use std::result::Result; use std::str::FromStr; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use regex::Regex; use crate::errors::*; #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum GitRemoteRepo { GitHub { slug: String }, GitLab { slug: String }, SourceHut { slug: String }, Codeberg { slug: String }, } impl GitRemoteRepo { pub fn format_commit_url(&self, commit: &str) -> String { match self { Self::GitHub { slug } => { format!("{slug}/commit/{commit}") } Self::GitLab { slug } => { format!("{slug}/-/commit/{commit}") } Self::SourceHut { slug } => { format!("{slug}/commit/{commit}") } Self::Codeberg { slug } => { format!("{slug}/commit/{commit}") } } } } lazy_static! { static ref GITHUB_REMOTE_URL: Regex = Regex::new( r"(?x) ^ (?:https://|[^@]+@)? # Support both HTTPS and SSH URLs github\.com [:/] # This separator differs between SSH and HTTPS URLs ([^/]+) # Capture the user/org name / (.+?) # Capture the repo name (lazy to avoid consuming '.git' if present) (?:\.git)? # Non-capturing group to consume '.git' if present $ " ) .unwrap(); static ref GITLAB_REMOTE_URL: Regex = Regex::new( r"(?x) ^ (?:https://|git@)? # Support both HTTPS and SSH URLs, SSH URLs optionally omitting the git@ gitlab\.com [:/] # This separator differs between SSH and HTTPS URLs ([^/]+) # Capture the user/org name (/.*)? # Capture group(s), if any / (.+?) # Capture the repo name (lazy to avoid consuming '.git' if present) (?:\.git)? # Non-capturing group to consume '.git' if present $ " ) .unwrap(); static ref SOURCEHUT_REMOTE_URL: Regex = Regex::new( r"(?x) ^ (?:https://|git@)? # Support both HTTPS and SSH URLs, SSH URLs optionally omitting the git@ git\.sr\.ht [:/] # This separator differs between SSH and HTTPS URLs ~([^/]+) # Capture the username / (.+) # Capture the repo name $ " ) .unwrap(); static ref CODEBERG_REMOTE_URL: Regex = Regex::new( r"(?x) ^ (?:https://|git@)? # Support both HTTPS and SSH URLs, SSH URLs optionally omitting the git@ codeberg\.org [:/] # This separator differs between SSH and HTTPS URLs ([^/]+) # Capture the user/org name / (.+?) # Capture the repo name (lazy to avoid consuming '.git' if present) (?:\.git)? # Non-capturing group to consume '.git' if present $ " ) .unwrap(); } impl FromStr for GitRemoteRepo { type Err = Error; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { if let Some(caps) = GITHUB_REMOTE_URL.captures(s) { Ok(Self::GitHub { slug: format!( "{user}/{repo}", user = caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), repo = caps.get(2).unwrap().as_str() ), }) } else if let Some(caps) = GITLAB_REMOTE_URL.captures(s) { Ok(Self::GitLab { slug: format!( "{user}{groups}/{repo}", user = caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), groups = caps.get(2).map(|x| x.as_str()).unwrap_or_default(), repo = caps.get(3).unwrap().as_str() ), }) } else if let Some(caps) = SOURCEHUT_REMOTE_URL.captures(s) { Ok(Self::SourceHut { slug: format!( "~{user}/{repo}", user = caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), repo = caps.get(2).unwrap().as_str() ), }) } else if let Some(caps) = CODEBERG_REMOTE_URL.captures(s) { Ok(Self::Codeberg { slug: format!( "{user}/{repo}", user = caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), repo = caps.get(2).unwrap().as_str() ), }) } else { Err(anyhow!("Not a GitHub, GitLab, SourceHut or Codeberg repo.")) } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_parse_github_urls() { let urls = &[ "", "", "", "", "", "", ]; for url in urls { let parsed = GitRemoteRepo::from_str(url); assert!(parsed.is_ok()); assert_eq!( parsed.unwrap(), GitRemoteRepo::GitHub { slug: "dandavison/delta".to_string() } ); } } #[test] fn test_format_github_commit_link() { let repo = GitRemoteRepo::GitHub { slug: "dandavison/delta".to_string(), }; let commit_hash = "d3b07384d113edec49eaa6238ad5ff00"; assert_eq!( repo.format_commit_url(commit_hash), format!("{commit_hash}") ) } #[test] fn test_parse_gitlab_urls() { let urls = &[ ( "", "proj/grp/subgrp/repo", ), ("", "proj/grp/repo"), ("", "proj/repo"), ("", "proj/repo"), ( "", "proj/grp/subgrp/repo", ), ("", "proj/repo"), ("", "proj/repo"), ("", "proj/grp/repo"), ("", "proj/repo"), ("", "proj/repo"), ]; for (url, expected) in urls { let parsed = GitRemoteRepo::from_str(url); assert!(parsed.is_ok()); assert_eq!( parsed.unwrap(), GitRemoteRepo::GitLab { slug: expected.to_string() } ); } } #[test] fn test_format_gitlab_commit_link() { let repo = GitRemoteRepo::GitLab { slug: "proj/grp/repo".to_string(), }; let commit_hash = "d3b07384d113edec49eaa6238ad5ff00"; assert_eq!( repo.format_commit_url(commit_hash), format!("{commit_hash}") ) } #[test] fn test_parse_sourcehut_urls() { let urls = &[ "", "", "", ]; for url in urls { let parsed = GitRemoteRepo::from_str(url); assert!(parsed.is_ok()); assert_eq!( parsed.unwrap(), GitRemoteRepo::SourceHut { slug: "~someuser/somerepo".to_string() } ); } } #[test] fn test_format_sourcehut_commit_link() { let repo = GitRemoteRepo::SourceHut { slug: "~someuser/somerepo".to_string(), }; let commit_hash = "df41ac86f08a40e64c76062fd67e238522c14990"; assert_eq!( repo.format_commit_url(commit_hash), format!("{commit_hash}") ) } #[test] fn test_parse_codeberg_urls() { let urls = &[ "", "", "", "", "", "", ]; for url in urls { let parsed = GitRemoteRepo::from_str(url); assert!(parsed.is_ok()); assert_eq!( parsed.unwrap(), GitRemoteRepo::Codeberg { slug: "someuser/somerepo".to_string() } ); } } #[test] fn test_format_codeberg_commit_link() { let repo = GitRemoteRepo::Codeberg { slug: "dnkl/foot".to_string(), }; let commit_hash = "1c072856ebf12419378c5098ad543c497197c6da"; assert_eq!( repo.format_commit_url(commit_hash), format!("{commit_hash}") ) } }