diff options
5 files changed, 115 insertions, 611 deletions
diff --git a/bin/domain/imag-mail/Cargo.toml b/bin/domain/imag-mail/Cargo.toml
index fd871089..ef543231 100644
--- a/bin/domain/imag-mail/Cargo.toml
+++ b/bin/domain/imag-mail/Cargo.toml
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@ log = "0.4.6"
failure = "0.1.5"
resiter = "0.4"
handlebars = "2"
-walkdir = "2"
-rayon = "1"
libimagrt = { version = "0.10.0", path = "../../../lib/core/libimagrt" }
libimagstore = { version = "0.10.0", path = "../../../lib/core/libimagstore" }
diff --git a/bin/domain/imag-mail/src/ b/bin/domain/imag-mail/src/
index 10d6b850..d2ebf16f 100644
--- a/bin/domain/imag-mail/src/
+++ b/bin/domain/imag-mail/src/
@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ extern crate clap;
extern crate toml_query;
extern crate resiter;
extern crate handlebars;
-extern crate walkdir;
-extern crate rayon;
extern crate libimagrt;
extern crate libimagmail;
@@ -51,27 +49,19 @@ extern crate libimagutil;
extern crate libimagentryref;
extern crate libimaginteraction;
-use std::path::PathBuf;
+use std::io::Write;
use failure::Fallible as Result;
use failure::err_msg;
-use failure::Error;
-use toml_query::read::TomlValueReadTypeExt;
use clap::App;
use resiter::AndThen;
-use resiter::Filter;
use resiter::IterInnerOkOrElse;
-use resiter::Map;
-use rayon::prelude::*;
use libimagmail::store::MailStore;
use libimagmail::mail::Mail;
-use libimagentryref::util::get_ref_config;
-use libimagentryref::reference::Config as RefConfig;
+use libimagmail::notmuch::connection::NotmuchConnection;
use libimagrt::runtime::Runtime;
use libimagrt::application::ImagApplication;
-use libimagutil::info_result::*;
-use libimagstore::storeid::StoreIdIterator;
use libimagstore::iter::get::StoreIdGetIteratorExtension;
mod ui;
@@ -85,12 +75,10 @@ pub enum ImagMail {}
impl ImagApplication for ImagMail {
fn run(rt: Runtime) -> Result<()> {
match rt.cli().subcommand_name().ok_or_else(|| err_msg("No subcommand called"))? {
- "scan" => scan(&rt),
- "import-mail" => import_mail(&rt),
- "list" => list(&rt),
- "unread" => unread(&rt),
- "mail-store" => mail_store(&rt),
- other => {
+ "import" => import(&rt),
+ "list" => list(&rt),
+ "print-id" => print_id(&rt),
+ other => {
debug!("Unknown command");
if rt.handle_unknown_subcommand("imag-mail", other, rt.cli())?.success() {
@@ -118,172 +106,74 @@ impl ImagApplication for ImagMail {
-fn scan(rt: &Runtime) -> Result<()> {
- let collection_name = get_ref_collection_name(rt)?;
- let refconfig = get_ref_config(rt, "imag-mail")?;
- let scmd = rt.cli().subcommand_matches("scan").unwrap();
+fn import(rt: &Runtime) -> Result<()> {
+ let scmd = rt.cli().subcommand_matches("import").unwrap();
+ let query = scmd.value_of("query").unwrap();
+ let store =;
+ let notmuch_path = crate::util::get_notmuch_database_path(rt)?;
+ let notmuch_connection = NotmuchConnection::open(notmuch_path)?;
- /// Helper function to get an Iterator for all files from one PathBuf
- fn walk_pathes(path: PathBuf) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<PathBuf>> {
- walkdir::WalkDir::new(path)
- .follow_links(false)
- .into_iter()
- .filter_ok(|entry| entry.file_type().is_file())
- .map_err(Error::from)
- .map_ok(|entry| entry.into_path())
- .inspect(|e| trace!("Processing = {:?}", e))
- }
- /// Helper function to process an iterator over Result<PathBuf> and create store entries for
- /// each path in the iterator
- fn process_iter(i: &mut dyn Iterator<Item = Result<PathBuf>>, rt: &Runtime, collection_name: &str, refconfig: &RefConfig) -> Result<()> {
- let scmd = rt.cli().subcommand_matches("scan").unwrap();
- i.and_then_ok(|path| {
- if scmd.is_present("ignore-existing-ids") {
-, collection_name, refconfig, true)
- } else {
-, collection_name, refconfig)
- }
- })
- .and_then_ok(|e| rt.report_touched(e.get_location()).map_err(Error::from))
- .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()
- .map(|_| ())
- }
- let pathes = scmd.values_of("path")
- .unwrap() // enforced by clap
- .map(PathBuf::from)
- .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ debug!("Importing mail with query = '{}'", query);
- if scmd.is_present("scan-parallel") {
- debug!("Fetching pathes in parallel");
- let mut i = pathes.into_par_iter()
- .map(|path| walk_pathes(path).collect::<Result<_>>())
- .collect::<Result<Vec<PathBuf>>>()?
- .into_iter()
- .map(Ok);
+ let r = store
+ .with_connection(&notmuch_connection)
+ .import_with_query(query)?
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|fle| rt.report_touched(fle.get_location()))
+ .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()
+ .map(|_| ());
- debug!("Processing pathes");
- process_iter(&mut i, rt, &collection_name, &refconfig)
- } else {
- debug!("Fetching pathes not in parallel");
- let mut i = pathes
- .into_iter()
- .map(walk_pathes)
- .flatten();
- debug!("Processing pathes");
- process_iter(&mut i, rt, &collection_name, &refconfig)
- }
-fn import_mail(rt: &Runtime) -> Result<()> {
- let collection_name = get_ref_collection_name(rt)?;
- let refconfig = get_ref_config(rt, "imag-mail")?;
- let scmd = rt.cli().subcommand_matches("import-mail").unwrap();
- let store =;
- debug!(r#"Importing mail with
- collection_name = {}
- refconfig = {:?}
- "#, collection_name, refconfig);
- scmd.values_of("path")
- .unwrap() // enforced by clap
- .map(PathBuf::from)
- .map(|path| {
- if scmd.is_present("ignore-existing-ids") {
- store.retrieve_mail_from_path(path, &collection_name, &refconfig, true)
- } else {
- store.create_mail_from_path(path, &collection_name, &refconfig)
- }
- .map_info_str("Ok")
- })
- .and_then_ok(|e| rt.report_touched(e.get_location()).map_err(Error::from))
- .collect::<Result<Vec<()>>>()
- .map(|_| ())
+ r
fn list(rt: &Runtime) -> Result<()> {
- let refconfig = get_ref_config(rt, "imag-mail")?;
- let scmd = rt.cli().subcommand_matches("list").unwrap(); // safe via clap
- let list_format = util::get_mail_print_format("mail.list_format", rt, &scmd)?;
- let mut out = rt.stdout();
- let mut i = 0;
+ let scmd = rt.cli().subcommand_matches("import").unwrap();
+ let query = scmd.value_of("query").unwrap();
+ let store =;
+ let list_format = util::get_mail_print_format("mail.list_format", rt, &scmd)?;
+ let notmuch_path = crate::util::get_notmuch_database_path(rt)?;
+ let notmuch_connection = NotmuchConnection::open(notmuch_path)?;
- if rt.ids_from_stdin() {
- let iter = rt
- .ids::<crate::ui::PathProvider>()?
- .ok_or_else(|| err_msg("No ids supplied"))?
- .into_iter()
- .map(Ok);
- StoreIdIterator::new(Box::new(iter))
- } else {
- .all_mails()?
- .into_storeid_iter()
- }
- .inspect(|id| debug!("Found: {:?}", id))
- .into_get_iter(
- .map_inner_ok_or_else(|| err_msg("Did not find one entry"))
- .and_then_ok(|m| {
- crate::util::list_mail(&m, i, &refconfig, &list_format, &mut out)?;
- rt.report_touched(m.get_location())?;
- i += 1;
- Ok(())
- })
- .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()
- .map(|_| ())
-fn unread(rt: &Runtime) -> Result<()> {
- let refconfig = get_ref_config(rt, "imag-mail")?;
- let scmd = rt.cli().subcommand_matches("unread").unwrap(); // safe via clap
- let list_format = util::get_mail_print_format("mail.list_format", rt, &scmd)?;
- let mut out = rt.stdout();
- let mut i = 0;
- if rt.ids_from_stdin() {
- let iter = rt
- .ids::<crate::ui::PathProvider>()?
- .ok_or_else(|| err_msg("No ids supplied"))?
- .into_iter()
- .map(Ok);
- StoreIdIterator::new(Box::new(iter))
- } else {
- }
- .inspect(|id| debug!("Found: {:?}", id))
- .into_get_iter(
- .map_inner_ok_or_else(|| err_msg("Did not find one entry"))
- .and_then_ok(|m| {
- if !m.is_seen(&refconfig)? {
- crate::util::list_mail(&m, i, &refconfig, &list_format, &mut out)?;
- rt.report_touched(m.get_location())?;
- i += 1;
- }
- Ok(())
- })
- .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()
- .map(|_| ())
+ let mut i = 0;
+ let mut out = rt.stdout();
+ debug!("Importing mail with query = '{}'", query);
+ let r = store
+ .with_connection(&notmuch_connection)
+ .query(query)?
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|fle| {
+ let loaded = fle.load(&notmuch_connection)?
+ .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("Mail not found: {}", fle.get_location()))?;
+ let parsed = loaded.parsed()?;
+ let r = crate::util::list_mail(&parsed, i, &list_format, &mut out);
+ i += 1; // poor mans enumerate()
+|_| fle)
+ })
+ .and_then_ok(|fle| rt.report_touched(fle.get_location()))
+ .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()
+ .map(|_| ());
-fn mail_store(rt: &Runtime) -> Result<()> {
- let _ = rt.cli().subcommand_matches("mail-store").unwrap();
- Err(format_err!("This feature is currently not implemented."))
+ r
-fn get_ref_collection_name(rt: &Runtime) -> Result<String> {
- let setting_name = "mail.ref_collection_name";
- debug!("Getting configuration: {}", setting_name);
- rt.config()
- .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("No configuration, cannot find collection name for mail collection"))?
- .read_string(setting_name)?
- .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("Setting missing: {}", setting_name))
+fn print_id(rt: &Runtime) -> Result<()> {
+ rt.ids::<crate::ui::PathProvider>()?
+ .ok_or_else(|| err_msg("No ids supplied"))?
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(Ok)
+ .into_get_iter(
+ .map_inner_ok_or_else(|| err_msg("Did not find one entry"))
+ .and_then_ok(|fle| {
+ let id = fle.get_cached_id()?;
+ writeln!(rt.stdout(), "{}", id)?;
+ Ok(fle)
+ })
+ .and_then_ok(|fle| rt.report_touched(fle.get_location()))
+ .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()
+ .map(|_| ())
diff --git a/bin/domain/imag-mail/src/ b/bin/domain/imag-mail/src/
index 324fabb4..eecb4020 100644
--- a/bin/domain/imag-mail/src/
+++ b/bin/domain/imag-mail/src/
@@ -28,98 +28,54 @@ use clap::{Arg, ArgMatches, App, SubCommand};
pub fn build_ui<'a>(app: App<'a, 'a>) -> App<'a, 'a> {
- .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("import-mail")
- .about("Import a mail (create a reference to it) (Maildir)")
- .version("0.1")
- .arg(Arg::with_name("ignore-existing-ids")
- .long("ignore-existing")
- .short("I")
- .takes_value(false)
- .required(false)
- .help("Ignore errors that might occur when store entries exist already"))
- .arg(Arg::with_name("path")
- .index(1)
- .takes_value(true)
- .multiple(true)
- .required(true)
- .help("Path to the mail file(s) to import")
- .value_name("PATH"))
- )
+ .arg(Arg::with_name("database_path")
+ .long("db")
+ .takes_value(true)
+ .required(false)
+ .value_name("PATH")
+ .help("The path to the notmuch database to use (defaults to value in config)"))
- .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("scan")
- .about("Scan a directory for mails")
+ .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("import")
+ .about("Import mails from notmuch")
- .arg(Arg::with_name("ignore-existing-ids")
- .long("ignore-existing")
- .short("I")
- .takes_value(false)
- .required(false)
- .help("Ignore errors that might occur when store entries exist already"))
- .arg(Arg::with_name("scan-parallel")
- .long("parallel")
- .takes_value(false)
- .required(false)
- .multiple(false)
- .help("Scan with multiple threads. Might be faster, but might slow down other tasks"))
- .arg(Arg::with_name("path")
+ .arg(Arg::with_name("query")
- .multiple(true)
- .validator(libimagutil::cli_validators::is_directory)
- .value_name("DIR")
- .help("Path to the directory containing mails"))
+ .value_name("QUERY")
+ .help("Imports mails from notmuch to imag, using a query to fetch mails to import"))
- .about("List all stored references to mails")
+ .about("List mails in imag")
- .arg(Arg::with_name("list-id")
+ .arg(Arg::with_name("query")
- .multiple(true)
- .help("The ids of the mails to list information for"))
- .arg(Arg::with_name("format")
- .long("format")
- .takes_value(true)
- .required(false)
- .multiple(false)
- .help("The format to list the mails with"))
+ .value_name("QUERY")
+ .help("List Store IDs for mails in imag, using a query to ask notmuch for the mails"))
- .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("unread")
- .about("Show unread mail")
+ .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("print-id")
+ .about("Print id of mail(s)")
- .arg(Arg::with_name("unread-read")
- .long("read")
- .short("r")
- .takes_value(false)
+ .arg(Arg::with_name("ID")
+ .index(1)
+ .takes_value(true)
+ .multiple(true)
- .multiple(false)
- .help("Print the textual content of the mail itself as well"))
+ .value_name("ID")
+ .help("Print ID of mail(s) identified by Store ID(s)"))
- .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("mail-store")
- .about("Operations on (subsets of) all mails")
- .version("0.1")
- .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("update-refs")
- .about("Create references based on Message-IDs for all loaded mails")
- .version("0.1"))
- // TODO: We really should be able to filter here.
- )
pub struct PathProvider;
impl IdPathProvider for PathProvider {
fn get_ids(matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<Option<Vec<StoreId>>> {
- matches.values_of("list-id")
+ matches.values_of("ID")
.map(|v| v
.map(|pb| pb.into_storeid())
diff --git a/bin/domain/imag-mail/src/ b/bin/domain/imag-mail/src/
index 7f116649..c17e8f4c 100644
--- a/bin/domain/imag-mail/src/
+++ b/bin/domain/imag-mail/src/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::io::Write;
+use std::path::PathBuf;
use clap::ArgMatches;
use failure::Error;
@@ -27,10 +28,8 @@ use failure::err_msg;
use handlebars::Handlebars;
use toml_query::read::TomlValueReadTypeExt;
-use libimagmail::mail::Mail;
+use libimagmail::mail::ParsedMail;
use libimagrt::runtime::Runtime;
-use libimagstore::store::FileLockEntry;
-use libimagentryref::reference::Config as RefConfig;
pub fn get_mail_print_format(config_value_path: &'static str, rt: &Runtime, scmd: &ArgMatches) -> Result<Handlebars> {
let fmt = match scmd.value_of("format").map(String::from) {
@@ -53,27 +52,27 @@ pub fn get_mail_print_format(config_value_path: &'static str, rt: &Runtime, scmd
-pub fn build_data_object_for_handlebars(i: usize, m: &FileLockEntry, refconfig: &RefConfig) -> Result<BTreeMap<&'static str, String>> {
+pub fn build_data_object_for_handlebars<'a>(i: usize, m: &'a ParsedMail<'a>) -> Result<BTreeMap<&'static str, String>> {
let mut data = BTreeMap::new();
data.insert("i", format!("{}", i));
- let id = match m.get_message_id(refconfig)? {
- Some(f) => f.into(),
+ let id = match m.message_id()? {
+ Some(f) => f,
None => "<no id>".to_owned(),
- let from = match m.get_from(refconfig)? {
+ let from = match m.from()? {
Some(f) => f,
None => "<no from>".to_owned(),
- let to = match m.get_to(refconfig)? {
+ let to = match {
Some(f) => f,
None => "<no to>".to_owned(),
- let subject = match m.get_subject(refconfig)? {
+ let subject = match m.subject()? {
Some(f) => f,
None => "<no subject>".to_owned(),
@@ -86,10 +85,26 @@ pub fn build_data_object_for_handlebars(i: usize, m: &FileLockEntry, refconfig:
-pub fn list_mail(m: &FileLockEntry, i: usize, refconfig: &RefConfig, list_format: &Handlebars, out: &mut dyn Write) -> Result<()> {
- let data = build_data_object_for_handlebars(i, m, refconfig)?;
+pub fn list_mail<'a>(m: &'a ParsedMail<'a>, i: usize, list_format: &Handlebars, out: &mut dyn Write) -> Result<()> {
+ let data = build_data_object_for_handlebars(i, m)?;
let s = list_format.render("format", &data)?;
writeln!(out, "{}", s)?;
+pub fn get_notmuch_database_path(rt: &Runtime) -> Result<PathBuf> {
+ if let Some(pb) = rt.cli()
+ .value_of("database_path")
+ .map(String::from)
+ .map(PathBuf::from)
+ {
+ return Ok(pb)
+ } else {
+ rt.config()
+ .ok_or_else(|| err_msg("No configuration file"))?
+ .read_string("mail.notmuch_database")
+ .map_err(Error::from)?
+ .map(PathBuf::from)
+ .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("Configuration 'mail.notmuch_database' does not exist"))
+ }
diff --git a/doc/src/ b/doc/src/
index 1786dfe9..75d70ccc 100644
--- a/doc/src/
+++ b/doc/src/
@@ -1,359 +1,4 @@
## Mails {#sec:modules:mails}
-**NOTE:** This is mostly a todo-list for the `imag-mail` command. Nothing shown
-here is implemented. This "documentation-to-be" should be moved to
-`imag-mail --help` eventually.
-This list might be incomplete, details might be not possible to implement in the
-way described or other dragons.
-**Target audience:** People who want to implement `imag-mail`.
-The Mails module implements a commandline email client. Emails can be written
-(via `$EDITOR`) and viewed, also in threads. Emails can be crawled for creating
-new contacts.
-A Text User Interface is not planned, but might be there at some point.
-The mail module implements a minimal Email client. It does not handle IMAP
-syncing or SMTP things, it is just a _viewer_ for emails (a MUA).
-The goal of the initial implementation is only a CLI, not a TUI like mutt
-offers, for example (but that might be implemented later). As this is an imag
-module, it also creates references to mails inside the imag store which can be
-used by other tools then (for example `imag-link` to link an entry with a mail -
-or the imag entry representing that mail).
-So this module offers functionality to read (Maildir) mailboxes, search for and
-list mails and mail-threads and reply to mails (by spawning the `$EDITOR`).
-Outgoing mails are pushed to a special directory and can later on be send via
-`imag-mail` which calls a MTA (for example msmtp) and also creates store entries
-for the outgoing mails.
-### Configuration
-The following configuration variables are available for the imag-mail command:
-* `mail.defaultaccount`: The name of the default account to use if the
- commandline parameters do not specify which account to use. The name must be
- in the `mail.accounts` array.
-* `mail.accounts`:
- An array of account configuration. Each element in the array is a table of the
- following key-value pairs:
- * `name`: the name of the account. Names must be unique. Required.
- * `outgoingbox`: Path to mailbox to use for outgoing email. Required.
- * `draftbox`: Path to mailbox to use for outgoing email. Required.
- * `sentbox`: Path to mailbox to use for sent email. Required.
- ` `maildirroot`: Path to folder where all mailboxes for this account are
- located. Required.
- * `fetchcommand`: What commandline to invoke for fetching mails for this
- account. Optional - if not used, the global `mail.fetchcommand` will be
- used.
- * `postfetchcommand`: What commandline to invoke after fetching mails for this
- account. Optional - if not used, the global `mail.postfetchcommand` will be
- used.
- * `sendcommand`: What commandline to invoke for sending mails for this
- account. Optional - if not used, the global `mail.sendcommand` will be used.
- * `postsendcommand`: What commandline to invoke after sending mails for this
- account. Optional - if not used, the global `mail.postsendcommand` will be
- used.
-* `mail.fetchcommand`: Command to use for fetching mail if no account-specific
- command was specified
- Available variables:
- * `{{accountname}}` - name of the account to fetch mail for.
- * `{{boxes}}` - a list of maildir paths to the boxes to fetch email for.
- imag provides primitives to transform this array.
- An example configuration for fetching with `offlineimap` might look like
- this: `offlineimap -a {{accountname}} -f {{concatsep "," (replace "/home/user/mails/" "" boxes)}}`
- to concatenate all boxes with a comma after removing a prefix.
- For a complete list of transformation functions, the `--help` flag shall
- be consulted.
- For more complicated transformations a bash/ruby/python script might be
- appropriate.
-* `mail.postfetchcommand`: Command to use after fetching mail if no
- account-specific command was specified
- Available variables: Same as `mail.fetchcommand`.
-* `mail.postsendcommand`: Command to use after sending mail if no
- account-specific command was specified
- Available variables: Same as `mail.sendcommand`.
-* `mail.sendcommand`: Command to use for sending mail if no account-specific
- command was specified
- * `{{accountname}}` - name of the account to fetch mail for.
- * `{{mailfile}}` - The path of the mail to send
-### CLI
-The CLI of the imag-mail module is planned as follows:
-* imag mail
- -A, --account - Specify the "account" to use for the opperation by name.
- If none is specified, the configuration is searched for a
- default command.
-* imag mail track <path> [opts...]
- Track a new mail, mail file passed as path
-* imag mail scan <path> [opts...]
- Scan a maildir and track all untracked mails
- --refind - re-find messages. Loads all messages which are known to imag
- and compares identifiers, to update the imag-internal cache if
- a mail got moved.
- Without this flag, a modified email file might be added to
- the imag store again, even if there's another entry in the
- imag store refering to the same file.
-* imag mail list <args...>
- List mails in a given mailbox for a given account or the default account
- -S, --style - print messages in a certain style
- Available:
- - 'linewise'
- - 'thread'
- -g, --grep - Filter by grepping for a pattern in body and subject
- -d, --daterange - Filter by date(range)
- -F, --filter - Filter by passed filter
- --thread - Print only messages from the same thread as the found ones
- --format=<fmt> - Format mails for showing.
- --format always colorizes output (specify color in config)
- except when using --no-pager or piping output.
- When --tree is passed, the format is applied to the
- fragment _after_ the tree graphic.
- Default mode is 'default'.
- Modes:
- - 'subject': <Subject>
- - 'simple': <From>: <Subject>
- - 'default': <Date> - <From>: <Subject>
- - 'fmt:<fmt>' format with passed format
- Additional formats can be specified via the configuration
- file. If a format has the same name as a predefined one,
- the config overrides the predefined formats.
- --color - Colorize output (default).
- --no-color - Do never colorize output.
-* imag mail show <args...>
- Show mail(s) - either in pager or by printing them to stdout.
- Mails are specified by message id or imag entry
- --refind - If a imag entry is passed but the mail file is not there,
- try to re-find it.
- --refind-in - Same as --refind, but a path to a Maildir or a tree of
- Maildirs might be passed to narrow down search space.
- -C, --concat - Open all mails in one pager (by concatenating them)
- instead of one pager per message.
- --pager - Use pager to show mails (default).
- --no-pager - Do not use pager to show mails.
- --multipager - Pass all mails as arguments to one pager call instead of
- calling the pager on each mail individually (default).
- Only possible with --pager.
- --no-multipager - Disable --multipager.
- Only possible with --pager.
- --format=<fmt> - Format mails for showing.
- --format always colorizes emails (specify color in config)
- except when using --no-pager or piping output.
- Modes:
- - 'simple': Remove headers, except
- From, To, Cc, Subject, Date,
- Message-Id/References/In-Reply-To
- - 'simple-imag': Same as 'simple' but also show imag
- entry id.
- - 'print': Show everything
- - 'full': Show everything and add imag entry id
- - 'minimal': Remove headers, except From, To, Cc, Subject, Date,
- - 'tiny': Remove headers, except From, To, Subject
- - 'fmt:<fmt>' format with passed format
- Additional formats can be specified via the configuration
- file. If a format has the same name as a predefined one,
- the config overrides the predefined formats.
- --no-format - Disable all formatting (same as --pretty=print and
- disabling color output).
- --color - Colorize output (default).
- --no-color - Do never colorize output.
-* imag mail new <args...>
- Craft a new mail and safe it in the <outgoing> folder
- Requires configuration:
- * mail.accounts.[.draftbox]
- * mail.accounts.[.outgoingbox]
- --outbox - Specify the outbox for where the new mail should be stored
- in, if it is not given in the config (or to override it)
- --to - Specify to whom to send.
- If the specified string does not contain a valid email
- address, `imag contact find` is used to find the email
- address (if not suppressed via --no-autofind).
- Multiple allowed.
- --cc - Specify to whom to send in CC.
- If the specified string does not contain a valid email
- address, `imag contact find` is used to find the email
- address (if not suppressed via --no-autofind).
- Multiple allowed.
- --bcc - Specify to whom to send in BCC.
- If the specified string does not contain a valid email
- address, `imag contact find` is used to find the email
- address (if not suppressed via --no-autofind).
- Multiple allowed.
- --no-autofind - Do not automatically find contacts
- with `imag contact find`.
- --fcc - Specify to store a copy of the mail somewhere.
- Multiple allowed.
- --subject - Specify subject.
- --gpg-sign - Sign with gpg.
- --gpg-crypt - Crypt with gpg to all recipients.
- --no-track - Do not track new mailfile with imag.
- -D, --draft - Do not safe in "outgoing" box but rather in "draft" box.
-* imag mail compose <args...>
- Same as 'new'.
-* imag mail fetch <args...>
- Fetch emails
- Requires configuration:
- * mail.fetchcommand or mail.accounts[.fetchcommand]
- * mail.postfetchcommand or mail.accounts[.postfetchcommand] (optional)
- --all - Fetch for all accounts
- --boxes - Fetch only some boxes (does not work with --all)
-* imag mail send <args...>
- Send emails from the outgoing folder, also move them to 'sent' boxes
- Requires configuration:
- * mail.accounts.[.outgoingbox]
- * mail.accounts.[.sentbox]
- * mail.sendcommand or mail.accounts[.sendcommand]
- * mail.postsendcommand or mail.accounts[.postsendcommand] (optional)
- --outbox - Specify the outbox for where the mails that are about to
- be send are stored in, if it is not given in the config
- (or to override it).
- --sentbox - Specify the sentbox for where the sent mails should be
- moved after sending them, if it is not given in the config
- (or to override it).
- --no-move-sent - Do not move mail to the "sent" folder after sending it.
- --confirm - Confirm each mail before sending (default).
- --no-confirm - Do not confirm each mail before sending.
- --no-track - Do not track mailfile with imag. Does only work if `imag
- mail new` was invoked with `--no-track` (so that the mail
- is not tracked already).
-* imag mail mv <src mail> <dstbox>
- Move a mail to another mailbox
- --thread - Move the complete thread of emails belonging to the
- specified mail.
- --no-track - Do not track new mailfile with imag. Does not work if
- mailfile is already tracked with imag.
-* imag mail find <args...>
- Search for a mail (by header field (msgid, from, to, cc, subject, date,
- date-range), body, ...)
- --msgid
- --no-msgid
- --from
- --no-from
- --to
- --no-to
- --cc
- --no-cc
- --subject
- --no-subject
- --date
- --no-date
- --body
- --no-body
- --daterange - Toggle where to look at
- --print-entryid - Print imag entry id when finding mail
- --no-print-entryid - Do not print imag entry id when finding mail (default).
- --print=<what> - What to print for the found mails.
- Valid values:
- - msgid
- - subject
- - from
- - cc
- - to
- - date
- - filepath (default)
-* imag mail reply <args...>
- Reply to an email.
- Requires configuration: mail.accounts[.outgoingbox]
- Specify the mail to reply to by msgid, filepath or imag entry id.
- --add-to
- --add-cc
- --add-bcc - Add another recipient. Multiple allowed.
- --no-track - Do not track new mailfile with imag.
-### Format specifiers
-The `imag-mail` command supports formatting output automatically and via
-predefined formats in the configuration file or by passing formatting
-specifications via CLI.
-The available formatting variables are:
-* `H`: The complete message header as key-value-table
-* `subject`: The subject of the message
-* `date`: The date field of the message
-* `body`: The body of the message
-* `from`: The sender of the message
-* `to`: The address of the receipient of message
-* `fancyfromto`: The address of the sender of the message, or, if the sender was
- you, the receipient (prefixed with `F:` or `T:` respecively).
-<!-- more might be defined -->
+Frontend for imag mail handing, using notmuch as a mail database backend.