diff options
authorMattori Birnbaum <>2021-05-10 19:54:54 +0900
committerChristian Geier <>2023-10-28 16:40:56 +0200
commit6d0412d8339ddaf5d4a34785e8c89c8abdb95c5e (patch)
parent07c96f617e7ab1f90b90d96c2b470ca499b3fce4 (diff)
add list of content attributes
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/khal/ b/khal/
index 65bb3000..f875f8d2 100644
--- a/khal/
+++ b/khal/
@@ -213,6 +213,16 @@ def human_formatter(format_string, width=None, colors=True):
return fmt
+CONTENT_ATTRIBUTES = ['start', 'start-long', 'start-date', 'start-date-long',
+ 'start-time', 'end', 'end-long', 'end-date', 'end-date-long', 'end-time',
+ 'duration', 'start-full', 'start-long-full', 'start-date-full', 'start-date-long-full',
+ 'start-time-full', 'end-full', 'end-long-full', 'end-date-full', 'end-date-long-full', 'end-time-full',
+ 'duration-full', 'start-style', 'end-style', 'to-style', 'start-end-time-style',
+ 'end-necessary', 'end-necessary-long', 'repeat-symbol', 'repeat-pattern', 'title',
+ 'organizer', 'description', 'location', 'all-day', 'categories', 'uid', 'url', 'calendar', 'calendar-color',
+ 'status', 'cancelled']
def json_formatter(fields):
"""Create a formatter that formats events in JSON."""
def fmt(rows):
@@ -222,7 +232,7 @@ def json_formatter(fields):
filtered = []
for row in rows:
- f = dict(filter(lambda e: e[0] in fields, row.items()))
+ f = dict(filter(lambda e: e[0] in fields and e[0] in CONTENT_ATTRIBUTES, row.items()))
if f.get('repeat-symbol', '') != '':
f["repeat-symbol"] = f["repeat-symbol"].strip()
href='#n131'>131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152
# no need for shebang - this file is loaded from charts.d.plugin


# how frequently to collect UPS data


# the priority of apcupsd related to other charts

apcupsd_get() {
	timeout $apcupsd_timeout apcaccess status "$1:$2"

apcupsd_check() {

	# this should return:
	#  - 0 to enable the chart
	#  - 1 to disable the chart

	require_cmd apcaccess || return 1

	apcupsd_get $apcupsd_ip $apcupsd_port >/dev/null
	if [ $? -ne 0 ]
		echo >&2 "apcupsd: ERROR: Cannot get information for apcupsd server."
		return 1
	elif [ $(apcupsd_get $apcupsd_ip $apcupsd_port | awk '/^STATUS.*/{ print $3 }') != "ONLINE" ]
		echo >&2 "apcupsd: ERROR: UPS not online."
		return 1

	return 0

apcupsd_create() {
	# create the charts
	cat <<EOF
CHART apcupsd.charge '' "UPS Charge" "percentage" ups apcupsd.charge area $((apcupsd_priority + 1)) $apcupsd_update_every
DIMENSION battery_charge charge absolute 1 100

CHART apcupsd.battery_voltage '' "UPS Battery Voltage" "Volts" ups apcupsd.battery.voltage line $((apcupsd_priority + 3)) $apcupsd_update_every
DIMENSION battery_voltage voltage absolute 1 100
DIMENSION battery_voltage_nominal nominal absolute 1 100

CHART apcupsd.input_voltage '' "UPS Input Voltage" "Volts" input apcupsd.input.voltage line $((apcupsd_priority + 4)) $apcupsd_update_every
DIMENSION input_voltage voltage absolute 1 100
DIMENSION input_voltage_min min absolute 1 100
DIMENSION input_voltage_max max absolute 1 100

CHART apcupsd.input_frequency '' "UPS Input Frequency" "Hz" input apcupsd.input.frequency line $((apcupsd_priority + 5)) $apcupsd_update_every
DIMENSION input_frequency frequency absolute 1 100

CHART apcupsd.output_voltage '' "UPS Output Voltage" "Volts" output apcupsd.output.voltage line $((apcupsd_priority + 6)) $apcupsd_update_every
DIMENSION output_voltage voltage absolute 1 100
DIMENSION output_voltage_nominal nominal absolute 1 100

CHART apcupsd.load '' "UPS Load" "percentage" ups apcupsd.load area $((apcupsd_priority)) $apcupsd_update_every
DIMENSION load load absolute 1 100

CHART apcupsd.temp '' "UPS Temperature" "Celcius" ups apcupsd.temperature line $((apcupsd_priority + 7)) $apcupsd_update_every
DIMENSION temp temp absolute 1 100

CHART apcupsd.time '' "UPS Time Remaining" "Minutes" ups apcupsd.time area $((apcupsd_priority + 2)) $apcupsd_update_every
DIMENSION time time absolute 1 100

	return 0

apcupsd_update() {
	# the first argument to this function is the microseconds since last update
	# pass this parameter to the BEGIN statement (see bellow).

	# do all the work to collect / calculate the values
	# for each dimension

	apcupsd_get $apcupsd_ip $apcupsd_port | awk "

	battery_charge = 0;
	battery_voltage = 0;
	battery_voltage_nominal = 0;
	input_voltage = 0;
	input_voltage_min = 0;
	input_voltage_max = 0;
	input_frequency = 0;
        output_voltage = 0;
 	output_voltage_nominal = 0;
	load = 0;
	temp = 0;
	time = 0;
/^BCHARGE.*/		{ battery_charge = \$3 * 100 };
/^BATTV.*/		{ battery_voltage = \$3 * 100 };
/^NOMBATTV.*/		{ battery_voltage_nominal = \$3 * 100 };
/^LINEV.*/		{ input_voltage = \$3 * 100 };
/^MINLINEV.*/		{ input_voltage_min = \$3 * 100 };
/^MAXLINEV.*/		{ input_voltage_max = \$3 * 100 };
/^LINEFREQ.*/		{ input_frequency = \$3 * 100 };
/^OUTPUTV.*/		{ output_voltage = \$3 * 100 };
/^NOMOUTV.*/		{ output_voltage_nominal = \$3 * 100 };
/^LOADPCT.*/		{ load = \$3 * 100 };
/^ITEMP.*/		{ temp = \$3 * 100 };
/^TIMELEFT.*/		{ time = \$3 * 100 };
	print \"BEGIN apcupsd.charge $1\";
	print \"SET battery_charge = \" battery_charge;
	print \"END\"

	print \"BEGIN apcupsd.battery_voltage $1\";
	print \"SET battery_voltage = \" battery_voltage;
	print \"SET battery_voltage_nominal = \" battery_voltage_nominal;
	print \"END\"

	print \"BEGIN apcupsd.input_voltage $1\";
	print \"SET input_voltage = \" input_voltage;
	print \"SET input_voltage_min = \" input_voltage_min;
	print \"SET input_voltage_max = \" input_voltage_max;
	print \"END\"

	print \"BEGIN apcupsd.input_frequency $1\";
	print \"SET input_frequency = \" input_frequency;
	print \"END\"

	print \"BEGIN apcupsd.output_voltage $1\";
	print \"SET output_voltage = \" output_voltage;
        print \"SET output_voltage_nominal = \" output_voltage_nominal;
	print \"END\"

	print \"BEGIN apcupsd.load $1\";
	print \"SET load = \" load;
	print \"END\"

	print \"BEGIN apcupsd.temp $1\";
	print \"SET temp = \" temp;
	print \"END\"

	print \"BEGIN apcupsd.time $1\";
	print \"SET time = \" time;
	print \"END\"
	[ $? -ne 0 ] && echo >&2 "apcupsd: failed to get values" && return 1

	return 0