#!/usr/bin/env bash # Because travis _SUCKS_ really hard, we cannot find the "master" commit or any # commit where the current branch is derived from (if this is not master). # So we simply use HEAD~49..HEAD as the range to check. This might break some # day, I don't know. # But as travis only clones 50 commits and does not provide ANY usable # information about the commits, this is the only thing we can do. COMMIT_RANGE="HEAD~49..HEAD" logfreeof() { git log --format="%s" $COMMIT_RANGE |\ awk '{print $1}' |\ grep -i "$1" && echo "LOG CONTAINS '$1'" && exit 1 return 0 } logfreeof "fixup" logfreeof "squash" logfreeof "wip" logfreeof "tmp" logfreeof "ci skip"