default: @just --list doc: cd manual && mdbook serve --open compare: sample_files/ release: #!/bin/bash set -ex VERSION=$(cargo metadata --format-version=1 | jq -r '.packages | .[] | select(.name == "difftastic") | .version') git tag $VERSION git push --tags cargo set-version --bump minor home: echo "http://localhost:8080" cd homepage && python -m http.server 8080 rel_notes: #!/bin/bash echo -e "Difftastic is a structural diff tool that understands syntax. See [the manual]( to get started, and [the changelog]( for historical changes.\n" rg --max-count 1 -B 9999 "released " | tail -n +3 | head -n -2 man: pandoc --standalone --to man -o difft.1