[![Build Status](https://github.com/bootandy/dust/actions/workflows/CICD.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/bootandy/dust/actions) # Dust du + rust = dust. Like du but more intuitive. # Why Because I want an easy way to see where my disk is being used. # Demo ![Example](media/snap.png) ## Install #### Cargo Packaging status - `cargo install du-dust` #### 🍺 Homebrew (Mac OS) - `brew install dust` #### 🍺 Homebrew (Linux) - `brew install dust` #### [Pacstall](https://github.com/pacstall/pacstall) (Debian/Ubuntu) - `pacstall -I dust-bin` ### Anaconda (conda-forge) - `conda install -c conda-forge dust` #### [deb-get](https://github.com/wimpysworld/deb-get) (Debian/Ubuntu) - `deb-get install du-dust` #### Windows: - `scoop install dust` - Windows GNU version - works - Windows MSVC - requires: [VCRUNTIME140.dll](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170) #### Download - Download Linux/Mac binary from [Releases](https://github.com/bootandy/dust/releases) - unzip file: `tar -xvf _downloaded_file.tar.gz` - move file to executable path: `sudo mv dust /usr/local/bin/` ## Overview Dust is meant to give you an instant overview of which directories are using disk space without requiring sort or head. Dust will print a maximum of one 'Did not have permissions message'. Dust will list a slightly-less-than-the-terminal-height number of the biggest subdirectories or files and will smartly recurse down the tree to find the larger ones. There is no need for a '-d' flag or a '-h' flag. The largest subdirectories will be colored. The different colors on the bars: These represent the combined tree hierarchy & disk usage. The shades of grey are used to indicate which parent folder a subfolder belongs to. For instance, look at the above screenshot. `.steam` is a folder taking 44% of the space. From the `.steam` bar is a light grey line that goes up. All these folders are inside `.steam` so if you delete `.steam` all that stuff will be gone too. ## Usage ``` Usage: dust Usage: dust Usage: dust Usage: dust -p (full-path - Show fullpath of the subdirectories) Usage: dust -s (apparent-size - shows the length of the file as opposed to the amount of disk space it uses) Usage: dust -n 30 (Shows 30 directories instead of the default [default is terminal height]) Usage: dust -d 3 (Shows 3 levels of subdirectories) Usage: dust -D (Show only directories (eg dust -D)) Usage: dust -F (Show only files - finds your largest files) Usage: dust -r (reverse order of output) Usage: dust -o si/b/kb/kib/mb/mib/gb/gib (si - prints sizes in powers of 1000. Others print size in that format). Usage: dust -X ignore (ignore all files and directories with the name 'ignore') Usage: dust -x (Only show directories on the same filesystem) Usage: dust -b (Do not show percentages or draw ASCII bars) Usage: dust -B (--bars-on-right - Percent bars moved to right side of screen) Usage: dust -i (Do not show hidden files) Usage: dust -c (No colors [monochrome]) Usage: dust -C (Force colors) Usage: dust -f (Count files instead of diskspace) Usage: dust -t (Group by filetype) Usage: dust -z 10M (min-size, Only include files larger than 10M) Usage: dust -e regex (Only include files matching this regex (eg dust -e "\.png$" would match png files)) Usage: dust -v regex (Exclude files matching this regex (eg dust -v "\.png$" would ignore png files)) Usage: dust -L (dereference-links - Treat sym links as directories and go into them) Usage: dust -P (Disable the progress indicator) Usage: dust -R (For screen readers. Removes bars/symbols. Adds new column: depth level. (May want to use -p for full path too)) Usage: dust -S (Custom Stack size - Use if you see: 'fatal runtime error: stack overflow' (default allocation: low memory=1048576, high memory=1073741824)"), Usage: dust --skip-total (No total row will be displayed) Usage: dust -z 40000/30MB/20kib (Exclude output files/directories below size 40000 bytes / 30MB / 20KiB) ``` ## Config file Dust has a config file where the above options can be set. Either: `~/.config/dust/config.toml` or `~/.dust.toml` ``` $ cat ~/.config/dust/config.toml reverse=true ``` ## Alternatives - [NCDU](https://dev.yorhel.nl/ncdu) - [dutree](https://github.com/nachoparker/dutree) - [dua](https://github.com/Byron/dua-cli/) - [pdu](https://github.com/KSXGitHub/parallel-disk-usage) - [dirstat-rs](https://github.com/scullionw/dirstat-rs) - du -d 1 -h | sort -h Note: Apparent-size is calculated slightly differently in dust to gdu. In dust each hard link is counted as using file_length space. In gdu only the first entry is counted.