package main import ( "fmt" "log" "os" "os/exec" "os/user" "path/filepath" "strings" "syscall" "" ) var ( envOpener = os.Getenv("OPENER") envEditor = os.Getenv("VISUAL") envPager = os.Getenv("PAGER") envShell = os.Getenv("SHELL") ) var envPathExt = os.Getenv("PATHEXT") var ( gDefaultShell = "cmd" gDefaultShellFlag = "/c" gDefaultSocketProt = "unix" gDefaultSocketPath string ) var ( gUser *user.User gConfigPaths []string gColorsPaths []string gIconsPaths []string gFilesPath string gTagsPath string gMarksPath string gHistoryPath string ) func init() { if envOpener == "" { envOpener = `start ""` } if envEditor == "" { envEditor = os.Getenv("EDITOR") if envEditor == "" { envEditor = "notepad" } } if envPager == "" { envPager = "more" } if envShell == "" { envShell = "cmd" } homeDir, err := os.UserHomeDir() if err != nil { panic(err) } username := os.Getenv("USERNAME") if username == "" { panic("$USERNAME variable is empty or not set") } gUser = &user.User{ HomeDir: homeDir, Username: username, } data := os.Getenv("LF_CONFIG_HOME") if data == "" { data = os.Getenv("LOCALAPPDATA") } gConfigPaths = []string{ filepath.Join(os.Getenv("ProgramData"), "lf", "lfrc"), filepath.Join(data, "lf", "lfrc"), } gColorsPaths = []string{ filepath.Join(os.Getenv("ProgramData"), "lf", "colors"), filepath.Join(data, "lf", "colors"), } gIconsPaths = []string{ filepath.Join(os.Getenv("ProgramData"), "lf", "icons"), filepath.Join(data, "lf", "icons"), } gFilesPath = filepath.Join(data, "lf", "files") gMarksPath = filepath.Join(data, "lf", "marks") gTagsPath = filepath.Join(data, "lf", "tags") gHistoryPath = filepath.Join(data, "lf", "history") socket, err := syscall.Socket(syscall.AF_UNIX, syscall.SOCK_STREAM, 0) if err != nil { gDefaultSocketProt = "tcp" gDefaultSocketPath = "" } else { runtime := os.TempDir() gDefaultSocketPath = filepath.Join(runtime, fmt.Sprintf("lf.%s.sock", gUser.Username)) syscall.Close(socket) } } func detachedCommand(name string, arg ...string) *exec.Cmd { cmd := exec.Command(name, arg...) cmd.SysProcAttr = &windows.SysProcAttr{CreationFlags: 8} return cmd } func shellCommand(s string, args []string) *exec.Cmd { // Windows CMD requires special handling to deal with quoted arguments if strings.ToLower( == "cmd" { var builder strings.Builder builder.WriteString(s) for _, arg := range args { fmt.Fprintf(&builder, ` "%s"`, arg) } shellOpts := strings.Join(gOpts.shellopts, " ") cmdline := fmt.Sprintf(`%s %s %s "%s"`,, shellOpts, gOpts.shellflag, builder.String()) cmd := exec.Command( cmd.SysProcAttr = &windows.SysProcAttr{CmdLine: cmdline} return cmd } args = append([]string{gOpts.shellflag, s}, args...) args = append(gOpts.shellopts, args...) return exec.Command(, args...) } func shellSetPG(cmd *exec.Cmd) { } func shellKill(cmd *exec.Cmd) error { return cmd.Process.Kill() } func setDefaults() { gOpts.cmds["open"] = &execExpr{"&", "%OPENER% %f%"} gOpts.keys["e"] = &execExpr{"$", "%EDITOR% %f%"} gOpts.keys["i"] = &execExpr{"!", "%PAGER% %f%"} gOpts.keys["w"] = &execExpr{"$", "%SHELL%"} gOpts.cmds["doc"] = &execExpr{"!", "%lf% -doc | %PAGER%"} gOpts.keys[""] = &callExpr{"doc", nil, 1} gOpts.cmds["maps"] = &execExpr{"!", `%lf% -remote "query %id% maps" | %PAGER%`} gOpts.cmds["cmaps"] = &execExpr{"!", `%lf% -remote "query %id% cmaps" | %PAGER%`} gOpts.cmds["cmds"] = &execExpr{"!", `%lf% -remote "query %id% cmds" | %PAGER%`} } func setUserUmask() {} func isExecutable(f os.FileInfo) bool { exts := strings.Split(envPathExt, string(filepath.ListSeparator)) for _, e := range exts { if strings.HasSuffix(strings.ToLower(f.Name()), strings.ToLower(e)) { log.Print(f.Name(), e) return true } } return false } func isHidden(f os.FileInfo, path string, hiddenfiles []string) bool { ptr, err := windows.UTF16PtrFromString(filepath.Join(path, f.Name())) if err != nil { return false } attrs, err := windows.GetFileAttributes(ptr) if err != nil { return false } return attrs&windows.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN != 0 } func userName(f os.FileInfo) string { return "" } func groupName(f os.FileInfo) string { return "" } func linkCount(f os.FileInfo) string { return "" } func errCrossDevice(err error) bool { return err.(*os.LinkError).Err.(windows.Errno) == 17 } func quoteString(s string) string { // Windows CMD requires special handling to deal with quoted arguments if strings.ToLower( == "cmd" { return fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, s) } return s }