use toml; #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive; #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; #[macro_use] extern crate quick_error; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use toml::value::{Table, Value}; mod tuning; pub use crate::tuning::*; const CATEGORIES_TOML: &[u8] = include_bytes!("categories.toml"); #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Categories { pub root: CategoryMap, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")] pub struct Category { pub name: String, pub description: String, pub short_description: String, pub standalone_name: Option, pub title: String, pub slug: String, // fudge factor for selecting primary category (how useful and specific it is) pub preference: f32, pub sub: CategoryMap, pub siblings: Vec, pub obvious_keywords: Vec, } pub type CategoryMap = BTreeMap; pub type CResult = Result; quick_error! { #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum CatError { MissingField {} Parse(err: toml::de::Error) { display("Categories parse error: {}", err) from() cause(err) } } } lazy_static! { pub static ref CATEGORIES: Categories = { Categories::new().expect("built-in categories") }; } impl Categories { fn new() -> CResult { Ok(Self { root: Self::categories_from_table("", toml::from_slice(CATEGORIES_TOML)?)? }) } /// true if full match pub fn from_slug>(&self, slug: S) -> (Vec<&Category>, bool) { let mut out = Vec::new(); let mut cats = &self.root; for name in slug.as_ref().split("::") { match cats.get(name) { Some(cat) => { cats = &cat.sub; out.push(cat); }, None => return (out, false), } } (out, true) } fn categories_from_table(full_slug_start: &str, toml: Table) -> CResult { toml.into_iter().map(|(slug, details)| { let mut details: Table = details.try_into()?; let name = details.remove("name").ok_or(CatError::MissingField)?.try_into()?; let description = details.remove("description").ok_or(CatError::MissingField)?.try_into()?; let short_description = details.remove("short-description").ok_or(CatError::MissingField)?.try_into()?; let title = details.remove("title").ok_or(CatError::MissingField)?.try_into()?; let standalone_name = details.remove("standalone-name").and_then(|v| v.try_into().ok()); let obvious_keywords = details.remove("obvious-keywords").and_then(|v| v.try_into().ok()).unwrap_or_default(); let preference = details.remove("preference").ok_or(CatError::MissingField)?.try_into()?; let siblings = details.remove("siblings").and_then(|v| v.try_into().ok()).unwrap_or_default(); let mut full_slug = String::with_capacity(full_slug_start.len() + 2 + slug.len()); if full_slug_start != "" { full_slug.push_str(full_slug_start); full_slug.push_str("::"); } full_slug.push_str(&slug); let sub = if let Some(Value::Table(table)) = details.remove("categories") { Self::categories_from_table(&full_slug, table)? } else { CategoryMap::new() }; Ok((slug, Category { name, title, short_description, standalone_name, description, preference, slug: full_slug, sub, siblings, obvious_keywords, })) }).collect() } pub fn filtered_category_slugs(cats: &[String]) -> impl Iterator { cats.iter().filter_map(|s| { if s.len() < 2 { return None; } if s == "external-ffi-bindings" { // We pretend it doesn't exist return None; } if s == "api-bindings" { // We pretend it doesn't exist return None; } Some(s.as_str()) }) } pub fn fixed_category_slugs(cats: &[String]) -> Vec> { let mut cats = Self::filtered_category_slugs(cats).enumerate() .filter_map(|(idx, s)| { let s = s.trim_matches(':'); let mut chars = s.chars().peekable(); while let Some(cur) = { // look for a:b instead of a::b if cur == ':' && chars.peek().map_or(false, |&c| c == ':') {; // OK, skip second ':' continue; } if cur == '-' || cur.is_ascii_lowercase() || cur.is_ascii_digit() { continue; } // bad syntax! Fix! let slug = s.to_ascii_lowercase().split(':').filter(|s| !s.is_empty()).collect::>().join("::"); if s.is_empty() { return None; } let depth = slug.split("::").count(); return Some((depth, idx, slug.into())); } let depth = s.split("::").count(); Some((depth, idx, Cow::Borrowed(s))) }) .filter(|(_, _, s)| { if !CATEGORIES.from_slug(s).1 { println!("invalid cat name {}", s); return false; } true }) .collect::>(); // depth, then original order cats.sort_by(|a, b| b.0.cmp(&a.0).then(a.1.cmp(&b.1))); cats.into_iter().map(|(_, _, c)| c).collect() } } impl Category { pub fn standalone_name(&self) -> &str { self.standalone_name.as_ref().unwrap_or(& } } #[test] fn cat() { Categories::new().expect("categories").root.get("parsing").expect("parsing"); CATEGORIES.root.get("development-tools").expect("development-tools").sub.get("build-utils").expect("build-utils"); }