package main import ( "encoding/csv" "encoding/json" "flag" "fmt" "log" "os" "reflect" "" "" "" ) type configuration struct { Box draw.Box X string Y string XY string PlotType enumVar CanvasType enumVar InputType enumVar HistBins uint } const ( plotTypeLine = "line" plotTypeBar = "bar" plotTypeScatter = "scatter" plotTypeHist = "hist" plotTypeHist2D = "hist2d" ) const ( canvasTypeFull = "full" canvasTypeFullEscape = "full-escape" canvasTypeQuarter = "quarter" canvasTypeBraille = "braille" canvasTypeAuto = "auto" ) const ( inputTypeCSV = "csv" inputTypeJSON = "json" ) var config = configuration{ PlotType: enumVar{ Value: plotTypeLine, Choices: []string{ plotTypeLine, plotTypeBar, plotTypeScatter, plotTypeHist, plotTypeHist2D, }, }, CanvasType: enumVar{ Value: canvasTypeAuto, Choices: []string{ canvasTypeFull, canvasTypeFullEscape, canvasTypeQuarter, canvasTypeBraille, canvasTypeAuto, }, }, InputType: enumVar{ Value: inputTypeJSON, Choices: []string{ inputTypeJSON, inputTypeCSV, }, }, } var ( xPattern *jsonpath.JSONPath yPattern *jsonpath.JSONPath xyPattern *jsonpath.JSONPath ) func init() { flag.Var(&config.PlotType, "type", fmt.Sprintf("Plot type. One of %v", config.PlotType.Choices)) flag.Var(&config.CanvasType, "canvas", fmt.Sprintf("Canvas type. One of %v", config.CanvasType.Choices)) flag.Var(&config.InputType, "input", fmt.Sprintf("Input type. One of %v", config.InputType.Choices)) flag.StringVar(&config.X, "x", "", "x values (JSONPath expression)") flag.StringVar(&config.Y, "y", "", "y values (JSONPath expression)") flag.StringVar(&config.XY, "xy", "", "x,y value pairs (JSONPath expression). Overrides -x and -y if given.") flag.IntVar(&config.Box.Width, "width", 0, "Plot width (default 0 (auto))") flag.IntVar(&config.Box.Height, "height", 0, "Plot height (default 0 (auto))") flag.UintVar(&config.HistBins, "bins", 0, "Number of histogram bins (default 0 (auto))") flag.Parse() log.SetOutput(os.Stderr) log.SetFlags(log.LstdFlags | log.Lshortfile) var err error xPattern = jsonpath.New("x") xPattern.AllowMissingKeys(true) err = xPattern.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("{%s}", config.X)) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } yPattern = jsonpath.New("y") yPattern.AllowMissingKeys(true) err = yPattern.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("{%s}", config.Y)) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if config.XY != "" || (config.X == "" && config.Y == "") { xyPattern = jsonpath.New("xy") xyPattern.AllowMissingKeys(true) err = xyPattern.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("{%s}", config.XY)) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } if config.Box.Width == 0 { config.Box.Width = terminal.Width() } if config.Box.Height == 0 { config.Box.Height = terminal.Height() - 1 } if config.CanvasType.Value == canvasTypeAuto { config.CanvasType.Value = autoCanvas[config.PlotType.Value] } } func match(in interface{}, p *jsonpath.JSONPath) [][]reflect.Value { defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { log.Println("error evaluating JSONPath", p.String+":", r) } }() out, err := p.FindResults(in) if err != nil { log.Println(err) } return out } func main() { var in interface{} switch config.InputType.Value { case inputTypeJSON: dec := json.NewDecoder(os.Stdin) err := dec.Decode(&in) if err != nil { log.Println(inputTypeJSON, "input:", err) } case inputTypeCSV: r := csv.NewReader(os.Stdin) rows, err := r.ReadAll() if err != nil { log.Println(inputTypeCSV, "input:", err) } in = parseRows(rows) } var x, y []reflect.Value if xyPattern != nil { x, y = split(match(in, xyPattern)) } else { x = flatten(match(in, xPattern)) y = flatten(match(in, yPattern)) } buffer := draw.NewBuffer(config.Box) var p draw.Pixels switch config.CanvasType.Value { case canvasTypeBraille: p = &draw.Braille{Buffer: buffer} case canvasTypeQuarter: p = &draw.Quarter{Buffer: buffer} case canvasTypeFull: p = &draw.Full{Buffer: buffer} case canvasTypeFullEscape: p = &draw.Full{Buffer: buffer} } p.Clear() c := draw.Canvas{Pixels: p} var out string switch config.PlotType.Value { case plotTypeLine: out = linePlot(x, y, c) case plotTypeScatter: out = scatterPlot(x, y, c) case plotTypeBar: out = barPlot(x, y, c) case plotTypeHist: out = histogram(x, c, config.HistBins) case plotTypeHist2D: out = hist2D(x, y, c, config.HistBins) } if config.CanvasType.Value == canvasTypeFullEscape { out = draw.FullEscape(out) } fmt.Println(out) }