# unreleased ## Changes ## Features ## Bugfixes ## Other ## Packaging # v0.6.0 - Updated dependencies # v0.6.0 ## Changes There is an important change in default behavior: `diskus` will now report "disk usage" instead of "apparent file size", in analogy to what `du -sh` does. At the same time however, we introduce a new `-b`/`--apparent-size` option which can be used to switch back to apparent file size (in analogy to what `du -sbh` does). see #25 ## Features - `diskus` is now available for Windows, see #32 (@fawick) - Error messages are now hidden by default and can be re-enabled via `--verbose`, see #34 (@wngr) - Added a new `--size-format ` option which can be used to switch from decimal to binary exponents (MiB instead of MB). - `diskus` changes its output format when the output is piped to a file or to another program. It will simply print the number of bytes, see #35 - Added a new `-b`/`--apparent-size` option which can be used to switch from "disk usage" to "apparent size" (not available on Windows) ## Other - diskus is now in the official Arch repositories, see #24 (@polyzen) - diskus is now available on NixOS, see #26 (@fuerbringer) - diskus is now available on Homebrew and MacPorts, see #33 (@heimskr) - Added a man page # v0.5.0 - Expose diskus internals as a library, see #21 (@amilajack) # v0.4.0 - More performance improvements by using a custom parallel directory-walker, see #15 # v0.3.1 # v0.3.0 - Renamed the project to diskus # v0.2.0 - Fine-tuned number of threads (makes is even faster) # v0.1.0 Initial release