectors
- @staticmethod
- def build(samples: List[MultiItemPageSample]):
- """
- Build the scraper by inferring rules.
- """
- assert len(samples) == 1, "can only train with one sample"
- items = samples[0].items
- # observation:
- # - if multiple common distinctive ancestors exist,
- # one can choose the ones easier to match, as this will not affect later value selection
- # assumptions:
- # - all samples given must be all samples that can be found on a page
- # -> much easier evaluation because we can detect false positives
- # - for each sample, there's at least one distinct ancestor containing only this sample
- # -> will fail for inline results but allow for much easier selector generation
- # - there won't be too many duplicate values so we can ignore samples that contain them
- # -> makes ancestor computation much easier by increasing false positives
- # glossary
- # - ancestors: the path of elements in the DOM from root to a specific element
- soup = samples[0].page._soup
- # 1. find all examples on the site
- matches = []
- for item in items:
- matches_item = {}
- for key, value in item.items():
- elements_with_value = soup.find_all(text=value)
- print("{}: {}".format(key, elements_with_value))
- matches_item[key] = elements_with_value
- matches.append(matches_item)
- print(matches)
- # 1.1 exclude duplicate samples for now to avoid errors
- # (e.g. 2018 existing 4x on a site)
- matches_unique = []
- for item, matches_item in zip(items, matches):
- multiple_occurence_keys = [
- k for k in matches_item if len(matches_item[k]) != 1
- ]
- if not multiple_occurence_keys:
- matches_unique.append({k: v[0] for k, v in matches_item.items()})
- else:
- matches_unique.append(None)
- error = "Item %r dropped because attribute(s) %r were found several times on page"
- logging.warning(error, item, multiple_occurence_keys)
- print(matches_unique)
- # 2. extract the distinct ancestors for each sample (one sample, one ancestor)
- # 2.1 find deepest common ancestor of each item
- deepest_common_ancestor_per_item = [
- get_common_ancestor_for_nodes([node for node in match.values()])
- for match in matches_unique
- ]
- print(deepest_common_ancestor_per_item)
- assert len(set(deepest_common_ancestor_per_item)) == len(
- deepest_common_ancestor_per_item
- )
- # 2.2 get a list of distinctive ancestors for each item
- deepest_common_ancestor_of_items = get_common_ancestor_for_nodes(
- deepest_common_ancestor_per_item
- )
- print(deepest_common_ancestor_of_items)
- tree_paths = [get_tree_path(node) for node in deepest_common_ancestor_per_item]
- unique_ancestors_per_item = []
- for tree_path_of_item in tree_paths:
- uniques = [
- node
- for node in tree_path_of_item
- if not any(node in tp for tp in tree_paths if tp != tree_path_of_item)
- ]
- unique_ancestors_per_item.append(uniques)
- # 3. find a selector to match exactly one distinctive ancestor for each sample
- ancestor_selector = derive_css_selector(unique_ancestors_per_item, soup)
- if not ancestor_selector:
- raise RuntimeError("Found no selector")
- print(ancestor_selector)
- # select all ancestors on the page
- ancestors =
- # 4. find simplest selector from these distinctive ancestors to the sample values
- value_selectors = {}
- for attr in set([attr for item in items for attr in item.keys()]):
- # try to infer a rule that matches attribute for most items given the selector
- # compute value nodes and resp. ancestor nodes
- value_nodes = [match[attr].parent for match in matches_unique]
- value_parents = [
- next(iter(set(value_node.parents).intersection(ancestors)))
- for value_node in value_nodes
- ]
- print(value_nodes)
- print(value_parents)
- # get all potential candidates for value selectors
- value_selector_cand = [
- list(get_selectors(node, parent))
- for node, parent in zip(value_nodes, value_parents)
- ]
- # merge all selector candidates and find the most common one
- value_selector = Counter(flatten(value_selector_cand)).most_common(1)[0][0]
- value_selectors[attr] = value_selector
- print(value_selectors)
- return MultiItemScraper(ancestor_selector, value_selectors)
- def scrape(self, html):
- data = []
- soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml")
- ancestors =
- for ancestor in ancestors:
- data_single = {
- attr:[0].text.strip()
- for attr, selector in self.value_selectors.items()
- }
- data.append(data_single)
- return data
+# create hierarchy for training
+# - for all items: find selectable object
+# - for all selectable objects: find path to other items
diff --git a/mlscraper/ b/mlscraper/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ba35f6..0000000
--- a/mlscraper/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import pandas as pd
-from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin
-from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
-from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
-from mlscraper.util import generate_unique_path_selectors, get_tree_path
-class NodePreprocessing(TransformerMixin):
- """Preprocesses a list of nodes."""
- def __init__(self):
- self.css_selectors = None
- def fit(self, X, y):
- # get all css selectors
- css_selectors = set()
- for node, is_target in zip(X, y):
- if is_target:
- # todo doesn't work for multi-result pages
- # because a unique selector cannot select multiple elements on one page
- css_selectors |= set(generate_unique_path_selectors(node))
- self.css_selectors = css_selectors
-"found %d css selectors" % len(css_selectors))
- return self
- def transform(self, X, y=None, **fit_params):
-"starting transformation (%d nodes)" % len(X))
- # create basic df
- df = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=["node"])
- def get_root(node):
- return get_tree_path(node)[-1]
- # so we basically want to know which nodes match the selectors
- # the problem is that hashing takes very long in bs4
- for i, css_selector in enumerate(self.css_selectors):
-"Selector %d/%d" % (i, len(self.css_selectors)))
- col = "select: %s" % css_selector
- df[col] = df["node"].apply(lambda n: n in get_root(n).select(css_selector))
- return df[[c for c in df.columns if c not in ["node"]]]
-def train_pipeline(nodes, targets):
- assert len(nodes) == len(targets), "len(nodes) != len(targets)"
- pipeline_steps = [
- ("pre", NodePreprocessing()),
- ("classifier", DecisionTreeClassifier(class_weight="balanced")),
- ]
- pipeline = Pipeline(steps=pipeline_steps)
-, targets)
- return pipeline
-def extract_classes(n):
- return n.attrs.get("class", []) if hasattr(n, "attrs") else []
diff --git a/mlscraper/ b/mlscraper/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bbce1a..0000000
--- a/mlscraper/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# everything related to parsing html
-import logging
-import re
-from abc import ABC
-from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Tag
-class Page(ABC):
- def select(self, css_selector):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def find(self, needle):
- raise NotImplementedError()
-class Node(ABC):
- pass
-class SoupPage(Page):
- _soup = None
- def __init__(self, soup: BeautifulSoup):
- self._soup = soup
- def select(self, css_selector):
- try:
- return [SoupNode(res) for res in]
- except NotImplementedError:
- logging.warning(
- "ignoring selector %s: not implemented by BS4" % css_selector
- )
- return []
- def find(self, needle):
- assert type(needle) == str, "can only find strings, %s given" % type(needle)
- text_matches = self._soup.find_all(text=re.compile(needle))
- logging.debug("Matches for %s: %s", needle, text_matches)
- text_parents = (ns.parent for ns in text_matches)
- tag_matches = [p for p in text_parents if extract_soup_text(p) == needle]
- return [SoupNode(m) for m in tag_matches]
-def extract_soup_text(tag: Tag):
- return tag.text.strip()
-class SoupNode(Node):
- _soup_node = None
- def __init__(self, node):
- self._soup_node = node
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return self._soup_node.__eq__(other._soup_node)
- def __hash__(self):
- return self._soup_node.__hash__()
- def get_text(self):
- return extract_soup_text(self._soup_node)
-def make_soup_page(html):
- soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml")
- return SoupPage(soup)
-class ExtractionResult:
- """Specific result found on a page"""
- node = None
- # extraction_method = None
- def __init__(self, node: Node):
- self.node = node
diff --git a/mlscraper/ b/mlscraper/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..876ea44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mlscraper/
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+import typing
+from itertools import product
+from mlscraper.util import DictMatch, ListMatch, Page
+class ItemStructureException(Exception):
+ pass
+class Sample:
+ def __init__(self, page: Page, value: typing.Union[str, list, dict]):
+ = page
+ self.value = value
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} {}, {self.value=}>"
+ def get_matches(self):
+ # todo: fix creating new sample objects, maybe by using Item class?
+ if isinstance(self.value, str):
+ return
+ if isinstance(self.value, list):
+ matches_by_value = [Sample(, v).get_matches() for v in self.value]
+ # generate list of combinations
+ # todo filter combinations that use the same matches twice
+ match_combis = product(*matches_by_value)
+ return [ListMatch(tuple(match_combi)) for match_combi in match_combis]
+ if isinstance(self.value, dict):
+ matches_by_key = {
+ k: Sample(, self.value[k]).get_matches() for k in self.value
+ }
+ return [
+ DictMatch(dict(zip(matches_by_key.keys(), mc)))
+ for mc in product(*matches_by_key.values())
+ ]
+ raise RuntimeError(f"unsupported value: {self.value}")
+class TrainingSet:
+ """
+ Class containing samples for all pages.
+ """
+ item = None
+ def add_sample(self, sample: Sample):
+ if not self.item:
+ self.item = Item.create_from(sample.value)
+ self.item.add_sample(sample)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} {self.item=}>"
+class Item:
+ """
+ The structure to scrape.
+ """
+ samples = None
+ @classmethod
+ def create_from(cls, item):
+ if isinstance(item, str):
+ return ValueItem()
+ elif isinstance(item, list):
+ return ListItem()
+ elif isinstance(item, dict):
+ return DictItem()
+ else:
+ raise ItemStructureException(f"unsupported item: {type(item)}")
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.samples = []
+ def add_sample(self, sample: Sample):
+ self.samples.append(sample)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} {self.samples=}>"
+class DictItem(Item):
+ item_per_key = None
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.item_per_key = {}
+ def add_sample(self, sample: Sample):
+ if not isinstance(sample.value, dict):
+ raise ItemStructureException(f"dict expected, {sample.value} given")
+ super().add_sample(sample)
+ for key, value in sample.value.items():
+ if key not in self.item_per_key:
+ self.item_per_key[key] = Item.create_from(value)
+ value_sample = Sample(, value)
+ self.item_per_key[key].add_sample(value_sample)
+class ListItem(Item):
+ item = None
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.item = None
+ def add_sample(self, sample: Sample):
+ if not isinstance(sample.value, list):
+ raise ItemStructureException(f"list expected, {sample.value} given")
+ super().add_sample(sample)
+ if not self.item and len(sample.value):
+ self.item = Item.create_from(sample.value[0])
+ for v in sample.value:
+ self.item.add_sample(Sample(, v))
+class ValueItem(Item):
+ def add_sample(self, sample: Sample):
+ if not isinstance(sample.value, str):
+ raise ItemStructureException(f"str expected, {sample.value} given")
+ super().add_sample(sample)
+def make_training_set(pages, items):
+ assert len(pages) == len(items)
+ ts = TrainingSet()
+ for p, i in zip(pages, items):
+ ts.add_sample(Sample(p, i))
+ return ts
diff --git a/mlscraper/ b/mlscraper/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06f534d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mlscraper/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+import typing
+from mlscraper.util import Extractor, Node, Selector
+class Scraper:
+ def get(self, node: Node):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+class DictScraper(Scraper):
+ scraper_per_key = None
+ def __init__(self, scraper_per_key: typing.Dict[str, Scraper]):
+ self.scraper_per_key = scraper_per_key
+ def get(self, node: Node):
+ return {key: scraper.get(node) for key, scraper in self.scraper_per_key.items()}
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"<DictScraper {self.scraper_per_key=}>"
+class ListScraper(Scraper):
+ selector = None
+ scraper = None
+ def __init__(self, selector: Selector, scraper: Scraper):
+ self.selector = selector
+ self.scraper = scraper
+ def get(self, node: Node):
+ return [
+ self.scraper.get(item_node) for item_node in self.selector.select_all(node)
+ ]
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"<ListScraper {self.scraper=}>"
+class ValueScraper(Scraper):
+ selector = None
+ extractor = None
+ def __init__(self, selector: Selector, extractor: Extractor):
+ self.selector = selector
+ self.extractor = extractor
+ def get(self, node: Node):
+ return self.extractor.extract(self.selector.select_one(node))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"<ValueScraper {self.selector=}, {self.extractor=}>"
diff --git a/mlscraper/ b/mlscraper/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e3ae82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mlscraper/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+import logging
+import typing
+from itertools import product
+from more_itertools import flatten
+from mlscraper.samples import Sample
+from mlscraper.util import Matcher, Node, Page, Selector
+class CssRuleSelector(Selector):
+ def __init__(self, css_rule):
+ self.css_rule = css_rule
+ def select_one(self, page: Page):
+ return[0]
+ def select_all(self, page):
+ return
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} {self.css_rule=}>"
+def generate_selector_for_nodes(nodes, roots):
+ if roots is None:
+"roots is None, setting roots manually")
+ roots = [n.get_root() for n in nodes]
+ nodes_per_root = {}
+ for root in set(roots):
+ nodes_per_root[root] = {n for n, r in zip(nodes, roots) if r == root}
+ selectors_seen = set()
+ for node in nodes:
+ for sel in node.generate_path_selectors():
+ if sel not in selectors_seen:
+ print([set( for root in nodes_per_root.keys()])
+ print([nodes_per_root[root] for root in nodes_per_root.keys()])