--- # vim: tw=80 title: Hooks - running stuff on Github hooks layout: post --- I found myself in need of a simple tool for deploying a project on every git commit, but I didn't have a build server set up. This led to Hooks - a very simple tool that allows you to run arbitrary commands when Github's hooks execute. The configuration is very simple. In `/etc/hooks.conf`, write: [truecraft] repository=SirCmpwn/TrueCraft branch=master command=systemctl restart hooks valid_ips=,, You may include any number of hooks. The `valid_ips` entry in that example allows you to accept hooks from Github and from localhost. Then you run Hooks itself, it will execute your command when you push a commit to your repository. This allows you to do continuous deployment on the cheap and easy. I hope you find it useful. [Hooks](https://github.com/SirCmpwn/hooks).