diff options
authorJakub Roztocil <>2022-10-01 12:38:19 +0200
committerGitHub <>2022-10-01 03:38:19 -0700
commit0689b55e1d0a16385b7e275db4458c155d746b6a (patch)
parenta7321d8ac41f55ca932210ec412c18eb3c50421a (diff)
Clean up and refactor nested JSON parsing & interpreting (#1440)
13 files changed, 507 insertions, 469 deletions
diff --git a/extras/scripts/ b/extras/scripts/
index 53034886..71e0100f 100644
--- a/extras/scripts/
+++ b/extras/scripts/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ from httpie.cli.options import ParserSpec
from httpie.manager.cli import options as manager_options
from httpie.output.ui.rich_help import OptionsHighlighter, to_usage
from httpie.output.ui.rich_utils import render_as_string
-from httpie.utils import split
+from httpie.utils import split_iterable
# Escape certain characters so they are rendered properly on
diff --git a/httpie/cli/ b/httpie/cli/
index 074cd9e7..6b6d4736 100644
--- a/httpie/cli/
+++ b/httpie/cli/
@@ -92,7 +92,3 @@ class MultipartRequestDataDict(MultiValueOrderedDict):
class RequestFilesDict(RequestDataDict):
-class NestedJSONArray(list):
- """Denotes a top-level JSON array."""
diff --git a/httpie/cli/ b/httpie/cli/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6616e9ac..00000000
--- a/httpie/cli/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
-from enum import Enum, auto
-from typing import (
- Any,
- Iterator,
- NamedTuple,
- Optional,
- List,
- NoReturn,
- Type,
- Union,
-from .dicts import NestedJSONArray
-class HTTPieSyntaxError(ValueError):
- def __init__(
- self,
- source: str,
- token: Optional['Token'],
- message: str,
- message_kind: str = 'Syntax',
- ) -> None:
- self.source = source
- self.token = token
- self.message = message
- self.message_kind = message_kind
- def __str__(self):
- lines = [f'HTTPie {self.message_kind} Error: {self.message}']
- if self.token is not None:
- lines.append(self.source)
- lines.append(
- ' ' * self.token.start
- + HIGHLIGHTER * (self.token.end - self.token.start)
- )
- return '\n'.join(lines)
-class TokenKind(Enum):
- TEXT = auto()
- NUMBER = auto()
- LEFT_BRACKET = auto()
- RIGHT_BRACKET = auto()
- def to_name(self) -> str:
- for key, value in OPERATORS.items():
- if value is self:
- return repr(key)
- else:
- return 'a ' +
- TokenKind.TEXT,
- TokenKind.NUMBER,
-class Token(NamedTuple):
- kind: TokenKind
- value: Union[str, int]
- start: int
- end: int
-def assert_cant_happen() -> NoReturn:
- raise ValueError('Unexpected value')
-def check_escaped_int(value: str) -> str:
- if not value.startswith(BACKSLASH):
- raise ValueError('Not an escaped int')
- try:
- int(value[1:])
- except ValueError as exc:
- raise ValueError('Not an escaped int') from exc
- else:
- return value[1:]
-def tokenize(source: str) -> Iterator[Token]:
- cursor = 0
- backslashes = 0
- buffer = []
- def send_buffer() -> Iterator[Token]:
- nonlocal backslashes
- if not buffer:
- return None
- value = ''.join(buffer)
- kind = TokenKind.TEXT
- if not backslashes:
- for variation, kind in [
- (int, TokenKind.NUMBER),
- (check_escaped_int, TokenKind.TEXT),
- ]:
- try:
- value = variation(value)
- except ValueError:
- continue
- else:
- break
- yield Token(
- kind, value, start=cursor - (len(buffer) + backslashes), end=cursor
- )
- buffer.clear()
- backslashes = 0
- def can_advance() -> bool:
- return cursor < len(source)
- while can_advance():
- index = source[cursor]
- if index in OPERATORS:
- yield from send_buffer()
- yield Token(OPERATORS[index], index, cursor, cursor + 1)
- elif index == BACKSLASH and can_advance():
- if source[cursor + 1] in SPECIAL_CHARS:
- backslashes += 1
- else:
- buffer.append(index)
- buffer.append(source[cursor + 1])
- cursor += 1
- else:
- buffer.append(index)
- cursor += 1
- yield from send_buffer()
-class PathAction(Enum):
- KEY = auto()
- INDEX = auto()
- APPEND = auto()
- # Pseudo action, used by the interpreter
- SET = auto()
- def to_string(self) -> str:
- return
-class Path:
- def __init__(
- self,
- kind: PathAction,
- accessor: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None,
- tokens: Optional[List[Token]] = None,
- is_root: bool = False,
- ):
- self.kind = kind
- self.accessor = accessor
- self.tokens = tokens or []
- self.is_root = is_root
- def reconstruct(self) -> str:
- if self.kind is PathAction.KEY:
- if self.is_root:
- return str(self.accessor)
- return OPEN_BRACKET + self.accessor + CLOSE_BRACKET
- elif self.kind is PathAction.INDEX:
- return OPEN_BRACKET + str(self.accessor) + CLOSE_BRACKET
- elif self.kind is PathAction.APPEND:
- else:
- assert_cant_happen()
-def parse(source: str) -> Iterator[Path]:
- """
- start: root_path path*
- root_path: (literal | index_path | append_path)
- literal: TEXT | NUMBER
- path:
- key_path
- | index_path
- | append_path
- """
- tokens = list(tokenize(source))
- cursor = 0
- def can_advance():
- return cursor < len(tokens)
- def expect(*kinds):
- nonlocal cursor
- assert len(kinds) > 0
- if can_advance():
- token = tokens[cursor]
- cursor += 1
- if token.kind in kinds:
- return token
- elif tokens:
- token = tokens[-1]._replace(
- start=tokens[-1].end + 0, end=tokens[-1].end + 1
- )
- else:
- token = None
- if len(kinds) == 1:
- suffix = kinds[0].to_name()
- else:
- suffix = ', '.join(kind.to_name() for kind in kinds[:-1])
- suffix += ' or ' + kinds[-1].to_name()
- message = f'Expecting {suffix}'
- raise HTTPieSyntaxError(source, token, message)
- def parse_root():
- tokens = []
- if not can_advance():
- return Path(
- PathAction.KEY,
- is_root=True
- )
- # (literal | index_path | append_path)?
- token = expect(*LITERAL_TOKENS, TokenKind.LEFT_BRACKET)
- tokens.append(token)
- if token.kind in LITERAL_TOKENS:
- action = PathAction.KEY
- value = str(token.value)
- elif token.kind is TokenKind.LEFT_BRACKET:
- token = expect(TokenKind.NUMBER, TokenKind.RIGHT_BRACKET)
- tokens.append(token)
- if token.kind is TokenKind.NUMBER:
- action = PathAction.INDEX
- value = token.value
- tokens.append(expect(TokenKind.RIGHT_BRACKET))
- elif token.kind is TokenKind.RIGHT_BRACKET:
- action = PathAction.APPEND
- value = None
- else:
- assert_cant_happen()
- else:
- assert_cant_happen()
- return Path(
- action,
- value,
- tokens=tokens,
- is_root=True
- )
- yield parse_root()
- # path*
- while can_advance():
- path_tokens = []
- path_tokens.append(expect(TokenKind.LEFT_BRACKET))
- token = expect(
- TokenKind.TEXT, TokenKind.NUMBER, TokenKind.RIGHT_BRACKET
- )
- path_tokens.append(token)
- if token.kind is TokenKind.RIGHT_BRACKET:
- path = Path(PathAction.APPEND, tokens=path_tokens)
- elif token.kind is TokenKind.TEXT:
- path = Path(PathAction.KEY, token.value, tokens=path_tokens)
- path_tokens.append(expect(TokenKind.RIGHT_BRACKET))
- elif token.kind is TokenKind.NUMBER:
- path = Path(PathAction.INDEX, token.value, tokens=path_tokens)
- path_tokens.append(expect(TokenKind.RIGHT_BRACKET))
- else:
- assert_cant_happen()
- yield path
- dict: 'object',
- list: 'array',
- int: 'number',
- float: 'number',
- str: 'string',
-def interpret(context: Any, key: str, value: Any) -> Any:
- cursor = context
- paths = list(parse(key))
- paths.append(Path(PathAction.SET, value))
- def type_check(index: int, path: Path, expected_type: Type[Any]) -> None:
- if not isinstance(cursor, expected_type):
- if path.tokens:
- pseudo_token = Token(
- None, None, path.tokens[0].start, path.tokens[-1].end
- )
- else:
- pseudo_token = None
- cursor_type = JSON_TYPE_MAPPING.get(
- type(cursor), type(cursor).__name__
- )
- required_type = JSON_TYPE_MAPPING[expected_type]
- message = f"Can't perform {path.kind.to_string()!r} based access on "
- message += repr(
- ''.join(path.reconstruct() for path in paths[:index])
- )
- message += (
- f' which has a type of {cursor_type!r} but this operation'
- )
- message += f' requires a type of {required_type!r}.'
- raise HTTPieSyntaxError(
- key, pseudo_token, message, message_kind='Type'
- )
- def object_for(kind: str) -> Any:
- if kind is PathAction.KEY:
- return {}
- elif kind in {PathAction.INDEX, PathAction.APPEND}:
- return []
- else:
- assert_cant_happen()
- for index, (path, next_path) in enumerate(zip(paths, paths[1:])):
- # If there is no context yet, set it.
- if cursor is None:
- context = cursor = object_for(path.kind)
- if path.kind is PathAction.KEY:
- type_check(index, path, dict)
- if next_path.kind is PathAction.SET:
- cursor[path.accessor] = next_path.accessor
- break
- cursor = cursor.setdefault(
- path.accessor, object_for(next_path.kind)
- )
- elif path.kind is PathAction.INDEX:
- type_check(index, path, list)
- if path.accessor < 0:
- raise HTTPieSyntaxError(
- key,
- path.tokens[1],
- 'Negative indexes are not supported.',
- message_kind='Value',
- )
- cursor.extend([None] * (path.accessor - len(cursor) + 1))
- if next_path.kind is PathAction.SET:
- cursor[path.accessor] = next_path.accessor
- break
- if cursor[path.accessor] is None:
- cursor[path.accessor] = object_for(next_path.kind)
- cursor = cursor[path.accessor]
- elif path.kind is PathAction.APPEND:
- type_check(index, path, list)
- if next_path.kind is PathAction.SET:
- cursor.append(next_path.accessor)
- break
- cursor.append(object_for(next_path.kind))
- cursor = cursor[-1]
- else:
- assert_cant_happen()
- return context
-def wrap_with_dict(context):
- if context is None:
- return {}
- elif isinstance(context, list):
- return {EMPTY_STRING: NestedJSONArray(context)}
- else:
- assert isinstance(context, dict)
- return context
-def interpret_nested_json(pairs):
- context = None
- for key, value in pairs:
- context = interpret(context, key, value)
- return wrap_with_dict(context)
diff --git a/httpie/cli/nested_json/ b/httpie/cli/nested_json/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17b129ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httpie/cli/nested_json/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+A library for parsing the HTTPie nested JSON key syntax and constructing the resulting objects.
+It has no dependencies.
+from .interpret import interpret_nested_json, unwrap_top_level_list_if_needed
+from .errors import NestedJSONSyntaxError
+from .tokens import EMPTY_STRING, NestedJSONArray
+__all__ = [
+ 'interpret_nested_json',
+ 'unwrap_top_level_list_if_needed',
+ 'NestedJSONArray',
+ 'NestedJSONSyntaxError'
diff --git a/httpie/cli/nested_json/ b/httpie/cli/nested_json/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f53f8715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httpie/cli/nested_json/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+from typing import Optional
+from .tokens import Token, HIGHLIGHTER
+class NestedJSONSyntaxError(ValueError):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ source: str,
+ token: Optional[Token],
+ message: str,
+ message_kind: str = 'Syntax',
+ ) -> None:
+ self.source = source
+ self.token = token
+ self.message = message
+ self.message_kind = message_kind
+ def __str__(self):
+ lines = [f'HTTPie {self.message_kind} Error: {self.message}']
+ if self.token is not None:
+ lines.append(self.source)
+ lines.append(
+ ' ' * self.token.start
+ + HIGHLIGHTER * (self.token.end - self.token.start)
+ )
+ return '\n'.join(lines)
diff --git a/httpie/cli/nested_json/ b/httpie/cli/nested_json/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71fad98a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httpie/cli/nested_json/
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+from typing import Type, Union, Any, Iterable, Tuple
+from .parse import parse, assert_cant_happen
+from .errors import NestedJSONSyntaxError
+from .tokens import EMPTY_STRING, TokenKind, Token, PathAction, Path, NestedJSONArray
+__all__ = [
+ 'interpret_nested_json',
+ 'unwrap_top_level_list_if_needed',
+JSONType = Type[Union[dict, list, int, float, str]]
+ dict: 'object',
+ list: 'array',
+ int: 'number',
+ float: 'number',
+ str: 'string',
+def interpret_nested_json(pairs: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]) -> dict:
+ context = None
+ for key, value in pairs:
+ context = interpret(context, key, value)
+ return wrap_with_dict(context)
+def interpret(context: Any, key: str, value: Any) -> Any:
+ cursor = context
+ paths = list(parse(key))
+ paths.append(Path(PathAction.SET, value))
+ # noinspection PyShadowingNames
+ def type_check(index: int, path: Path, expected_type: JSONType):
+ if not isinstance(cursor, expected_type):
+ if path.tokens:
+ pseudo_token = Token(
+ kind=TokenKind.PSEUDO,
+ value='',
+ start=path.tokens[0].start,
+ end=path.tokens[-1].end,
+ )
+ else:
+ pseudo_token = None
+ cursor_type = JSON_TYPE_MAPPING.get(type(cursor), type(cursor).__name__)
+ required_type = JSON_TYPE_MAPPING[expected_type]
+ message = f'Cannot perform {path.kind.to_string()!r} based access on '
+ message += repr(''.join(path.reconstruct() for path in paths[:index]))
+ message += f' which has a type of {cursor_type!r} but this operation'
+ message += f' requires a type of {required_type!r}.'
+ raise NestedJSONSyntaxError(
+ source=key,
+ token=pseudo_token,
+ message=message,
+ message_kind='Type',
+ )
+ def object_for(kind: PathAction) -> Any:
+ if kind is PathAction.KEY:
+ return {}
+ elif kind in {PathAction.INDEX, PathAction.APPEND}:
+ return []
+ else:
+ assert_cant_happen()
+ for index, (path, next_path) in enumerate(zip(paths, paths[1:])):
+ # If there is no context yet, set it.
+ if cursor is None:
+ context = cursor = object_for(path.kind)
+ if path.kind is PathAction.KEY:
+ type_check(index, path, dict)
+ if next_path.kind is PathAction.SET:
+ cursor[path.accessor] = next_path.accessor
+ break
+ cursor = cursor.setdefault(path.accessor, object_for(next_path.kind))
+ elif path.kind is PathAction.INDEX:
+ type_check(index, path, list)
+ if path.accessor < 0:
+ raise NestedJSONSyntaxError(
+ source=key,
+ token=path.tokens[1],
+ message='Negative indexes are not supported.',
+ message_kind='Value',
+ )
+ cursor.extend([None] * (path.accessor - len(cursor) + 1))
+ if next_path.kind is PathAction.SET:
+ cursor[path.accessor] = next_path.accessor
+ break
+ if cursor[path.accessor] is None:
+ cursor[path.accessor] = object_for(next_path.kind)
+ cursor = cursor[path.accessor]
+ elif path.kind is PathAction.APPEND:
+ type_check(index, path, list)
+ if next_path.kind is PathAction.SET:
+ cursor.append(next_path.accessor)
+ break
+ cursor.append(object_for(next_path.kind))
+ cursor = cursor[-1]
+ else:
+ assert_cant_happen()
+ return context
+def wrap_with_dict(context):
+ if context is None:
+ return {}
+ elif isinstance(context, list):
+ return {
+ EMPTY_STRING: NestedJSONArray(context),
+ }
+ else:
+ assert isinstance(context, dict)
+ return context
+def unwrap_top_level_list_if_needed(data: dict):
+ """
+ Propagate the top-level list, if that’s what we got.
+ """
+ if len(data) == 1:
+ key, value = list(data.items())[0]
+ if isinstance(value, NestedJSONArray):
+ assert key == EMPTY_STRING
+ return value
+ return data
diff --git a/httpie/cli/nested_json/ b/httpie/cli/nested_json/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..323a22ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httpie/cli/nested_json/
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+from typing import Iterator
+from .errors import NestedJSONSyntaxError
+from .tokens import (
+ TokenKind,
+ Token,
+ PathAction,
+ Path,
+__all__ = [
+ 'parse',
+ 'assert_cant_happen',
+def parse(source: str) -> Iterator[Path]:
+ """
+ start: root_path path*
+ root_path: (literal | index_path | append_path)
+ literal: TEXT | NUMBER
+ path:
+ key_path
+ | index_path
+ | append_path
+ """
+ tokens = list(tokenize(source))
+ cursor = 0
+ def can_advance():
+ return cursor < len(tokens)
+ # noinspection PyShadowingNames
+ def expect(*kinds):
+ nonlocal cursor
+ assert kinds
+ if can_advance():
+ token = tokens[cursor]
+ cursor += 1
+ if token.kind in kinds:
+ return token
+ elif tokens:
+ token = tokens[-1]._replace(
+ start=tokens[-1].end + 0,
+ end=tokens[-1].end + 1,
+ )
+ else:
+ token = None
+ if len(kinds) == 1:
+ suffix = kinds[0].to_name()
+ else:
+ suffix = ', '.join(kind.to_name() for kind in kinds[:-1])
+ suffix += ' or ' + kinds[-1].to_name()
+ message = f'Expecting {suffix}'
+ raise NestedJSONSyntaxError(source, token, message)
+ # noinspection PyShadowingNames
+ def parse_root():
+ tokens = []
+ if not can_advance():
+ return Path(
+ kind=PathAction.KEY,
+ accessor=EMPTY_STRING,
+ is_root=True
+ )
+ # (literal | index_path | append_path)?
+ token = expect(*LITERAL_TOKENS, TokenKind.LEFT_BRACKET)
+ tokens.append(token)
+ if token.kind in LITERAL_TOKENS:
+ action = PathAction.KEY
+ value = str(token.value)
+ elif token.kind is TokenKind.LEFT_BRACKET:
+ token = expect(TokenKind.NUMBER, TokenKind.RIGHT_BRACKET)
+ tokens.append(token)
+ if token.kind is TokenKind.NUMBER:
+ action = PathAction.INDEX
+ value = token.value
+ tokens.append(expect(TokenKind.RIGHT_BRACKET))
+ elif token.kind is TokenKind.RIGHT_BRACKET:
+ action = PathAction.APPEND
+ value = None
+ else:
+ assert_cant_happen()
+ else:
+ assert_cant_happen()
+ # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable
+ return Path(
+ kind=action,
+ accessor=value,
+ tokens=tokens,
+ is_root=True
+ )
+ yield parse_root()
+ # path*
+ while can_advance():
+ path_tokens = [expect(TokenKind.LEFT_BRACKET)]
+ token = expect(TokenKind.TEXT, TokenKind.NUMBER, TokenKind.RIGHT_BRACKET)
+ path_tokens.append(token)
+ if token.kind is TokenKind.RIGHT_BRACKET:
+ path = Path(PathAction.APPEND, tokens=path_tokens)
+ elif token.kind is TokenKind.TEXT:
+ path = Path(PathAction.KEY, token.value, tokens=path_tokens)
+ path_tokens.append(expect(TokenKind.RIGHT_BRACKET))
+ elif token.kind is TokenKind.NUMBER:
+ path = Path(PathAction.INDEX, token.value, tokens=path_tokens)
+ path_tokens.append(expect(TokenKind.RIGHT_BRACKET))
+ else:
+ assert_cant_happen()
+ # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable
+ yield path
+def tokenize(source: str) -> Iterator[Token]:
+ cursor = 0
+ backslashes = 0
+ buffer = []
+ def send_buffer() -> Iterator[Token]:
+ nonlocal backslashes
+ if not buffer:
+ return None
+ value = ''.join(buffer)
+ kind = TokenKind.TEXT
+ if not backslashes:
+ for variation, kind in [
+ (int, TokenKind.NUMBER),
+ (check_escaped_int, TokenKind.TEXT),
+ ]:
+ try:
+ value = variation(value)
+ except ValueError:
+ continue
+ else:
+ break
+ yield Token(
+ kind=kind,
+ value=value,
+ start=cursor - (len(buffer) + backslashes),
+ end=cursor,
+ )
+ buffer.clear()
+ backslashes = 0
+ def can_advance() -> bool:
+ return cursor < len(source)
+ while can_advance():
+ index = source[cursor]
+ if index in OPERATORS:
+ yield from send_buffer()
+ yield Token(OPERATORS[index], index, cursor, cursor + 1)
+ elif index == BACKSLASH and can_advance():
+ if source[cursor + 1] in SPECIAL_CHARS:
+ backslashes += 1
+ else:
+ buffer.append(index)
+ buffer.append(source[cursor + 1])
+ cursor += 1
+ else:
+ buffer.append(index)
+ cursor += 1
+ yield from send_buffer()
+def check_escaped_int(value: str) -> str:
+ if not value.startswith(BACKSLASH):
+ raise ValueError('Not an escaped int')
+ try:
+ int(value[1:])
+ except ValueError as exc:
+ raise ValueError('Not an escaped int') from exc
+ else:
+ return value[1:]
+def assert_cant_happen():
+ raise ValueError('Unexpected value')
diff --git a/httpie/cli/nested_json/ b/httpie/cli/nested_json/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e8f3f4c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httpie/cli/nested_json/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+from enum import Enum, auto
+from typing import NamedTuple, Union, Optional, List
+class TokenKind(Enum):
+ TEXT = auto()
+ NUMBER = auto()
+ LEFT_BRACKET = auto()
+ RIGHT_BRACKET = auto()
+ PSEUDO = auto() # Not a real token, use when representing location only.
+ def to_name(self) -> str:
+ for key, value in OPERATORS.items():
+ if value is self:
+ return repr(key)
+ else:
+ return 'a ' +
+ TokenKind.TEXT,
+ TokenKind.NUMBER,
+class Token(NamedTuple):
+ kind: TokenKind
+ value: Union[str, int]
+ start: int
+ end: int
+class PathAction(Enum):
+ KEY = auto()
+ INDEX = auto()
+ APPEND = auto()
+ # Pseudo action, used by the interpreter
+ SET = auto()
+ def to_string(self) -> str:
+ return
+class Path:
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ kind: PathAction,
+ accessor: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None,
+ tokens: Optional[List[Token]] = None,
+ is_root: bool = False,
+ ):
+ self.kind = kind
+ self.accessor = accessor
+ self.tokens = tokens or []
+ self.is_root = is_root
+ def reconstruct(self) -> str:
+ if self.kind is PathAction.KEY:
+ if self.is_root:
+ return str(self.accessor)
+ return OPEN_BRACKET + self.accessor + CLOSE_BRACKET
+ elif self.kind is PathAction.INDEX:
+ return OPEN_BRACKET + str(self.accessor) + CLOSE_BRACKET
+ elif self.kind is PathAction.APPEND:
+class NestedJSONArray(list):
+ """Denotes a top-level JSON array."""
diff --git a/httpie/cli/ b/httpie/cli/
index 96731b59..8931b88a 100644
--- a/httpie/cli/
+++ b/httpie/cli/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ from .dicts import (
from .exceptions import ParseError
from .nested_json import interpret_nested_json
-from ..utils import get_content_type, load_json_preserve_order_and_dupe_keys, split
+from ..utils import get_content_type, load_json_preserve_order_and_dupe_keys, split_iterable
class RequestItems:
@@ -78,25 +78,28 @@ class RequestItems:,
- json_only(instance, process_data_raw_json_embed_arg),
+ convert_json_value_to_form_if_needed(
+ in_json_mode=instance.is_json,
+ processor=process_data_raw_json_embed_arg
+ ),,
- json_only(instance, process_data_embed_raw_json_file_arg),
+ convert_json_value_to_form_if_needed(
+ in_json_mode=instance.is_json,
+ processor=process_data_embed_raw_json_file_arg,
+ ),,
if instance.is_json:
- json_item_args, request_item_args = split(
- request_item_args,
- lambda arg: arg.sep in SEPARATOR_GROUP_NESTED_JSON_ITEMS
+ json_item_args, request_item_args = split_iterable(
+ iterable=request_item_args,
+ key=lambda arg: arg.sep in SEPARATOR_GROUP_NESTED_JSON_ITEMS
if json_item_args:
- pairs = [
- (arg.key, rules[arg.sep][0](arg))
- for arg in json_item_args
- ]
+ pairs = [(arg.key, rules[arg.sep][0](arg)) for arg in json_item_args]
processor_func, target_dict = rules[SEPARATOR_GROUP_NESTED_JSON_ITEMS]
value = processor_func(pairs)
@@ -159,37 +162,38 @@ def process_file_upload_arg(arg: KeyValueArg) -> Tuple[str, IO, str]:<