use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Read; use std::process; use std::{env, io}; use syn::visit::Visit; use annotate_rust::annotate::{Annotation, FnVisitor}; use annotate_rust::git; fn main() { let mut args = env::args(); let _ =; // executable name let filename = match (, { (Some(filename), None) => filename, _ => { eprintln!("Usage: dump-syntax path/to/"); process::exit(1); } }; let mut file = File::open(&filename).expect("Unable to open file"); let mut src = String::new(); file.read_to_string(&mut src).expect("Unable to read file"); let syntax = syn::parse_file(&src).expect("Unable to parse file"); println!("{:#?}", syntax); // Visit function invocations let mut visitor = FnVisitor; visitor.visit_file(&syntax); let output = git::crawl_git_tree(".").expect("git"); let blobs = git::parse_ls_tree_output(&output).expect("parse"); let mut annotations = HashMap::new(); annotations .entry(blobs[0].object) .or_insert(Vec::new()) .push(Annotation::Markdown { lineno: 1, title: "Title".to_string(), content: "content".to_string(), }); annotations .entry(blobs[0].object) .or_insert(Vec::new()) .push(Annotation::Link { lineno: 1, colno: 0, len: 5, to: "asdf".to_string(), title: None, color: None, }); let stdout = io::stdout(); serde_json::to_writer(stdout, &annotations).expect("json"); }